

AMENDED & ADOPTED March 8, 2008


The official name of the organization shall be the C. A. Johnson High School Association, Class of 1967.


The purpose of the alumni association is to:

§  Promote the continuance of superior academic training at the school through support of lecture, lyceum and visiting instructor programs, etc…

§  Foster imagery of the school by accentuating the positive factors

§  Serve as a means for continued fellowship among alumni of 1967 and coordinate communications among all C.A. Johnson Alumni

§  To identify and contribute resources such as time, money and expertise for the maintenance of programs and services at the school


Membership should be open to any person who matriculated for at least one (1) academic school year at C. A. Johnson High School simultaneously with the class of 1967. However, any person matriculating during the prescribed period of time and graduating with another class from C.A. Johnson is not eligible for membership.


The Executive Board Meetings will convene once each quarter; January-March, April-June, July-September & October –December, and at any other time as may be determined.  Meetings of the executive board can be held in a physical setting such as library, member’s home, etc. By postal mail, or email if it is determined that this form of communication is just as effective, and productive. The meetings of the general body will be scheduled based on the needs of or upcoming events. The setting for meetings of the general body can be in a physical setting, by postal mail or email if it is determined that this form of communication is just as effective, and productive. Election of class officers will be conducted at the 1st annual meeting of the general body, for the coming year.


Section 1. The officers of the organization shall be President, Vice President,

                Recording Secretary, Financial Secretary, Treasurer/Business Manager, Chaplin and


Section  2.  The officers of the organization shall:

a)    Serve no more than two (2) consecutive terms (2 year) in the same office and can be eligible for nomination to another office after their term expires in the former position.

b)    Be elected every term (a term is defined as 2 years).

c)     Be elected by means of voting; by hand count, ballot (mail or email).

d)    Be eligible for nomination for a former held office as long as one (1) calendar year has concluded since he/she held the sought position.”


Section 1. The President is the presiding officer and shall:

a)    Preside at all meetings, appoint all committees and committee chairpersons, enforce due observation of the By-Laws, policies, and procedures, and call special meetings when needed.

b)    Serve as ex-officio member of all committees.

c)     Serve as a member of the Finance Committee.

d)    Be a signer on all checks written on the bank account of the organization

Section 2. The Vice President shall:

a)      In the absence or inability of the President, assume the duties of the President.

b)      Will not sign checks

Section 3. The Recording Secretary shall perform the following:

a)    Keep and read minutes of all meetings.

b)    Read all official papers/documents/letters, etc… designated by the President

c)     Is the custodian of the records and have the records available

                     for membership inspection with reasonable notice.

d)    Be the keeper of all official records.

e)    Prepare correspondence as directed.

f)     Send out notices of all called meetings to notify officers, committees.

Section 4. The Financial Secretary shall perform the following:

a)   Keep an up-to-date financial record of all receipts.

b)   Serve as a Member of the Finance Committee.  

c)     Serve as alternate for signing all checks written (There should be at least two signatures on all checks written)

d)    Collect and receive all moneys due the alumni (class of ‘67’) and all funds obtained  from any source.

e)    Keep an account/record of each member and the amount received from each, and the purpose for which the same is paid, Keep a financial statement up-to-date at all times and make it available

    f)  Submit to the Treasurer all moneys received at meetings, or between meetings, for   fines, dues, contributions, death benefit assessments, or from other sources, at and to the close of each meeting and the Treasurer shall give a written receipt to the   Secretary, specifying the funds to which was received.

   Section 5.  The Treasurer shall perform the following:

a)    Receive from the Financial Secretary all moneys whatever received at meetings, or between meetings, for fines, dues, contributions, death benefit assessments, or from other sources, at and to the close of each meeting, and give a written receipt to the Secretary, specifying the funds to which was received.

b)    Serve as a member of the Finance Committee.

Serve as alternate for signing all checks written (There should be at least two signatures on all checks written)

c)     The Treasurer shall deposit all monies received in an approved bank or other approved secure institution of deposit.

d)    The Treasurer shall submit a copy of the receipt of deposit to the Financial Secretary by the next meeting and keep the original with the appropriate bank statements.

e)    Keep an account/record of the moneys placed in his/her hands for deposit.

Section 6.  The Business Manager shall perform the following:

a)    The Business Manager is expected to attend all meetings to keep track of expenditures and to give status on any bills in progress. If the Business Manager cannot attend meetings it is his or her responsibility to contact the President or Secretary for needed information

b)    Oversee the business of the alumni; keep track of purchases, payments, and reimbursements.

c)     Take an active role in the management meetings and represent needs of the alumni. Plans goals and strategize how to successfully meet alumni objectives.

d)    Oversee and be responsible for the alumni operations budget.

Section 7. The Parliamentarian shall give interpretation to the rules of 

                  procedure using By-Laws and Robert’s Rules of Order as guides.

Section 8. The Chaplin shall conduct all devotional services


Section 1. Excutive Board Members (EBM)

a)    The Executive Board members shall be the President, V-President, Secretary, Financial Secretary, Treasures/Business Manager.

b)    The Executive Board shall be the governing body of this organization.

Section 2. Finance Committee

a)    Shall consist of three members:  President, Financial Secretary and Treasurer.  Two of the three members must sign all checks.  All financial obligations must be paid by check, after approval of the President.

a)    The Financial Secretary and Treasurer must give an oral financial report at each meeting.  A written financial report must be given at the end of the fiscal year.

b)    The President shall appoint an Audit Committee annually.  The Audit Committee must consist of three persons, who shall examine the financial records of the Financial Secretary and Treasurer, and report on the financial affairs to the Class at the close of the fiscal year.

c)     The Treasurer shall receive all monies from the Secretary, giving a receipt for the same, and must deposit the same in the Class's bank account within five (5) working days.

Section 3. Planning/Fundraising

a)    This committee shall plan a schedule of activities to include social, community, and school related programs.

b)    This committee shall plan activities and events to generate revenue

Section 4. Public Relations Committee

a)    This committee’s primary duty is to inform the members of the Class of “67”, other alumni associations and the general public of the activities of the organization.


Section 1. The By-Laws may be reviewed & amended once annually at a designated meeting of each calendar year.

AMENDMENTS & adoptions March 8, 2008:

            Duties of Officers

            Section 1 a &b

                        Section 2 b

                        Section 3 b, c, e, and f

            Section 4 d, e, and f

            Section 5 a, b, e, f c

Standing Committee

            Section 2

            Section 2 a, b, c, e


            Section 1