Missing Classmates

We really need your help finding and updating the contact information for the approximately 300 Missing Classmates listed on this page.

If you have any information whatsoever for a classmate listed below please forward it to us. An e-mail address is golden, but it can be anything; telephone number, work, married name, a relative's contact information, etc. Even something as simple as their last known city can greatly increase our chances of finding a classmate.
Send any information to our direct e-mails; Tim Wheeler at TimothyRWheeler@hawaii.rr.com or David Lesperance at davidalesperance@yahoo.com.
If you have an e-mail address for a classmate on this page, you can also send them an invite to join the website by e-mailing them a link to their name on this page. Please make sure you also send us the e-mail address so that we can follow up with the classmate.

# next to a name indicates that we have an address, telephone number, or other contact information for this classmates. If you would like to volunteer and help contact any of these classmates, please let us know.




Monique Acoba (Kennison)
Maria Adriano
# Keith Ahern
# Lew Alba
Loran Aldridge
Susan Alexander
# Noel Allas
# Kimberly Ammentorp (Dando)
Tammy Anderson
Robert Ashley
Barbara Bacon
Kenneth Bauman
# Cindy Bellamy (Harte)
Jerry Bellamy
Pamela Bencina (Williamson)
Susan Bennett
Clare Blagg
Timothy P. Blundell
# Larry Bottoms
John Bouey
Pamela Bowen
Marie Breen
Benjamin Breitenback
# Dave S Briones
Kevin Burch
Cathy Burns (Sadowki)
Robert Butler
Donna Buxton
# Annabelle Lynn Byrd (Ware)
Gil Camino
# Wendy Campaniano
# Mary Carman (Fredrickson)
Scott Carmicheal
Donald Cecconi
Cynthia Chaffin (Curry)
Debra Charmer
Mi Cha Chon
Myong Im Chong
David Choy
Darlene Chun (Ordenstein)
# Dawn Chwatek
# Deborah Chwatek
Alan Cofield
# Charles Cole
# Karen Condon (Layman)
William Coss
Dawn Crawter
Steven Cunningham
# Leslie Curtis
# George Damon
Ron Darby
Linda Davenport
Barbara Davies
Barbara Davis
Deborah Dawson (Brown)
# Deborah DePestal (Floyd)
Darlene Derrick
Naomi Dias (Perez Sr. )
Janice Donald
Peter Dorazio
Sandra "Sandy" Dufour
# Sam Dunlap
# Lois Dunston
Kathryn Dwyer
# Bola Eastman
Francine Ebos (Morgan)
# Chris Eichelberger (Benator)
Terrie Eichelberger
Kathleen "Kathy" Esteban
Windy Evans
Monica Falo
Tamara Farmer
Vicki Ferguson
# John W Fish Jr
# Steve Fogg
# David Fontes
# Lloyd Fowler
Lynne Fraczek
Doug Fraser
Ricky L. Gabrielson
# Joanna "JoJo" Garcia (Fontes)
Carlene Garcia
Christopher Garrett
June Gauer
# Robert George
Dale Gerbing
Gwendolyn Giddings
Frances Glennon
# Michael Gochenouer
Robert Godwin
Linda Goldman
# Shawn Goodhart (Edmond)
Toni Grainger (Hull)
# Leslie Gurunlian
# Terence Guzman
John Haggerty
Robert Haley
Geraldine P Hampp
# John Hanlin
Deborah Harper
David W. Harvey
Paula T. Hasegawa
Carol Hawes
# Debbie Hayes (Burgess)
Stanley C. Heywood
Ronald W. Hilliard
# Sam K. Y. Ho
# Wallace K. "Wally" Ho
Lelani Hokuia
Adam Holl
Curt Honigford
Williams J. Hooks
Megan J. Howard
Joyce L. Ingram
Lisa Jackson
Danita L. Jacob
Gloria L. Jacob
Stephen M. Jarui
Linda Johnson (Gaub)
# Martin D. Johnston
Steven R. Johnston
# Barbara A. Jones (Pursley)
Connie Jones (Young)
Torin V. Jones
Vicki Jurney (Taylor)
Betok Kabua
# Marlene Kama
Glen M. Kaneshiro
Pamela L. Keith (McVicker)
Kenneth Kelsey
Edward R. Kerr
# Patrica L. Killion (Sheldon)
Wayne T. Kipp
Thomas A. Kirtley
Kevin Klingenberg
# Timothy H. Knight
Tamara E. Kowalczyk
# Kelly G. Krantz
William F. Kupau
Fern M. Lachica
Mark Kimo Laeha
# James B. LaFollette
Shirley Lahaya
Kelli Lancaster (Wilson)
# Renee D. Lanza (Payan)
Wayne Lapp
Malo Laupola
# Kurtis Lee
Buena Lee
Jae-Young Lee
Carla F. Lewis
Gloria S. Lewis
Chio Mei Lin
Suzette N. Lindsey
John Lino
John Loewe
Katharine A. Logan
# Dane Lospoc
# Richard A. Mahoney
Filisa Malae
Parry I. Malae
# Severino C. "Sev" Malajito
Debra K. Malone
Francis Manantan
Fololiena Manu
# Temutisa "Tisa" Manuma
Marian Marceau (Johnson)
Elizabeth Marcum (Thompson)
Tracy L. Martin
# Richard L. Maryott
Bret E. Mathers
Susan Matthews (Glass)
Sauimoana M. Mauga
Melba C. May
Roland McCall
Mary "Laurie" McCormick (Boyle)
Roger McDonald
Theresa L. McGeehan
# Patricia "Tricia" McKerns (Canne)
Joseph T. McNamara
# Nashtene McShane (Kaupu)
Arlyce Medeiros
Candice A. Mellerski
Karen Meloy
Pedro W. Mendiola
LuAnn Mero
# Michael K. Michaelson
James L. Miller
Kevin J. Miller
Roger Miller
Stephanie Miller
# Neva T. Mitchell (Rivera)
# Patty Mitchell (Trout)
Bryan J. Montgomery
Marvin Montgomery
Terri A. Montgomery (Gamble)
Dannette Moore (Ramirez)
Kenneth B. Moore
Michelle R. Moore
Missy A. Morgan
Kelli Morlock
Kim M. Morton
# Kevin J. Murphy
Cathy S. Nasu (Milazzo)
Dorothy Nea
David Ney
Rachel Niccum
Dale Nichols
Robert W. Noland
Stephen M. Nusbaum
# Stanley J. Nycek
Susan K. O'Brien
# Russel S. Okuma
# Joseph Pa
Nathan S. Paikai
Sharon D. Parker (Timken)
Stanley Pascua
Karen Pasquinelli (Short)
# Curtis "Curt" Patterson
Carlene Paulo
Donna R. Paytes
Quintin R. Pelayo
John Penic
Kathy Peoples (Carter)
Carol D. Pfeifer
Don Pfeifer
Lawrence "'Larry" Ramirez
Ronald R. Ramos
David Reese
# Sidney Remigio
Rhonda D. Reysen (Nitsche)
Robert Rogers
Felix Romano
Susan M. Rosholdt
# William H. Roth
# Lawrence Rudolfo
Donna A. Safko
Alsen R. Saito
Fiapaipai P. Samatua
Judy Saupan
Richard A. Schaad
Debbie Schafer (Aldridge)
Susan E. Shelley
Lisa M. Shine
# Kelly Shoemaker (Matney)
# Russell M. Simpliciano
Phillip S. Singletary
Richard W. Slayton
David L. Smith
Deanna L. Smith
Elizabeth J. Smith
Carol L. Snowden
# Melanie K. Soares (Ballard)
Jung-Han Sohn
Jeffery Souza
Donald L. Stephens
Jaci Sturdevant
Siamouli Suapilimai
# Laurie Sullivan (Bennett)
Siobhan M. Sullivan
Miquel "Miki" Supnet
Blanche A. Suzuki
Fouaimalo S. Taaga
Elizabeth Taito (Manuma)
Kathleen F. Takemoto
Geraldine P. Tatum
# Beverly Taylor (Miles)
Luann Temme
David Teney
John T. Tengler
# Lori T. Teruya (Shinsato)
Iris Y. Teruya (Tokioka)
Donna J. Thompson
Melanie Thornton
Cathy Y. Tipp
Derrlyn J. Tom
Arthur Townsend
Donald R. Trahan
Lee "Stanley" Tugwell
Taeaomanino Tuipala
# Gladys Ulu (Tupulua)
# Kent V. Urieff
# Elsie S. Vaefaga (Song)
Micaela D. M. Vanterpool
# Phyllis "Piliki" Villanueva (Betonio)
Susan Villela
Frances Eugene"Gene" Wallace
Kathy A. Walton
Paul A. Watkins
# Karen P. Wedemeyer (Ng)
Deborah Weisenberger
Leigh White
Ricky L. Whiteside
# Debra Wickliffe (Saffell)
Jill A. Wight-Campbell
Patty Wilde (DeVera)
Kimberly R. Williams (Cambell)
Margaret A. Williams
Stephen Williams
Margie Wilson
Tina M. Wilson
Richard E. Wisson
Rick A. Wolensky
Roberta D "Robin" Wong
Clay B. Woolsey
Becky S. Worner
Valerie J. Wrenn
Vickie L. Wrenn
Deborah L. Wysocki
Wayne Y. Yamabe
David T. Yamashiro
Gregg Young

Guest Members

Janu Cassidy '77
Laurie Chattleton '73 (Arroyo)
Joanna DeBlaay '77 (Jones)
Kati Farrington '77 (Curle)
Katherine Guille '74
Diane Hallbach '77 (Azhdari)
Arnette Kalaoukaaea '77
David Kaohu Laeha '77
Larry McKenzie '74
Mark Robillard '77
Sue Shearer '75 (Dietrich)
Debbie Wheeler '73
Tina Williams '78 (Vidinha)