Our Veterans

The following list of veterans only contains the names of those classmates who have served in the military and have registered on our web site.  There are many more that have served, but have not registered on the site.  The exception to this is those that we know are deceased.


Terry Adams Jerome Lipsky
Michael E. Allison Patricia Luers
Anthony D. Apostolides * Dan McPartlin
Tony Armstrong Frank Meadows
Michael B. Becker Donald R. Misrach
Donald Bookman Jerry W. Moomaw
Thomas S. Boyer Robert Moser
Danny Butz Linda Norfolk
Allen T. Cliffe David Oakley *
Kenneth M. Delape Michael Padgett
Thomas Dewey Cary B. Pickens *
Gary R. Drake Arthur C. Rinsky
Charles W. Everett Mickey Rose
Joel J. Farkas Steven J. Schaeffer
Ronald Felder * Gil Schulze
Bruno F. Fritschi Michael Shore
Clifford C. Gump Lawrence R. Shotwell
Jeffrey L. Hart Stanley Shuck
Gerald A. Hasden Michael Skurrow *
R. Daniel (Dan) Hayes Eddie L. Smith *
James R. Heidenreich Richard J. Summers
Joseph P. Heimbach *  Bruce E. Thielen
Ronald F. Helm Ronald Tolbert
Thomas Hilton Everett (Butch) Turner *
Peter Johnston * William VonKorff
Michael B. Leming Barry S. Weinstein
* indicates those that are deceased

