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•   Peter Ferretti  8/23
•   Curt Johnson  3/22
•   Sharon L. Mark (Hyman)  2/14
•   Elisabeth Bopp (Tettamanti)  7/26
•   Dave Neal  2/2
•   Rosanne M. Meisch (Heideman)  1/29
•   Ozzie Patzmann  1/29
•   Bill Saul  1/28
•   Nancy Nelson (Osborne)  1/28
•   Dave Wilson  9/20
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Who lives where - select from the dropdown to find out.


•   Jo (JoAnna) Stephens (Mink)  9/20
•   Lori (Lorraine) Gerken  9/21
•   Linda Oswald (Pribla)  9/23
•   David L. Ballantine  9/24
•   Liz Graf (Graf-Brennen)  9/27
•   Gabe Munck  10/12
•   Bill Crusoe  10/14
•   Paul Beilfuss  10/18
•   Jim Kashian  10/18


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 50.1%

A:   173   Joined
B:   172   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

Glenbrook South High School
Class of 1965

I am sorry to announce the passing of Mrs. Bette Hall, on October 25 this year, in Vero Beach
Florida, at the age of 98. She always thought fondly of her many students at GBS and New Trier.
She had a good, long run, and her family is the better for having known her.
A memorial service will be held on her 99th birthday, February 18, 2018, in Jensen Beach, Florida.
Doug Hall


We would love to have classmembers add family photos to share with the class and/or photos from class years!

If you can find any pictures taken while you attended Glenbrook, we would love to see those, please share!


I think I am the youngest in our class!!my birthday is November 16, 1947! Anyone younger than me?? 1 wonder who the oldest is?? Ha ha!

If anyone has an interesting, important or Announcement that they wish to share with classmates, please submit and webmaster will review for approval!


2020 Class Reunion GBS



Update as of 4/25/2019

Final plans for our 2019 GBS Golf/Lunch ---  Monday  June 17thand Tuesday June 18th 

Monday June 17th--  7:45     Golf at Old Orchard Golf Course---                                                    700 W Rand Rd, Mt Prospect, IL 60056 (N/E Corner of Euclid & Rand Road) 847-255-2025

                                   12:45    Meet the other classmates at The North Branch Restaurant                 4520 W Lake Ave, Gleview, IL 60026. (N/E Corner of Lake Ave & Milwaukee Ave)(1 mile west of GBS). 847-813-6400.  Same as last year. ( NOT HACKNEYS)                                                            A small room has been reserved for us.

THIS YEAR ABOUT 1/2 LUNCH AND DRINKS WILL BE PAID FOR FROM OUR EXCESS REUNION FUNDS.  Lunch should cost us about $10 each.                                                                                                                                                 Tuesday  June 18th--  10:AM    Golf at Fox Run Golf Links -                                                           333 Plum Grove Rd, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 (E side of S Plum Grove Rd, S of Wise Rd/Biesterfield Rd).  (847) 228-3544  (Same as last year)   It is about 1 Mile from Woodfield   Shopping Center.  Drinks  after golf. Not planned

Please tell any of our classmates that you may talk to about our get together.  Everyone is welcome and the more the merrier.   Feel free to just come to lunch on MONDAY at the North Branch.          (At least ½ of the people will not play golf but will come to lunch on Monday)                          However, if someone wants to play golf, please have them call me or Gerry so we can get them a tee time!

Brent Michaels   847-420 8379           

Leslie Simon  847- 921-9771             

Gerry Graham  224-433-0920     

Carol Vieira (Baker)  847-421-5068


Dear Classmate,

Happy New Year 2019! If anyone has any good ideas for our 55th Class Reunion 2020?  

Please submit any and all ideas so we can start a committee: 


A Week-end Cruise

(2) day Golf Event & Dinner at Hackneys

(2) day Golf Event & Lunch at Hackneys

Also, this year 2019:  Our Annual Golf Outing will be in the planning stage for End of June 2019.

Carol (Vieira) Baker  847-421-5068,

Leslie Simon847-921-9771,

Brent Michaels847-420-8379, 

Ken Basset847-814-1664,

Gerry Graham224-433-0920,

Picture of the Week: Westbrook Elem 3rd Grade Field Trip
From Brent Michaels: Attached is a thirdgrade picture from a Westbrook field trip to the police/fire station.  Please scroll down to see the kids signatures on the back of the picture. I can identify along the front JoAnna Stephens, Pete Fenneman, Gerry Windells,Bob Howard, Gary Bastiani, Dick Singer,Barb LeFaiver,  Sharon Mark is next to thekid with the hat, and Brent Michaels is standing at the top next to the kid with his arm on the cab. The teacher was Mrs. Bagg.  (Yes, we did all learn cursive!)




Over 158 classmates have joined this site and added profiles since January. To see who has joined, click on Classmate Profiles on the left. A checkmark indicates those who have joined, but you must join yourself to see which Classmates are coming to the Reunion and what they are doing now.

Now, it's your turn to join! Click to Join in the upper right corner. It's free, private, and secure.

See UPDATES below for pictures and news. Once you join, click on What's New on left menu to see who has added pictures or updated their profile.

(NO FEE to join this website. This is a private website for GBS Class of 1965 only.)

Why we need you to join this website:

1. We (the Reunion Planning Committee - your classmates) are planning this whole reunion. We're having fun connecting with classmates but needed a centralized location to track the information and communicate with you.

2. This website is secure. Pages are password protected. Other class members can communicate with you but no one can see your contact information unless you send it to them.

3. We can accept secure credit card payments thru this website.

4. Our focus is on connecting with our classmates and want to keep the reunion fun, informal, and easy for people to participate.

Check back often for updates and new classmate profiles. If you prefer not to register on the website but want to stay informed, please email or send a note to Barbara Sims Avery at 7709 Kittinger Court, Wake Forest, NC 27587.


Update 8/12/15

Did you know we were being studied for our experiences in a windowless school? Check this out:

The students at GBS and GBN were asked to draw schools for a study. Because we drew ones with more windows, the study authors stated "It is inferred that children in the windowless classrooms had negative feelings toward their school and as a group tended to express themselves in a more maladjusted and unhappy way than children in the windowed environment".  Barb's note: Hey, who's calling us maladjusted! We just missed windows, that's all that meant.

Remember how we all used to run to the end of the halls to see the first snow each year?

Update 8/11/15

Curtis Crotty is not able to come to the Reunion but sent this note:

"What a terrific reunion this class of 1965 should have.  Though I taught English at Evanston High School for 35 years after teaching at Glenbrook South for its first two years, I still have such happy memories of GBS, of its students, of the amazing orange blossoms on the tree in the main office, and especially of the kindness and enthusiasm of all those people in my  English classes; they sat there, listening to a teacher who had just one year of experience but who thought that was all I needed to change the world while I was figuring out how to "grade" papers.  I am so appreciative of the patience all those students had for that teacher, who had little idea of what his job was except to stand there and look tough and fearless. In retrospect I see that I was just about as tough as an orange blossom and filled with fright every time a bell rang. But I'm sure every student in the room could see right through that pretense. Thank you all for being kind.  And I'm sorry for all the papers I may never have returned.

The date of your reunion is unfortunately at the same time that my wife and I will be taking the Queen Mary 2 to Hamburg, Germany, and then by train on to Berlin and Prague.  I'm really sorry to miss this gathering.  I hope you will be willing to share my email address with any former student who would like to talk with me about those wonderful years.
     Curt Crotty,"


Update 6/14/15


Glenbrook South Girl’s Ensemble singing for Governor Otto Kerner at the Glenview Naval Air Station.

Update 5/21/2015

Teachers: We have heard from the following teachers who are hoping to come to the Reunion. Know of any other teachers you'd like us to invite? Click on Contact Us to left and let us know.

Leonard Barker, English Teacher, Calliope
Cliff Capp, Assistant to the Principal
Darrell (DR) Lund, History Teacher
Walt Sherman, Football Coach and Athletic Director
Bill Schnell, Music Teacher, Girls Ensemble, Boys Ensemble
Dick Walker, Football Coach

Changes to Website: Check What's New-Pix/Chat is the new name for See Who's Updated Their Profile. This is the best place to see everyone's public comments they are putting on each other's profiles! Lots of memories and laughs.

Update 3/26/15

Kudos to the Reunion Committee!!!  That's what I'm hearing from a lot of classmates and I want to send those thanks out to the whole Committee. This committee is made up of the Best Do-ers I've ever had the pleasure to work with. No long discussions, no conference calls, no hesitation, each person just doing what they see needs to be done. Brent Michaels and Ken Bassett took it upon themselves to visit the school in January, then to start calling people to see what they could get started. They continue to be key  movers and shakers behind finding classmates and keeping things on track. Barb Sargent Griffiths offered to be Treasurer right away, saying 'Sure. I do that sort of thing all the time.' Mike Senew is coordinating the Classmate Search, sending names out as we try to get some sort of contact with everyone from our class. Dick Johnson, Leslie Simon, and Lindy Russell Lynk have really stepped up to make all of the local plans and decisions as well as contacting a lot of classmates. Carol Vieira Baker is our behind the scenes but extremely important webmaster who makes sure that you don't have any problems using the site. Dave Wilson is always asking what he can do to help and he has been terrific looking for classmates. Sue Hyman is looking into inviting some of our teachers. And on and on....Thanks again everyone. Barb Sims Avery



Terrific Video produced by Glenbrook South as part of the 50th Anniversary Celebration of Glenbrook South High School. Shot the morning of Friday, November 4, 2011 the GBS Lip Dub premiered three hours later at the 2011 Titan Telethon, a 24 hour live TV event which raised over $80,000 for Youth Services of Glenview & Northbrook. Connor Smith directed and edited the GBS Lip Dub. Kevin Mathein served as assistant director and Olivia Kane as second assistant director. John Paul O'Rourke operated the GlideCam. Happy 50th, GBS!

Want to Live Chat or Instant Message with Classmates?
Dave Neal asked how classmates can use the Live Chat and Instant Message features of the website. Thanks, Dave for the question. I have set up a Classmate Forum/Live Chat for y'all (yes, I'm from NC now) to discuss and decide if you want to set up special times to Chat. Here's the website explanation:

"The LIVE CHAT system is a big window where a conversation can happen, but there is no way to invite anyone to have a LIVE CHAT built into the live chat system. You would need to e-mail them and tell them a specific time to go to the website and then go to the LIVE CHAT page and then you could have your conversation (text conversation, but web-cam also possible)

The IM is the way to invite a classmate into the Live Chat system. You can Instant Message anyone who is currently logged on to your website. The instant messages will just be like private text messages UNLESS you invite them into a chat room. Then it will be a private chat between you two (and web-cam is possible). With IM, the web-cam option isn't possible. You can have several IM windows open at a time. Only one LIVE CHAT session can be opened at a time."

Are Messages to our Classmates private? If you click on 'Send a Private Message' right under your classmate's picture on their profile, it will be private. Your classmate will get an email with the message in it. If they respond, that will also be private. This is a good way to share emails or phone numbers. All of the other Comment sections that appear on this website will be available for all to see.

Photos of the Week: Thanks to Ken Winkler for sharing these photos: They will be in Ken's profile

GBS 1964 1st Varsity Baseball Team

GBS 1965 Baseball Team

From Ken: These photos are of the first GBS varsity baseball team of 1964 and the second team (our senior year) the 1965 varsity baseball team.  These are real old pictures which were in my old sports album so they are a little ragged but I believe everyone can see who the team members were.  I hope you can use them as they were never included in the year book for either year.  They were given to each player by Coach Eddie Baker.  Coach Ernie Kumerow was the assistant baseball coach of these teams.  In ’65 we played for the district championship but lost in a best of three game series to decide the district winner. 

Story of the Week from Judy Hess Profile:

I wasn't one of the lucky ones who had gym last period. We had to go to GBN (I think) for swimming in PE. I have natural curly hair and did my best to get it back into a "flip" after swimming; no success. Just outside the door of English class, which followed PE, I overheard one of the girls say, "Wait until you see Judy Helm's hair!" I died with embarrassment, went straight to the office and went home sick. They allowed me to make up swimming as soon as we Seniors got out of school because I refused to get in that pool.

Photo from Barb Sims Avery: Glenbrook South Student Council Summer Planning

See Barb's classmate profile to more clearly read the caption.

'Rugen School Memories' - 

THE LOCAL PLANNING COMMITTEE  had its first meeting February 28. Contact Dick Johnson (, Lindy Russell ( or Leslie Simon ( to help.

Quotes of the Week: What did your classmates say in April 1960 to Glenview Jr High Newspaper?

Previous Updates: Why Can't I Find My Name on the Classmate Profile list?

Once you join, your name is removed from the Class List until

1. Our Webmaster verifies that you are who you say you are. Security, security!!! This is usually done within a day, then your name will reappear.

2. Then, you will get a notice in a box at the top of the Home Page that your email has bounced (another security measure) until you click on the link in the box and respond to an automatically generated email from GBS65 < You will not get any website generated emails until this is complete.

If your name isn't on the list at all, just let us know and we can add it. We would be glad to find and add any classmates who were at Glenbrook South but didn't graduate with us. Help us find them!

Add to Safe Sender's List:  AND  <

In order to ensure you receive important messages from our class web site, as well as messages sent directly to you from other Classmates, it's important you whitelist (add to Safe Sender's List)  the email address ( that's a .net, not a .com) and GBS65 <>
