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John Christman

Profile Updated: November 24, 2018
Residing in:
Talent, OR USA
I'm hoping she comes knocking on my door SOON!
Life's work after BHS:
US Air Force, Tax Specialist-my own business
Children & grandchildren (names/ages):
Military service:
USAF-S.A.C. Spokane, WA  
Did you marry your high school sweetheart?


Have you ever been self-employed?


If answer is YES above, what is/was the name of your company? What is/was your title? Where is/was it located? Nature of business?

I was a "Bookkee" (My business name) for almost 20 years. Provided high-end Tax preparation for special clients. I also authored 3 separate tax bills that became Law after presenting them to the US Congress (two of which are still in effect today). Also worked for "TurboTax" in the off-season, writing & reviewing program code for them regarding depreciation and amortization schedules from 1988 to 1992.

My primary office was located in Felton, CA. Two satellite offices I worked out of were located in Modesto & San Diego, CA. from 1985 to 1992, where I set up Business Planning clients covering everything from bookkeeping to tax preparation and planning services, to writing lease agreements for the various businesses I worked with.

Current & past (Career / Retired / Volunteer) status. Tell us name of company or organization and where:

1963-69 Pacific Gas & Electric Co. (PG&E) Stock Transfer Dept. San Francisco, CA
1969-71 (PG&E) Traveling Field Crews Entire State of California
1971-76 (PG&E) General Construction-Underground Dept, So. San Francisco & San Jose, CA
1974-78 Volunteer, Photo 1, Santa Clara City Fire Dept, CA
1976-78 (PG&E) Transformer Repairman, San Jose, CA
1978-2004 (PG&E) Workers Comp & Long Term Disability, San Jose
1979-2004 (Self Employed) Enrolled Agent
Retired Feb 2004

Which school(s) did you attend K-12?

K-6 Barron Park Elementary, Palo Alto, CA
7-9 Wilbur Junior High, Palo Alto, CA
10 Cubberley Senior High, Palo Alto, CA
11 Aberdeen Public, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
12 Bothell High, Bothell, WA

How many Class of 1961 reunions have you attended?

None/never attended (list reason(s)) Felt disconnected & still do

Other types of reunions I've attended/organized? (groups of 20 or more people)

Civic, nonprofit, other world famous entertainers in conjunction with my former profession

A special teacher:

Mr. Christopher who was School Librarian. Since I spent almost all of my free time in the library, Mr. Christopher took me under his wing as it were and taught me just about everything there is to know about working in a library.

What were you in high school?

Behind the scenes
Teacher's pet
Day dreamer

Of which clubs and committees were you a member?


Your favorite one-liner(s):

Ten people who speak, make more noise than 10,000 who are silent.
— Napoleon Bonaparte

Did you attend junior/community college, a four-year college or university?


What is your greatest passion for the rest of your life?

Other--Please explain Walk again without using mobility devices!


Mikka (now deceased 11/20/2017) May she RIP!

If you currently live more than 25 miles from Bothell, what year did you leave?

Right after graduation, entered USAF & went to San Antonio, TX (for the summer)

Any time in your life, where is the SINGLE furthest place away from Bothell you have lived for six months or more?

Udny (Castle), Scotland, UK

Any state where you have spent seven or more consecutive nights:

Alaska (spent the entire summer of 2005)
Thirty-five states in all.

Any country where you have spent seven or more consecutive nights:

Most of Europe!
Baja California (Mexico)
Western Canada

What about hobbies or special interests? We'd like to hear about them.

Steam Railroads


WHAT CHANGES HAVE TAKEN PLACE in the past 5 years?

It has been a challenging and rather tedious struggle to get “back on my feet” as it were. For the first time in several years, I sincerely think it’s going to happen. I’ve always been someone who always gave of myself, but never knew how to gracefully accept offers of help from others. There are just some things I can no longer do, or do by myself (one of the hardest things to accept)...especially when straddled to a variety of mobility devices.

Several years ago (1978-1985) I was involved in one of the worst work related industrial injuries (short of death itself) to ever happen in California up to that time. I’m not going to elaborate about it here, but until a couple years ago, (unbeknownst to me) I had been suffering from the fallout. A lot of pent up anger & bitterness continued to haunt my very existence all these years.

About a year ago, I got an e-mail from Dave Haining asking for some information about this website and could I help? I was thrilled to be able to give him everything he needed. While Jack V. and his helpers have done a bang up job maintaining and improving this website since I made a terrible choice, I truly do miss it. Dave asked if I would be able to attend the upcoming 70th Birthday Bash? That obviously didn't happen and now the 71st BB won't happen either. I sure do hope everyone has a great time this weekend! I'm thankful this website still exists and that the Reunion Committee is still supporting its existence.

Have you ever been on TV or radio? Where? When (elaborate please)?

Yes! I moved to Brookdale CA (Santa Cruz County) in 1978 from Campbell, CA. Set up my office (Tax Professional & Bookkeeper in Felton) in 1984 and left Santa Cruz county in 2004. The day of the Loma Prieta earthquake (touted to be the worst one to hit anywhere in the United States since the San Francisco 1906 quake), I had an appointment with the property management firm in the Cooper House for 3PM. Something came up and the meeting was cancelled about 2:30PM that day. {I’m truly thankful it was cancelled—the entire building collapsed and I’m relatively certain I would have been one of the casualties.}

I was sitting in my office (with large plate glass windows) meeting with a client when the earthquake hit. Everything in my little office was shaking and/or flying across the room, including a 135 gallon fresh-water show tank aquarium I had had for about two years. About three hours later I was able to maneuver my way home, scared that I would find nothing but rubble. The home was built in September 1906, a 2+ story all wood structure built on stilts. Got home and other than all my personal belongings (including 4 fresh & salt water aquariums) strewn everywhere, nothing about the structure was damaged.

Listening to (our local) KSCO radio for any information regarding damage, etc. elsewhere in the county, I found they were calling for volunteers to help with the phones, etc. While it took me nearly three hours (usually took about 25 minutes), driving all the backroads & avoiding bridges, to get to the radio station. I literally LIVED at the station 24/7 for the next 4 days. I pulled a non-stop 65 hour shift (no sleep and only a 5 minute break every six hours) answering phone calls from all over the world, providing LIVE interviews with some of the World’s most famous TV & Radio personalities, passing messages over to one of the two broadcasters or just making the announcement myself, passing on information about road closures, shelters open and taking donations or where people could go for help, food, a place to rest, etc. Even one night, the station manager and chief engineer were so exhausted, they left me in charge. Because KSCO had been designated by the FCC (just minutes after the quake occurred) the “Official Emergency Broadcast Station” ANYONE, licensed or not could run the station or broadcast critical information until the “emergency” was declared under control. Several friends had heard me "on the air” as I was passing the messages over to the broadcasters. At one time about 12 years before the quake I had taken & passed the radio broadcasters exam, holding both a 3rd class and later a 2nd class Broadcaster license, but never renewed it.

Prior to this event, I had lots of training and worked as a volunteer helping to dispatch police, fire, medics, utility companies, animal welfare all with Santa Clara County communications and Santa Clara Fire department. So it was only natural that what I did at KSCO was merely an extension of those five plus years working only as an unpaid volunteer.

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Nov 24, 2019 at 11:26 AM
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Nov 24, 2018 at 2:32 PM
John Christman has a birthday today.
Jun 08, 2017 at 1:33 AM
John Christman has a birthday today.
Jun 08, 2016 at 1:33 AM
John Christman has a birthday today.
Jun 08, 2015 at 1:33 AM
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Aug 07, 2014 at 10:35 AM
«Mikka» just waking up and giving a big YAWN.
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Posted: Dec 30, 2013 at 12:53 PM
Posted: Dec 18, 2013 at 12:47 PM
Posted: Aug 07, 2014 at 10:35 AM
«Mikka» just waking up and giving a big YAWN.
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Posted: Aug 16, 2014 at 2:04 PM

1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake Evening News (10.18.89) Part 1

Evening news coverage by Dan Rather on the Loma Prieta Earthquake (Part 1).