Kim M. Walbrecht Johnson

Profile Updated: June 27, 2009
Kim M. Walbrecht
Residing In: Granby, MO USA
Spouse/Partner: Widow
Occupation: Retired Educator
Children: I have 3 children and 7 grandchildren. Alisen my daughter is an RN, Jesse my oldest son, has a trucking More…company, and the youngest, Seth, is in construction and dives for salvage weekends.
Yes! Attending Reunion
Mobile phone:


Tell us about your grandchildren (if you have any!)

The grandchildren are my heart and my soul. All are teenagers now but two. So I get to see all the broken hearts, the ballgames and of course the Proms. My oldest granddaughter is an Honor Student having never made less than an A the entire time she has been in school. She is a painter, a ballplayer (scholarships all around) and just gorgeous.

School Story:

I went to Crowder Junior College and received my AS, then transfered to Missouri Southern State University where I majored in Psychology and Education with minors in Music and Business. I was hired by Crowder College as their Vocational Resource Educator at the end of my 2nd year. It was truly a wonderful experience.

The teacher who had the most positive impact on me at San Carlos High:

Mrs Dempsey

Other favorite teachers include

Mr Wallach

Classmates I keep in touch with (frequently, often, sometimes)

Deb Marler
Nora Walters

Some of the most meaningful events or experiences that have occurred in my life since graduating from SCHS include...

Receiving a double major in less than 4 years. Traveling all over the U.S. (I'm a gypsy at heart) and appreciating all our country has to offer.

The things I am most passionate about these days include...

Always my family. My music, writing music. Teaching non-readers to read.

What I think about this web site, and what I think would make it even better:

This is fantastic....I thank all of you for your time and effort you have put into this site.

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