Crystal Lake Community High School
Class Of 1970
70's Will & Testimen
CLCHS Class of 1970's Last Will & Testaments
I, Mary Amandes, do hereby will all my deodorant to Sue Flynn (she needs it).
I, Kim Andrews, do bequeth my favorite volleyball to Kathy Herrick.
I, Susie Babington, do hereby will my ability to get a B-ball man to Beth Houk.
I, Sue Balfour, give my memory to Leslie Gillies.
I, Sue Baughn, willingly give my fantastic figure and 8th hour history class to Lynette Kelly.
I, Karen Behrns, do bequeth a free trip to the Boone County Sheriff's office to Shirley Bacon.
I, Wanda Benda, willingly give my first name and a broom guaranteed to fly for one year to anyone who wants it.
I, Bob Bland, leave my Austin Healy to X.
I, Connie Blyton, will my gas mask from third hour gym to Monk O'Neil.
I, Pam Bovee, do bequeth a case of detergent to clean out those spots to Fermie.
I, John Busch, leave my famous driving skills to Jim Waters.
I, Ina Canizaro, willingly give a barf bag and a can of Lysol to Henry Cowlin.
I, Jeanne Chitwood, do hereby will my temper to Lisa Bright.
I, Dawn Chriest, do hereby will Crystal Lake Community High School to all.
I, Tim Conlon, do bequeth my straight hair, to Bill Lynch.
I, Carol Covey, willingly give my sexy looks to Susan Buhrmann.
I, Mary Cowlin, give my green wallet to Carol Katkus.
I, Marty Davis, will my "Boner" jokes, (if he can stand them) to Mark Barchard.
I, Elizabeth Davies, willingly give my beautiful gray "bomb" with the dent to Clyde Davies. (Hey Lizzie, you're supposed to will it to a Junior!)
I, Jan Dillon, will my volleyball abilities to any junior with two left hands.
I, Bert Douglas, do hereby will my water pipe to Larry Wingate.
I, Pat Egan, will my extremely long hair to Monk O'Neil.
I, Pat Ekern, give my purple mouse, Socrates, to Betsy Thompson.
I, Julie Elsner, do hereby will the Hanagan pig farm to Kevin Lee Sir.
I, Sandy Englert, will my senior grades to my brother, Jeff Englert, so he won't have to work hard next year.
I, Janet Enright, willingly give all my bulk to anyone who can find it.
I, Hank Evans, do hereby will my general hip in the library to Mr. Wingate. (OH BROTHER)!
I, Pat Evans, will K.K. and my unending love and affection for her to anyone who is willing to take her.
I, Nancy Forrest, give Mr. Hawkins and the Morse Code to Lynette Kelly and any other junior dumb enough to take it.
I, Robin Franz, do bequeth my can of Right Guard to G. N.
I, Sann Froula, willingingly give my private pilots license to Tom Phalin.
I, Don Gervais, do hereby will my love of the White Sox and my "Sears Special", which is my motorcycle to Chris Scotillo.
I, Judy Gieseke, leave my coffee cup to any future A.P. Biology student.
I, Charles Green, willingly give my curly "O" to Psyche Man.
I, Pat Grey, do hereby will my Greaser Pave to Jody Stephens and Cheri Dannehy.
I, Carol Gronek, willingly leave my nerve to Lorie Amandes.
I, Ben Hackman, do hereby will all my brains because he needs all he can get to Paul Bockman.
I, Deb Handren, willingly leave my big mouth to Karen Zimmerman, who has one anyway.
I, Jackie Harney, do hereby will my ability to drown my troubles when men get out of hand to Cindy Ritt.
I, Sue Hart, do hereby will my math skills to Mary Ellen Riley.
I, Mike Hayes, willingly give my doublebirdies to Phip Riley.
I, Susan Holmes, willingly give my ability to keep secrets to Jo Baumann. (Right, Jo?)
I, Sara Hone, do bequeth my "laboratory techniques" to any incoming A.P. Biology student.
I, Barb Hooker, will my "costume abilities" to Pat Haase.
I, Don Houk, will the second period typing class to Dave Zitnik, so he can type his term paper and not write it.
I, Jim Jensen, willingly give Jeri Hogie to Glen Lockwood.
I, Gail Johnson, do hereby will all of my peachiness to Sherri Caldwell.
I, Chris Kiernan, willingly leave my red gym shorts and all the locker combs, I know to Cindy Bird.
I, Joe Kirchner, do hereby will the four inches of Lorrie Amandes' hair to Marian Hamlen.
I, B. L., anxiously will Mrs. Watt to the whole junior class.
I, Mary Ladd, do hereby will my ability to keep one step ahead of Mr. Krause sixth hour to Jean Ryan.
I, Andi LeBlanc, will the use of Linda's tambourine to Wendy Treptow.
I, Geri Lortie, willingly give my D.A.R. pin to any junior who knows what D.A.R. stands for.
I, Jim Maronde, willingly leave my liver pills to Bill Auxier.
I, Martha Mauck, do hereby will my car keys to Bob Denning and Van Fox.
I, Claire McCarthy, willingly leave my doublemint gum to Dave Malone.
I, Debbie McLean, do bequeth my seat in English in front of Tom Lutsch to Nancy Scott.
I, Rick Metropulos, do hereby will all my good jokes and "my love to score" ability to Tom Desmond. (YOU'VE GOT THE BEST JOKES, RICK!)
I, Nancy MoHawk, willingly give my super-cool drum set and Gary Greene to Roz Rost.
I, Pat Moriarty, do bequeth my Arlo Guthrie and Tiny Tim posters to Barbie Kain.
I, Buddy "Hatchet" Nystrom, do hereby will my "Hatchet Posers" and my clean and puritan life, and my feminine legs to Steve Benson.
I, Tom O'Donnell, willingly give my soul, mind and body to Cindy Bird.
I, Sue O'Grady, leave my orange sweater to Jody Stephen.
I, Donna O'Hara, do hereby will my sense of humor to Janet Wyse.
I, Charlotte "Natasha" Olson, will the high standing in the "Party" (we shall overcome) to Carol "Sonya" Katkus.
I, William Patton, do hereby will my party loyalty to Carol Katkus in hopes she will carry on the memory of the Great Chicken.
I, Kathy Pertle, do bequeth my excellent basketball playing ability to Carol Andrews.
I, Sue Pfeiffer, do hereby will my tennies to Jo Havenslaven.
I, Corky Plews, willingly give Mr. Scheel and my gavel to Vickie Vierck.
I, Pat Quinby, do hereby will my geography to Dale Deren.
I, Jeff Quoss, will Effingham Industries to Jeff Cupp.
I, Paul Radke, do hereby will by clean cut living and good looks to Tom Farley.
I, Steve Renne, am willing and ready if you are. Just call WH2-2121.
I, Mary Reynolds, willing give my super-straight Smith times to Betty Schnell.
I, Ken Roberts, do hereby will my junker car club membership to Frank Otto.
I, Clyde Robertson, do bequeth my "Burger Cheerleaders Book" and Burger-Chief" shoulder patch, and my burgerisms to Bill Lynch.
I, John Robertson, willingly leave all my women that I've dated to Jim Maxwell.
I, John D. Robertson, do hereby will the CLCHS library to whoever wants it.
I, Linda Robertson, willingly give my ability to leave important things to the last minute to Pat Fico.
I, Pete Rodgers, do hereby will three dead tennis balls to Rob Munson so he'll be able to keep them on the playing court.
I, Margaret Rueff, willingly give my favorite parking spot to Judy Montgomery.
I, Linda Schaefer, do bequeth my curly hair to Dave Malone.
I, Joan Scheibner, do hereby will the sickroom and all the dirty dishes that can fill it to Ken Jacobs.
I, Steve Schenk, do bequeth one pair of Adidas, 27 spikes, one pulled muscle and a strained groin to Coach Kloepfer.
I, Tom Scherman, will my hatred of the opposite sex to Marian Hamlin.
I, Sue Schneider, give my heavy bass drum from marching band to anyone next year who can lift it in the drum section.
I, Jeff Schultz, bequeth my Chemistry notebook and all my old labs to Mr. Drozsch (PSYCHE OUT, MAN!)
I, Sandra Schwebke, give my shapely gym socks to Laura Pohl.
I, Chuck Scudder, do hereby will my beautiful voice and broad casting ability to Dave Johnson.
I, Ellen Skinner, leave my straight hair to Sharon Rose. (IF THAT DOESN'T WORK SHARON, TRY CURL FREE.)
I, Greg Slovacek, do SADLY leave my one slightly used briefcase to Dave Mason.
I, Debbie Stack, leave all my intelligence from Latin 4 to Jerry Nelson.
I, Deb Stowe, will my sandals to Tim Costello. (TIM, THEY'LL BE TOO BIG)
I, Paula Swanson, bequeth my guard position in powderpuff to Virgil Swanson.
I, Jack Szabel, will my mustache to Art Miller.
I, Eiko Takegi, bequeth my English-Japanese Dictionary to Betsy Thompson.
I, Shelley Thorson, leave our family cars and my telephone to Nancy Thorson.
I, Jan Tomaszewski, leave behind all my brownie points to Gay O'Keefe.
I, Paul Vogelman, hereby will all my pennies (?) t Mrs. Risenheimer.
I, Diane Vosti, bequeth my flashy red sweatshirt to Vicki Vierik.
I, Leslie White, leave my old white Ford to Andy White.
I, Larry Wilbrandt, willingly, joyfully will dump my 1963 Gray _____ to anybody $15 and a tow truck.
I, Scott Williams, leave my wrestling shoes to Scott McKay. (Hope YOU HAVE THE LUCK WITH THEM THAT SCOTT DID, SCOTT)
I, Jed Wing, bequeth my honor buttons to anybody who can find them.
We, the AP BIOLOGY CLASS, willingly give Mr. Scheel to Next year's AP Bio Class.
I, Sophia Loren, (IS THIS JERI HOGIE'S ALIAS?) Give my body to the Science Dept.
We, the 7th hour co-ed study hall, leave our great chicken drawing ability to Mr. Chapman (WHO ELSE?)
We, the VO-DE-O-DO Girls, will our garters to Jeff McAtee. (WHOW, WHAT EXCITEMENT!)
We, the Senior editor's of O&B leave our great school paper to Kery Lyman.
We, Deb Hamby, Jan Johnston, Chris Ireland, Kris Nering, Audrey Sandner, Deb Stowe and Barbara Erber Winkle, will our defective livers to Michael Strout.
I, Miss Pavler, leave and will your vice-president to anyone who can put up with him!
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