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07/15/18 07:35 PM #90    

Sheila Hamilton (Wolfe)

Hi Elaine,  Thank you so much for posting the pictures.  I really enjoyed looking at all of them.  I wish that I could have come,  hopefully next time, Sheila

07/16/18 09:32 AM #91    


Doug Hays

Thanks for the pictures Elaine.
Also a big thank you to Elaine, A'llan, Sue,bVickie Bennett, David, Ronnie, and Debra for all their time,work, and sharing. Was a great reunion and wonderful time.

07/16/18 10:19 AM #92    


Doug Hays

On my profile I have a picture of the Fabulous 3 and also one of our illustrious leader

07/17/18 06:30 AM #93    


Julian Acevedo

Patsy and I had a blast. She really is not an outgoing person but ya'll made her feel like family. And Ron we just celebrated our 49th in June, but I'm certain someone topped that. And to all thy he ladies that worked to make this happen, Job Well Done. Thanks

07/20/18 06:19 PM #94    

Jose V. "Zito" Sartarelli

Elaine , and everyone who put this reunion together, thank you for choosing such a special site and for all of the thoughtful details. We loved seeing everyone. Kathy and Zito Sararelli

07/25/18 12:33 PM #95    

Mary Kirby (Mays)

Anthoney and i celebrated our 50th anniversary on the 26 of May in a surprising party given by our children. 

03/22/19 05:20 PM #96    

Ron Huckabay

Moving to Montana soon, gonna be a dental floss tycoon - in the words of Frank Zappa (among other memorable lyricks).

Well, we sold everything and moved to Mexico.  Loving it totally.  If you find yourself around Guadlahara - give us a call, we'll tell you what to tell the cab driver to get here.  email or to reach us.

11/24/20 12:36 PM #97    

Pete Garza

My condolences to the chuck lay family, he was a wonderful man. 

11/25/20 05:48 AM #98    


Julian Acevedo

So sorry to hear

.of Chuck's passing. Prayers to his family.

11/27/20 08:46 AM #99    


Doug Hays

Chuck Lay, He was one of our classmates I think I can say he touched each of us in a way that left a memory of him that brings a smile to our heart. I am so glad I made it to the reunion to visit with him there.

11/29/20 02:55 PM #100    

Ronny Hutton

Sure will miss Chuck he was a great friend and lots of good times with him and remember me and him hanging around his dad's gass station and going over to see Jonny Davis with him.God Bess your family.

02/20/21 08:51 PM #101    

Cecilia Vandiver (Broder)

To all my TX friends and others in the wake of the winter storm, hope you are safe. So sorry for all you have had to endure during this time.

Take care - thinking of you. 




02/21/21 09:14 AM #102    


Doug Hays

All good up here in the panhandle.
Dimmitt had no wide spread difficulties.
Spring time now

02/22/21 06:13 PM #103    

Ron Huckabay

Sorry to be the other Texan abroad last week but Charlotte and I were on the beach in La Manzanilla.  It did however get down to 54 one night in January here in Ajijic. Otherwise low 60s to low 80s everyday.
Charlotte and I do hope that all we know escaped serious harm. We were thinking of you.
Our sincere best wishes to all,


07/04/21 02:36 PM #104    

Cecilia Vandiver (Broder)

Hope this message finds everyone well and enjoying summer. 


I wanted to tell you about a project I did during the pandemic year. i asked some folks to send me a picture of themselves in their mask and then to answer the question: "WHO WILL WE BE WHEN THE MASKS COME OFF - as an individual, community, nation, the world?" 


Over 50 individuals responded with an image and their thoughts. I created an installation that I had the honor to show at the Museo de las Americas in Denver. I also created a video (link attached) if interested to see. Look closely, besides me one of our classmates is in it too.  


Is interesting now that the masks are coming off Who Will We Be?


Take care.



07/05/21 08:08 AM #105    


Debra Summers

Cecilia:  Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful Pandemic Project with us.  I was mesmerized.  As I watched I  had the following reactions:

* The masks themselves demonstrated amazing creativity and focused our attention on your friends eyes --  many of which were quite expressive and beautiful.  But despite that, no one really looks good in a mask.

* There is a very deep yearning in our country for unity and peaceful coexistence.

* Many (particularly of our generation) intend to employ the reopening as an opportunity for a personal renaissance.

* You are very blessed to have so many optimistic and life-loving friends!

07/05/21 10:41 AM #106    

Anita Cameron

Congratulations on a Lovely project Cecilia. Thank you for sharing!

07/06/21 03:35 PM #107    

Elaine Davis (Flynt)

Good job, Sis!  Like Debra, I, too, was mesmerized by the video.  Thank you for sharing with the class!!

Love,  Elaine

11/15/21 09:57 PM #108    

Mary Hays (McWhorter)

So sad to hear about Pete. He was such a nice guy. I will miss him.We are losing too many classmates ❤️❤️❤️. Mary Lynn

10/18/22 06:18 PM #109    

Cecilia Vandiver (Broder)

I was so sorry to hear about Darlene passing away. I remember all the fun times we had together. She was a good friend. Too many are leaving us too soon. 💕

12/04/23 09:08 PM #110    


Doug Hays

Jack Bradford passed away Dec. 4th.
A friend, classmate, and team mate My thoughts
go out to Suzy and family.

12/04/23 09:10 PM #111    


Doug Hays

Dec. 3rd. Correction

12/05/23 11:19 AM #112    


Doug Hays

My apology to Susie.
Misspelled your name.
My thoughts were good
In letting classmates
Know. My excursion was
I am sorry for your loss.

12/05/23 11:22 AM #113    


Doug Hays

Bad spelling all around it looks like

Never did well in spelling

05/31/24 07:53 AM #114    

Scott Moran

Real men don’t cry but I must admit after Elaine sent us Mr. Diehl’s obituary and then reading his message to our class for the 40 year reunion, I did get a little choked up (and I admit had a small tear) thinking back just how blessed we the class of ‘68 were to have had all the fine educators we had in a small agricultural town the rest of the world hardly knows even exists. Rest in Peace Mr. Diehl. You may have left the building but you will never leave our hearts!

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