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•   Lynette Szabo (Cross)  9/7
•   Lynn Stickel  8/3
•   Gene Moan  6/13
•   Richard (Dick) Kerr  3/9
•   Anne Metzger (Eggert)  7/10
•   Larry Singer (Singer)  5/25
•   Kim Guyette  2/10
•   Rick Beach  10/31
•   Pamela Hancock (Briggs)  9/11
•   Claudia Iddings (Lugo)  6/9
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•   Robert Brooks  2024
•   Walter Snell  2019
•   George Chick  2003
•   Chandini (Margaret) Bachman  2022
•   Jeff Abdin  2022
•   Alan Bryning  2022
•   Dennis Saban  2022
•   Bill Woods '71  2021
•   Thomas Montgomery  2021
•   Jim Paine  2021
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

113 live in Arizona
18 live in California
9 live in Colorado
2 live in Connecticut
2 live in Florida
1 lives in Georgia
1 lives in Idaho
1 lives in Illinois
1 lives in Indiana
1 lives in Iowa
1 lives in Kansas
1 lives in Kentucky
2 live in Maine
2 live in Missouri
1 lives in Montana
4 live in New Mexico
1 lives in New York
1 lives in North Carolina
1 lives in Oklahoma
3 live in Oregon
1 lives in Tennessee
4 live in Texas
1 lives in Utah
1 lives in Virginia
1 lives in Washington
1 lives in Wisconsin
1 lives in British Columbia
1 lives in Ontario
1 lives in Mexico
56 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

The 52nd Reunion was Fabulous!!

The Class of 70 at 70 gathered at The McCormick Scottsdale for a great weekend catching up with old friends and making new ones. The resort setting on the lake was lovely and the food was delicious. 

We had roll call and enjoyed hearing where our classmates live now.  We honored our veterans and remembered our classmates who have passed.  The video of all classmates' senior pictures and pictures of past reunions was a highlight of the evening.

Some of the pictures taken at the reunion should be added to the website in the next few weeks.
 We are very excited about the Online Yearbook!!!
Go to the 52nd Reunion Yearbook tab at the top of the page for the link to the Yearbook. (It takes about 6 minutes to download). Lyle will continue to add pages that are sent to him.  The instructions for submitting a page are there below the link to the Yearbook.
See you in three years for the 55th Reunion!!


Welcome SHS Class of 1970

This website is a great platform to keep us all connected - whether you can attend reunions or not. We hope that you will sign up and give us an update of what is happening in your world. 

Please sign up today.  It takes TWO MINUTES to get started.  Click on your name on the Classmates profile tab, enter at least an email address and a password, save the page and you are on!  You can come back later and enter more information and even some photos to spice up your profile.



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