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•   Ron Huckabay  1/9
•   Jimmy Johnson  12/6
•   Danny Battles  11/17
•   Ronny Hutton  11/1
•   Elaine Davis (Flynt)  4/12
•   Mary Hays (McWhorter)  10/30
•   Beth Strickland (Roberts)  10/30
•   Julian Acevedo  10/29
•   Debra Summers  7/5
•   Cliff Hargrove, Jr.  3/22
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
2 live in Colorado
3 live in Florida
1 lives in Illinois
1 lives in New Mexico
2 live in North Carolina
2 live in Oklahoma
1 lives in Tennessee
46 live in Texas
1 lives in Mexico
8 location unknown
24 are deceased


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Welcome to the Dimmitt High School Class Of 1968 website. We will use this forum to enter our personal info for our classmates to view, in lieu of creating a hard copy book.


Doricell and I will have been married 50 years January 25th 2019 . You can do the math.

Thanks to Elaine, Sue and A’llan for all the hard work. It couldn’t have happened without you guys! It was a great celebration and so nice to see everyone. I feel very blessed to have grown up in Dimmitt. Also thank you Debra and John ffor opening your room and providing all the special food for everyone. Those of you that didn’t make it to the reunion were truly missed and not forgotten! Mary Hays McWhorter (Mary Lynn)

I’m so glad we had this 50th Reunion ! So great to see so many, and visit, catch up somewhat with our lives. I agree with Julian, absolutely, he and Patsy married 4 months after Jerry and I did, the same year in February, so this year would have been Our 49th too. But, again , just reminding everyone, that Jerry and I and Kita and Cliff, and Darrell and Shirley were the 3 - Classmate couples of the class. So proud for that, too. Jerry went to be with the Lord in 2015....
Thanks to all who made my new friend, Danny feel at home. He said y’all are a nice bunch of people. Yes, I’m in a relationship with him, and he is truly a fine gentleman! So hopefully we can get another Reunion set up soon....let’s not wait too long this next time, as we are only getting older....maybe a couple years or so, what do y’all think ?

Click on the 50-Year Class Reunion field on the left side of the page and register to come to Fredericksburg on July 6-8, 2018!


Anita Cameron  3/17
