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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

2 live in California
1 lives in Florida
1 lives in Massachusetts
1 lives in Minnesota
1 lives in Mississippi
1 lives in New York
2 live in Washington
1 lives in Wisconsin
7 live in Alberta
237 live in British Columbia
11 live in Ontario
1 lives in Prince Edward Island
1 lives in Saskatchewan
1 lives in Yukon Territory
1 lives in United Kingdom
1 location unknown
125 are deceased



•   Brigid Macaulay (Casey)  9/19
•   Bill Wedley  9/10
•   Edwin Willcox  9/10
•   Ken Matheson  6/11
•   Bill Elphinstone  6/9
•   Nina Genjack (Kurrle)  5/31
•   Caroline Cates (Duncan)  5/23
•   Sheila Brown (Ward)  5/16
•   Eleanor Williams (Thorogood)  5/5
•   David Mckay  5/4
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Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


So another autumn is almost here. From our recent zoom gathering (September 11) classmates have a great deal of interesting stuff to talk about and share. Notes from that meeting are posted in the zoom sidebar. Have a good next few weeks.



Friends of the Classes of 1958

If you're not from our class, but are a friend to the Classes of '58 and would like to be added, please select 'Contact Us' to send us your name (including maiden name if applicable)along with your connection to our group.  If a good connection, we will add you to our list as a guest. Guest members are listed separately at the end of the Classmates page.

PRIVACY NOTICE:  All contact information (address, phone number, e-mail address) entered into this website will be kept confidential.  It will not be shared or distributed.  Your contact information is private: your street address, e-mail address, and phone number cannot be seen by the classmates unless you grant permission on your Profile.  When someone clicks on your name, the only contact information they will see is your city and state and whatever information about yourself you choose to put on your Profile.  Unless you explicitly grant your permission, your email address is not visible, although an email can be sent to you using the contact box at the bottom of your Profile page. Note, however, if you send a message to someone through their Profile page, the Classmate will see your email address so that they can respond.  You may choose to have your profile visible only to logged in classmates by checkmarking the Profile Visibility box.
