Seaholm High School
Class of 1962

Welcome to the Seaholm High School Class of 1962 web site. This website was created for the class by a couple of fellow Seaholm '62 classmates. It is not a commercial website. There are no ads. Your information will not be shared with any outside interests. You can elect how to share your profile information with fellow classmates once you update your profile.
Finding our lost classmates is the biggest challenge to make this effort work. Keeping that information current is also a challenge as people move and change contact information over the years.
If you are a member of the Seaholm Class of 1962 please click on the "JOIN HERE" link on the right side of the page, find your name and update your profile. There are currently 422 classmate names entered into this web site's database. To date we have identified 53 deceased classmates. Check the "Missing Classmates" menu selection. If you know a fellow classmate who has not updated their profile information use the "Missing Classmates" box in the lower right hand corner of this page to let them know where to find us. Just insert their email address in the box and we will notify them to visit the site. If you have information about deceased classmates use the link in the "In Memory" menu selection and let us know so we can update the In Memory listing.
If you have additional content for the web site let us know. We are looking for old photos, audio recordings and old movies to include in our web site. Use the "Contact Us" menu item on the right to send us a message. All of the web administrators will get the message.
For any other communication you can use the "Contact Us" box in the upper left side menu.
NEW STUFF TO DOWNLOAD! 20th Reunion Memory Book 45th Reunion Memory Book Commencement Program June 1962 1961 - 1962 Student Directory 1962 Capital Bound Senior Trip Handbook - April 19 to 27, 1962 Football Program - September 29, 1961 Fall Sports Banquet - November 21, 1961 SwingOut Program - 1962