In Memoriam

Sharlotte Yvette Battle

Sharlotte Yvette Battle

Rest In Peace Sharlotte.

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12/04/12 10:13 PM #1    

Janice Johnson (Shider)

I spoke with Sharlotte one day in her last days; ill and just leaving the hospital, she was still concern about her sister's welfare. She mailed to me some information for me to generate to classmates for help for her sister. I did not do it because she had never been a participant, Yvette strongly stressed that she had no desire to, even  communicate with her classmates, but at this particular time she was most interested, and said that she would attend the 35th if she were feeling and doing better. I have ask God for forgiveness in not letting the classmates know about the fundraiser for her sister. At this time; may I ask each  classmate to forgive me  and please know that I am deeply sorry. Yvette is what most people called her, to me she was a person that lived pretty much to herself, she barely spoke, most time you would have to acknowledge her first; she was a well made up woman, dressed nice and carried an air about her, opon going to her Funeral, I was in disbelief of the words that were spoken about her, although they had to be true because I knew her not; only as a classmate, quiet and smart. STILL Yvette, Cheers        Janice  Johnson-Shider

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