Military Service


We honor those from CHS who served in the military


Please click on this link for the latest PDF listing of our veterans:

CHS Graduates and Teachers who served in the military


We welcome additions or corrections to this list. Please email to provide the year of graduation, name, service rank (if known), branch of service, and date of death (if known).


Thank You for Your Service!



Act 73 – Veterans’ High School Diplomas

Act 73, currently in effect, establishes the “Operation Recognition” program,Which allows a board of school directors to grant a high school diploma to any honorably Discharged veteran who served in the United States military in World War II between September 16, 1940 and December 31 ,1946, and who would have been a member of a graduating class during the years 1941 through 1950, but who did not graduate from high school due to entry into military service. The legislation also allows for a board of school directors to award a diploma posthumously to an eligible veteran.