Welcome Class of 1961 |
If you have any past School or Event Pictures, please Contact Us for how to send them to us. Our new display tools preserve the quality and support much larger images than before. Please do not resize them. We will credit you for all pictures contributed!
Please take a few moments to create a login by clicking on Cougar Profiles found on the menu bar to the left. Find your name on the list and create your profile. Fill in as much detail as you wish. Post snapshots of your family, favorite vacations or even that old car (or airplane) you're restoring on weekends using Upload Photos. The How To Join & More page contains tips on using this site. The overview is for both experienced and new computer users. Please scan the list of Missing Classmates to see if there is someone you can help us find. If you know their email address, use the Missing Classmates box on the right to send them an invitation or you can send contact information to Fred Konker (email on the Reunion Committee page). Once you've logged in: Click here to Update Your Profile Click here to Change your e-mail
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