In Memory

Daniel M. Scott VIEW PROFILE

Daniel M. Scott



Daniel Scott

It is with deep sadness to inform you that we have lost another of our classmates,Daniel Scott, on Wednesday, June 22, 2017.  We have been informed that he passed peacefully by his good friend Bill Patton.  No other info at this time though a memorial will most likely be held sometime in July. 

Our thoughts and prayers go out for him and his family during this sad time!

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06/28/17 06:25 AM #4    

Dennis Lynch

Dan Scott is the name he left high school with, but most of us probably remember more by the name he entered it with, Dan Koehn. Sadly, still even more of us probably most remember the crude two-word nickname he was burdened with.

The abuse Dan took in our high school, abuse he handled with calmness and class, was astounding. Merely his entering the cafeteria would provoke a din of catcalls of that unwanted nickname. I never saw any adult try to stop it. And, of course, none of us younger people stood up against it. The harassment, focusing on one physical flaw, was every student’s nightmare. But it was Dan’s reality. Can you imagine the sheer bravery that it must have taken him each day to go to school, knowing the heaps of abuse that would rain on him?

Dan’s facial blemishes went away with time. But what about those bullies who tried to make him miserable? As they got older, did they ever change? Did they ever feel guilty for what they did? Did any ever write Dan to apologize? Or did those Mean Boys stay the same, and even now mock and fear anyone who looks or act different?

I, too, hope Dan rests in peace, the peace he was never given at our high school.

06/28/17 07:18 AM #5    

Claire Fruin (Ross)

Dennis, thank you for voicing what I suspect many of us thought when we heard of Dan's death.  While a good number of us didn't participate actively in the unkindness shown to Dan (and others), it's sad we didn't have the courage to stop it.  I hope that Dan had happiness and friendship after high school, and I hope that we did our best to teach our kids not to be mean to vulnerable people.  Rest In Peace, Dan.

06/29/17 07:30 AM #6    

Sue Hart (Tonyan)

When I heard of Dan's passing, I chose to message his friend Bill with my sympathies.  I told Bill that I always felt bad how some treated Dan unfairly.  I thank Dennis and Claire for expressing what I (and many others) felt and was unsure of saying or not.  Dan attended Class Reunions; who would think Dan would want to attend when he entured so much in high school. Dan attended with the BIGGEST smile, was his friendly usual self, fun, and appeared very happy!  He certainly was brave.  That is the Dan I choose to remember.  

06/29/17 12:10 PM #7    

Jan Dillon (Rybka)

Thank you, Dennis and Claire, for saying what you did. I still remember how awful I felt when Dan was voted "Ugliest Man on Campus". It really hurt me to the core that someone could do that. Yet, as Sue said, Dan was happy at reunions, and the last time I saw him (40th) was when I found out that he had congestive heart failure and wasn't expecting to survive much longer. Well, he sure had more life left in him!

The message in all of this has to do with teaching younger folks to treat others with respect, looking beyond what is superficial. Bullying runs amok in our schools, and it needs to stop. While we might have seemed helpless in high school, we are all old enough now to step in and say enough is enough.

A great movie on this subject is called "Flatliners". See it if you haven't already done so.

06/30/17 10:33 AM #8    

Billie Jean Baldwin

I am shocked by all these comments. I never knew this abuse was happening to Dan. He was my next door neighbor in Crystal Lake Estates. We had a good friendship. He never mentioned being mistreated by classmates to me. I am saddened by all this and would have gone after the bullies. I hate bullying with a passion.  Thankfully, Dan was above that kind of thing. 

06/30/17 01:01 PM #9    

Linda Kolby (Dentro)

So sorry to hear about Dan.  I had no idea of the verbal abuse he was subjected to, but I do understand the way he must have felt.  My daughter has NF which causes tumors to grow on nerve endings.  She too is subject to ridicule and abuse because of her appearance.  People are so cruel.  Now that she is older and on Facebook some of those who abused her in school have apologized.  I sincerely hope that Dan also received some feedback as classmates grew up and saw how hurtful they were.   Rest in peace Dan.  May your new journey provide you the peace you deserve.

07/04/17 04:03 PM #10    

Judy Krabbenhoft (Wood)

Dan Rest in Peace.  I will always remember you Dan.  We went to prom together ( still have the Pics).  He took me to see 3 Dog Night.  A group of us went downtown Chicago and saw a play and went to the Micheal Todd theater to see Funny Girl and Funny Lady on the train.  I was glad to talk to him every once in a while.  I was glad to sit with him at the class reunion.  Felt bad when he told me he was ill.  I know he will be in a better place now and can laugh all he wants too.  Dan I will remember you always.  Judy 

07/08/17 10:29 PM #11    

Geri Lortie (Graves)

Dan was always such a friendly guy and seemed happy.  I enjoyed talking with him at our 40th reunion, where he shared with me about his heart condion. We need more people in the world like Dan. He touched many lives over the years, I bet, in many positive ways. 


07/09/17 10:05 AM #12    

Sandy Stegeman

I am sorry for losing a fine classmate, he was always kind to me. I understand that there were people nasty to him,that makes me sad, I didn' get that kind of cruelty, but I did get jeers and snickering from the guys walking pass me to classrooms because at that time I was tall and skinny and towered over most of them...Comments hurt, but I overcame them in silence and today, I am a great TALL person and guess what, those guys are probably still shorter........ Dan is in a better place and we will see him again. Sandy

07/09/17 06:26 PM #13    

Paul Bartholomew

I enjoyed talking with Dan at the 40th reunion. He was treated cruely by many... what a shame. Unfortunately this type of behavior is common with students and continues for some into adulthood. In this day of social media this cruelty can be even worse.

It is a testiment to Dan that he perservered through the razzing. I pray that he is in heaven with our Lord and Savior.... where there are no more tears, no more illness, just the blessing of being in the presence of God.

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