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High School
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Connie Blair (Keller)
Norman Bluebaum
Donald Boyles (Boyles)
Beryl Denise Bright (Earhart)
Luellen Byrer (Miller)
Elizabeth Crecelius (Craft)
Kathy Jean Curry (Ham)
Brenda Dalton (Barker)
Don Davenport
Michael DeCoursey
Diana Kay Donaldson (Harsha)
Bonabeth Duazn (Nishimura)
Kathy Diane Dunn (Steele)
Don Lee Dyer
Anna E. England (Bilyeu)
Richard A. Ervin
Lonnie J. Etmeier
Patricia Ann Grabbe (Crist)
Patrick Grabbe
Robert Grabbe
Ruth Hagemeier (Wesner)
Kent Harting
Janice Hartzburg (Perigo)
Brenda Sue Holmes (Deweese)
Allen Hugunin
Phyllis Johanningsmeier (Mo…)
Carlene Marie Kiger (Nemeth)
Pamela Joan Kramer (Langferman)
Cathy Mason (Griggs)
Jean Ann Miller (Schroeder)
Leondis Moore
Deborah Ann Odell (Telligman)
Dexter Eugene Pea
Bobbie Perkinson (Anderson)
Theresa Pitcher (Slaven)
Jean Ann Powers (Neal)
Carol Rinsch (Mischler)
Gwendolyn Faye Roll (McCullough)
Bill Schroeder
Curtis Allan Scott
Francis G. Stein
Judith Kay Stout (Anderson)
Steve Stremming
Mike Summers
James Allen Terrell
Rick Thompson
Sandra Liann Thuis (Yenne)
Gerald Waldroup
Carla Wampler (Harner)
Cathy Zollars (Swenson)