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Redlands Senior High School
Class of 1966

I hope you are all having a wonderful 2024!! 

I hope you all are safe and well and enjoying life. Remembering ALL of you!  

Our FB group is called:   Redlands Terriers-Class of 66

Our website is:


1966 History addition. --Mike Miller shared that the population of Redlands was only 18,411. 

PHOTO GALLERY: PLEASE send me group pictures of classmates you meet up with--- send to me at

Check out the Photo Gallery...NEW Pictures are appearing!! Any questions, please email me at: 

I have also added a new gallery called "Albert Ryckman's Photos"--Albert Ryckman  is a fantastic photographer and I so enjoy his photos-- so I wanted to share a talent from our classmate!! Pictures of his photo travels of birds, gorillas, puffins and more.

July 2024-- Albert and his son just returned from a couple of weeks in Mongolia. What amazing pictures he took and the history of each area was fantastic. Be sure and email me and I will happily send you his file.

*** June 2024-- Albert and his wife  are just back from 2 weeks on a private Bird PhotoTour to Colombia.  Colombia is famous as having more bird species than any other country (nearly 2,000) inhabiting a myriad of biodiverse habitats in this Andean nation. If you would like to see his fabulous bird pictures either write to him at  his email address is: Or to me at
*** February 2024 --More fabulous pictures from Albert on his latest trip to West Africa. He is still on his trip and he wrote this: "Right now we’re in the middle of our West Africa OAT tour.   We were temporarily sequestered in our Senegal hotel while protesters and police battled it out on the streets.  Happily our bus got us through to the Dakar  port so we could board our Expedition ship for the last 2 weeks of the trip."   You won't want to miss his excellent pictures!! If you would like him to share them with you, his email address is:


After the lastest emailing to all of you, we now have some classmates' emails that have bounced.  Please check the email addresses to see if I have yours correctly.  Email me at with your corrected emails.  Thanks

Facebook-- Look for our group Redlands Terriers-Class of 66.  Be sure and join Facebook and then invite me, Linda Leonard Sirbuly, or Sue Porch Goding to be your friend.  When we get the invite, we  will immediately add you to the closed group.


PLEASE ADD YOURSELF TO "CLASSMATE PROFILES" (on our website). --- Your name will be there, just click on it and add all your contact information.

I have added all our classmates, so if I missed you....let me know--contact me and your name will be added. 

Updates: If you change your email address, snail mail address, or phone number, please update your Contact Info so we have up-to-date information. That way you'll always be "in the know" about what your classmates are up to!


Linda Leonard Sirbuly