In Memory

Alan Tall

Deceased August 27, 1983

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08/11/14 01:57 PM #8    

Elizabeth (Amy) Strand

My mistake,  not sure who told me he was in an accident.  Good man.  I remember when JFK was shot in 3rd grade??  He kept looking out the front windows at Oak Hills and telling us about the flag being half-mast. That was first time I had ever heard that.  Shocking day.

08/11/14 03:29 PM #9    

Robert Oswald


The incident at Millcreek with Mr. Gillespie was because Alan had inflated a condem, and was caught. Enough said, but at the moment it was for a joke. Got several of us laughing, won't mention names. Probably inappropiate for today's standards, but remember we were young and naive.


08/11/14 06:28 PM #10    

David Hill

That sounds just like the A Tall I remember! Funny story!

08/11/14 06:54 PM #11    

Darrell Poleviyaoma

Allen Tall was a very good hearted and such a clown, remembering the days at Millcreek during gym class when we use to play dodge ball and constanly having being yelled at by Coach Thacker  because he didn't want to be hit with Steve Mickelwright and several of us where we got too involved.

08/11/14 09:20 PM #12    

Randy Ford

I have missed out on much of what has happened having been gone for so long Allan will be missed its still hard to believe he is gone.

08/13/14 01:34 AM #13    

Robert Oswald

Got a better Millcreek story about Alan. In the Eight Grade Chorus Class, I do not remember the teacher, but Alan produced a photo of her from a well known magazine (by boys standards that is) that would be sold under the counter in a brown paper cover. The teacher took it from him. Now, I did not witness this, but another classmate of ours did. I believe Alan got an A+ for grades for a blackmail job well done. Alan was way ahead of Robin Williams for antics.

08/13/14 09:28 AM #14    

Leslie Merrill

How can you forget Lila Lee Lavar? Alan got away with murder many times in that class. I guess now I know why.
Do you remember when Miss Whitesides brought her brother (an artist for above mentioned magazine) to class? I don't think that could happen today....

08/13/14 09:29 AM #15    

Janine Tueller (Mickelson)

The chorus teacher at Millcreek JH was Lila LeVar. Perhaps she had to moonlight at her "other job" to make a living! I also remember her making anyone caught chewing gum in chorus to wear it on the end of their nose for the remainder of class. Nothing like public shaming to modify behavior!

08/14/14 12:48 PM #16    

Rebecca Bosch

Alan and I worked at the QUEEN THEATRE together. He was an usher, ticket taker, candy stocker and marque changer. These jobs gave him full range to all areas of the theatre. He stole candy, not little single packs, boxes.. Let people in for free. Harassed (teased) the girl (me) in the ticket booth until she could not count and add correctly. Back in those days I had to add in my head several tickets of different amounts together quickly. He would stand out side the window and say " five, seventy five, fifty, two children, four, three dollars, seventy five sventy five seventy five is three, wait no it's seventy five seventy five and fifty, got it?"

He would put bad words on the marque while he was changing the show titles on Tuesday night. Somehow he would know whenMr. Manning was going to show up and quicly knock the letters off just in the nick of time.

I think about several people I knew as young adults with my grown up brain. When I think of Alan I think he was probably ADD and really smart. Probably bored with the limited curriculum we had back in the late sixties and early seventies. He was hilarious to work with and I think he liked to see what he could get away with to amuse himself.

 We laughed a LOT very QUIETLY so we would not disturb the movie goers or bring attention to Mr. Manning who, by the way deserves a medal for employing many of Bountifuls youth for so many years. He was the first person I began developing my work ethics with. I did a good job, but I never really got the 'counting in my head' thing down and for that I am blaming Alan.

P. S. The words he put up? Think bad.....very bad. I wonderwhat people thought as they drove by....did he think they were not friends with mr. Manning? 

Teenagers. Gotta love em.

Becky Bosch

08/15/14 12:57 AM #17    

Danielle Dunn (Jensen)

Awe yes! Miss Lavar!! I too fell victim to to her method of humiliation with a big wad of green gum. I always liked her though, and must admit that she looked pretty dang good after she lost all her weight. Thanks for the memories!! :)

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