Albert Ryckman Photos

More fabulous pictures from Albert on his latest trip to West Africa.

Al agreed to send any pictures to you,  Check out his West Africa pictures.  His email address is:


1 week photo tour to Costa Rica-- Be sure and email Albert at to ask him to send you all the pictures and narration.  Here are a few to "wet your appetite".

Green Crowned Brilliant Hummingbird

Three Toed Sloth

Brilliant blue colored Red-Legged Honeycreeper….and his less colorful mate. 

Silver Throated Tanager

Collared Aricara (also classified as a Toucan) was out for a stroll

 Nectar Eating Bats at nite with Flash Photography

The magnificent King Vulture. In South and Central America only the Andean Condor is larger.

Green Basilisk Lizard.   Also known affectionately as the “Jesus Christ Lizard” because of its ability to run on water.

The star of the show was the Red-eyed  tree frog

We also photographed 2 types of Tent  Bats --These bats alter the shape of leaves by chewing along the rib to create a protected roosting site --White Tent Bats


Albert's recent PhotoSafari to Tanzania---I will include a few pictures to save space, but would encourage you to email Albert at and ask him to send you his letter so you can view all of his amazing narration and pictures.

Cape Buffalo (including Yellow-billed) Oxpeckers

African Fish Eagle

Ground Hornbills

Marabou (Mr Undertaker) Stork

Lilac Breasted Rollers (National Bird of Kenya)

Thousands of Greater (Paler Pink) and Lesser (Redish) Flamingos


Warthogs.  Warts and all!

Vervet Monkeys

East African Sunset



March, 2023--Albert Just finished a 5 day Victoria B.C. Bird Photography workshop. We drove to Port Angeles Washington and took the Black Ball Ferry across the Strait to Victoria. We stayed at the WorldMark on James Bay.--

American Water Dipper-

Piliated woodpecker

Barred owl with mouse

Mergansers thrive in these forest streams


Spotted Towhees


Wood ducks


Harlequin ducks


Albert just returned from a trip to Morocco....More Great pictures to enjoy!! 


Albert just returned from a cruise from Malta to Venice. Some of his wonderful pictures are below.Matera, Puglia, Italy--There have been “Troglodyte” dwellings here for millennium .   The current city has thousands of cave houses dug into steep limestone slopes of a deep ravine.

Flamingos:Ravenna was just more old ancient churches and palaces and mosaics. The big surprise were the large flocks of Greater Flamingos in the Po River estuary.

Burano.   A small island in the Venetian Lagoon famous for it’s colorful houses


Photos by Albert Ryckman -- "Just back from a week long Bird Photography trip with a primary focus on Bodega Bay on the coast of California.  I was accompanied by Bird Expert Harry Fuller."

Marbled Godwits



Black Oystercatchers

White and Brown Pelicans

Snowy Egret

Other pictures from his trip:  Great Gray Owl near Ashland

White Tailed Kite on Grizzly Island, Ca


Back from an 11 day trip to Rwanda--The primary focus of the trip was tracking Mountain Gorillas.


Turns out that Rwanda was about more than Gorillas:  We may have forgotten but for 100 days in 1994 the Hutu majority tried to eradicate the Tutsi minority.  A half million Tutsis died and the survivors and perpetrators are still struggling thru the aftermath.


Wanna see Atlantic Puffins?
There are a number of accessible colonies in Eastern Canada and elsewhere in Iceland
But…….by general agreement the very best place in the whole world is on Grimsey Island. 
Grimsey is a small Icelandic island in the North Atlantic located at 66.54 N. It is literally right on the Arctic Circle.