In Memory

Steve Kiser

Steve Kiser

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07/18/23 07:59 PM #1    

Walter Joyce


Steve and I were co-editors of the intrepid Norland school newspaper our senior year.  We published rather frequently via mimeograph and put A LOT of heart into those issues.  I wrote a lot of sports and Steve did most of the editoializing. We had to manually space every article to fit them into columns on the stencils.  Don't know if anybody read it but we worked hard on it.  Steve was not one of the "popular " folks but was a great co-worker to me that I'll never forget.

Rest in peace, buddy.

07/19/23 05:48 PM #2    

Tim Saunders

Walt, we all read the Norland and I remember how hard you worked in those primitive days. Steve was a thoughtful and excellent writer. We had talked intermittently over the years. 

Steve began working on a story about our North Forsyth Viking State Championship football team long after graduation, but I am not sure he finished . If anyone has a draft of his story, please let me know. We would like to use this as part of our 50th Reunion. Peace be with you Steve!






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