Posted Thursday, May 28, 2020 10:54 AM

Hello Folks,

I am wondering how many of us '58ers are left. Every year our nubers decline. Its all a part of the cycle of life I guess but this year we have the added uncertainty of Covid 19.  I hope you are all staying healthy and safe. I have been very lucky throughout this health crisis. Fortunately my wife and I are able to maintain our own house and yard and with the lockdown, our yard has been our saviour! It is our own private sanctuary and has not only given us usefule things to do but also a lot of pleasure planting and watching things grow!

We continue to train and sit PADS service dogs and that has also been a blessing. Just imagine, we have our own beautiful Black Lab therapy dog! How llucky can we get? I was stilll teaching at KLO until the Covid 19 outbreaks and then I decided that being in close quarters with many younger people probably was not advisable at nearly 81 years of age so I retired (again!)

We are looking forward to camping next week so I have been busy getting the trailer ready to roll. It will be nice to get out to the bush. We like to go off grid where there are not many people and I have equipped the trailer with a good solar system and inverter so we are definitely self sufficient!

I wish all of you a safe and healthy year and in this age of polarized politics, let's work on the things that unite us and not dwell on the ways we differ! Thank God for Dr Henry and for politicians who listened to the experts here in BC. They all deserve credit , government and opposition members alike.

Take Care,


Berk Shaw