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•   Patrick James Gagan (1966)  7/13
•   Donald McColman (1965)  4/17
•   Phyllis Ann Gaskell (Efland) (1966)  3/22
•   Nick R. Edwards (1965)  2/16
•   Linda Gayle Countryman (Hargis) (1966)  1/27
•   John Stewart Melzer (1965)  10/17
•   Elaine Marie Epperson (Norman) (1965)  9/21
•   Anna Julian Fletcher (Leith) (1966)  5/12
•   John Howard Grosvenor (1966)  12/17
•   Jane Mansfield Woods (Alexander) (1965)  12/3
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

4 live in Alabama
2 live in Alaska
11 live in Arizona
3 live in Arkansas
10 live in California
7 live in Colorado
2 live in Connecticut
1 lives in Delaware
2 live in District Of Columbia
42 live in Florida
19 live in Georgia
1 lives in Idaho
2 live in Illinois
2 live in Indiana
2 live in Kansas
1 lives in Kentucky
1 lives in Louisiana
1 lives in Maine
12 live in Maryland
4 live in Massachusetts
2 live in Michigan
1 lives in Mississippi
6 live in Missouri
2 live in Montana
4 live in Nevada
1 lives in New Hampshire
3 live in New Jersey
6 live in New York
46 live in North Carolina
5 live in Ohio
7 live in Oklahoma
5 live in Oregon
4 live in Pennsylvania
1 lives in Puerto Rico
1 lives in Rhode Island
23 live in South Carolina
11 live in Tennessee
31 live in Texas
1 lives in Utah
1 lives in Vermont
278 live in Virginia
8 live in Washington
1 lives in West Virginia
1 lives in United Kingdom
189 location unknown
191 are deceased


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 41.6%
A:   325   Joined
B:   457   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


59th & 58th REUNION "Spring Fling"

APRIL 19 & 20, 2024

Click on the link "59 & 58 Year Reunion NEWS" (on the top left)

for Up-To-Date information!

Welcome all ORIGINAL WARRIORS to Warrior Country!! 

To all those who remember:

  • walking the "hallowed halls" of KHS where there lingered no SENIORS!!!
  • in August 1963, a silent, brand new, empty, and beautiful school
  • in September 1963, a lively, bustling, animated gathering forum for education, friendship and fun, fun, fun 
  • naming "Allowt Sachem"
  • WE BEAT HAMPTON and Szetela took a gigantic bath from the Buckroe pier - the mighty WARRIORS crushed the CRABS 
  • young folks with pride in their school and hope for the years to come
  • Good friends are like stars.... You don't always see them, but you know they are always there.
  • OPERATION SHOW YOUR COLORS     "Americans are serving the cause of freedom in VietNam. I wear my country's flag to show that I support their efforts".                         sponsored by the   American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary