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Forum: Parshallville Cider Mill



Created on: 09/29/10 12:51 AM Views: 4039 Replies: 14
October 2010 Visit
Posted Tuesday, September 28, 2010 07:51 PM

Please post here if you are coming to the cider mill on Tuesday October 5th at 2 PM.

Let us know here if you would like to car pool (mention what area you are at) and/or need a ride.

Ken Kelsey
Redford59 Webmaster
see my blog at Promoman.com

Edited 09/28/10 08:10 PM
RE: October 2010 Visit
Posted Wednesday, September 29, 2010 06:32 PM

Hi, Ken, I am going to try -my son-in-law, in nearby Hartland, has been very sick and I have  been unable to attend lunch at Doc's[Doc's is my son-in-law's favorite place] Anyway I plan on coming if the fates allow.

Dick Hammer

I may bring son-in-law if he is up to it.

RE: October 2010 Visit
Posted Wednesday, September 29, 2010 07:35 PM

Hi Ken, I was one of the classmates that enjoyed the trip too the cider mill last year and agree that the cider and donuts were in fact GREAT. Thank you Sandy. I am sorry that I will not be able to attend this year but will be there in spirit. It was great seeing you and your wife at the Tool Shed in Cedar, MI this summer. I stoped off in West Branch on my way back and visited fellow classmate Peter Braasch. Say hello to all attendees for me. Maybe we can do lunch again the next time your in FL.

Marty Stefanac

Marty Stefanac

RE: October 2010 Visit
Posted Wednesday, September 29, 2010 09:30 PM

i'd love to attend the cider mill outing.  i love sandy's cider and her donuts....  and i've loved sandy  since i was three years old.  i do need a ride though...  if someone can pick me up...... and take me back home.   bossier city is in northwest louisiana.....  my place is about two minutes from exit #10 on I-220.  if somebody can pick me up, my ph# is 318820913.  looking forward to seeing all of you.     mike

Mike Reissing
Holcomb Elementary

RE: October 2010 Visit
Posted Thursday, September 30, 2010 07:18 AM

 I've heard from Bob & Joyce Mueller, they say that they'll be there also on Tuesday..

Ken Kelsey
Redford59 Webmaster
see my blog at Promoman.com

RE: October 2010 Visit
Posted Thursday, September 30, 2010 07:43 AM

Michael G. Reissing wrote:

i'd love to attend the cider mill outing.  i love sandy's cider and her donuts....  and i've loved sandy  since i was three years old.  i do need a ride though...  if someone can pick me up...... and take me back home.   bossier city is in northwest louisiana.....  my place is about two minutes from exit #10 on I-220.  if somebody can pick me up, my ph# is 318820913.  looking forward to seeing all of you.     mike

 If you'll wait outside your front door at 3am, I'm sure somebody might be picking you up. Haven't figured out how to get you back yet.

Ken Kelsey
Redford59 Webmaster
see my blog at Promoman.com

RE: October 2010 Visit
Posted Thursday, September 30, 2010 09:39 AM


ken....  you are too kind!  (i hope you guys have a wonderful time and great fall weather.....)


to mike r.....If you'll wait outside your front door at 3am, I'm sure somebody might be picking you up. Haven't figured out how to get you back yet.

Ken Kelsey
Redford59 Webmaster

Mike Reissing
Holcomb Elementary

RE: October 2010 Visit
Posted Thursday, September 30, 2010 10:02 AM

I heard from Ralph and Elaine Vogan they will be coming.

Ken Kelsey
Redford59 Webmaster
see my blog at Promoman.com

Edited 10/01/10 10:54 AM
RE: October 2010 Visit
Posted Friday, October 1, 2010 09:07 AM


Great idea.  Unfortunately will not be able to make it on October 5th .  Brother John Fletcher & I will be be at The Tool Shed .



John Herrold
Somewhere in Arizona or Michigan

Edited 10/03/10 07:37 AM
RE: October 2010 Visit
Posted Friday, October 1, 2010 10:52 AM

 I've heard from Ann Stephan Matish... she said she'll try to be there.

Ken Kelsey
Redford59 Webmaster
see my blog at Promoman.com

RE: October 2010 Visit
Posted Friday, October 1, 2010 12:10 PM

Barbara Malburg (Thompson) and husband Bernard say that they'll be there. 

Ken Kelsey
Redford59 Webmaster
see my blog at Promoman.com

RE: October 2010 Visit
Posted Friday, October 1, 2010 12:11 PM

 Ken, Thanks for the invite.  We wish we could attend, and spend time with friends as well.  We love to do the cider and doughnuts thing each Fall, but haven't found a good place here in VA.  Will be thinking about all the fun you will be having.  Our thanks and regards to Sandy and her family as well.  Pam Rea Thompson

RE: October 2010 Visit
Posted Saturday, October 2, 2010 11:42 PM

Anyone who knows me, knows I'd love to be there.  However, since I was in Michigan to help in relocating our Mother from her Northville condo into her grandson's Webberville home, with his wife and family, another trip right now is just not in the budget.

Sandy knows what a grand time we had in 2009, and their hospitality will not have worn itself out...so have a super time and maybe 'drink an extra glass of cider for me'.  Oh, Larry just said 'eat a donut for him'.  Ha-ha

Linda STULTZ Tucker

Harding Elementary School

RE: October 2010 Visit
Posted Monday, October 4, 2010 10:30 AM

 I received this email today from Lionel.


The weather report looks great for tomorrow.  My wife and I plan on driving over to the cider mill to join the group--we're coming from the Grand Rapids area. I'm planning on leaving early so we can stop at the Outlet Mall at Howell  so my wife can shop for a couple of hours and then we'll continue on highway 59 over to US 23. I've got detailed maps so I should be able to find it.
See you tomorrow.
Lionel J. Hurd

Ken Kelsey
Redford59 Webmaster
see my blog at Promoman.com

RE: October 2010 Visit
Posted Monday, October 4, 2010 07:52 PM

I will be there for wonderful cider and donuts.  Maybe I'll even purchase a pie and tell my husband I made it.

Georgeanne(Leffler)Verbridge Jan '59


