In Memory

Cheryl Lee Koch (Smyth)

Cheryl passed away Wednesday, April 20, 2011 after a long illness with cancer.

She lived in Cary with her husband of 37 years, our fellow classmate Vincent (Vinny) Smyth and their 2 children, Kara & Tyler.  She worked in child care and was an office manager for many years.  Cheryl was a worldwide traveler and loved following her daughter's soccer games for Bernidji State University in Minnesota.

Cheryl was always there for others, putting her heart and soul into whatever anyone else needed before herself until the very end.  She will be greatly missed by her loving family and her cherished friends.

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04/22/11 07:32 PM #1    

Donna O'Hara (Moder)

I'm so sorry to hear about Cheryl's passing. It was good to see her at the reunion and catch up. I first met Cheryl in 7th grade and have many fond memories of hanging together and slumber parties. May she rest in peace.

04/22/11 08:16 PM #2    

Mary Kay Reynolds (Smith)

 How very sad to lose Cheryl...I first met her on our street, Victor Parkway, where we both lived for a was good to see her at the reunion and catch up a little bit on where our lives have taken us the past 40 years. A real loss for our class...

04/22/11 09:26 PM #3    

Gregory L. Slovacek

We were devastated to learn of Cheryl's passing, and our hearts & prayers go out to our friend & classmate Vinny on the loss of his beloved wife,helpmeet and best friend.  We also extend our prayers and heartfelt sympathies to their kids, as well as the rest of Cheryl's extended family! It is just so hard to lose a dear classmate! I, too, never would have guessed that she was ill, based on the (all too brief) contact with her at our 40th Class reunion. This, too, serves as a reminder that we need to cherish those classmates who are still with us (especially Vinny, whom we need to deluge with love & prayers), since we do not know how, all-to-soon, separation may come.
Again, with deepest sympathies and condolences to all of Cheyrl's family, friends & loved ones; you all are in our thoughts & prayers!
Greg (& Sandy) Slovacek

05/05/11 02:05 PM #4    

Bob McCann

my deepest sympathy to Vinny and all her family and friends.     It saddens me when one of us has passed on.  May Cheryl rest in peace.    bob mccann

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