In Memory

Val McCrum

Val Paul McCrum, 61, of Las Vegas, Nev., formerly of Cedar Rapids, died Monday, Nov. 8, 2010, peacefully in his home after a courageous battle with pancreatic cancer. He worked for the Cedar Rapids Police Department for 15 years before moving to Las Vegas, where he worked for the North Las Vegas Police Department, before retirement in 2006.

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01/05/14 07:12 PM #1    

Thomas McGowan (McGowan)

Val was a very creative person and a good friend.

I remember many good times together and wished I would have known him as an adult.

A great guy.

03/11/14 08:57 AM #2    

Stephen "Steve" Spicher

Val was a friend in school, and a co worker for many years with me at the Cedar Rapids Police dept. He was an exceptional employee and still my friend.

03/12/14 09:06 AM #3    

Kim Rowley

Val had the neatest weather setup in his garage.  I don't think that WMT had radar yet, although it was very soon to come.  We each subscribed to daily maps from the National Weather Service and we'd log our own readings through the day.  Using the maps we'd plot the weather movements locally and around the country and compare our forecasts to the local weather people and actual weather.  We were right more often than not.


03/14/21 11:46 PM #4    

Paul Haglund

I know he left this life behind several years ago, but seeing his name as I went through the class roster today reminded me of an exraordinary and thoughtful favor Val did for me during our junior year.  At a time when I was grateful for it, he sent a telegram to me expressing confidence and support.  I've kept it and see it every once in a while.  That saved telegram is a reminder of many kindnesses shown me in my life and it challenges me to "pay it forward." 

hankjs, Val, for a gift that is infinitely renewable. 

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