Aloha Classmate,

This site is owned by the Class of 1976 and hosted by There is no cost for classmates to join this site.  The information you enter will "never be shared with other companies or organizations electronically or otherwise." Your information is password protected and has privacy settings so that you control what the public and other classmates can see. That is why classmates have to JOIN the site and make-up their own password the first time they visit.
Your personal information is broken into two sections: CONTACT and PROFILE. Only information you add to the PROFILE section is shown.  Your e-mail address is never shown, unless you add it in the comments section of your PROFILE. Other information in the CONTACT section (birthday, address, telephone, etc) is not shown unless you elect to have it shown. When you "Join" the site, set the various privacy settings to the level you feel comfortable.  Example:
* Allow logged-in Classmates to see my address and phone number (this information is hidden from your Classmates unless you check this box). This information is never available to the general public or search engines if this box is checked.
The first time you visit the site you need to JOIN the site.  Hit the blue JOIN HERE button within the gray box on the top right corner of the home page.  On the next page that appears, click on your name and follow the instructions. 

Do not mistakenly use the "Log-in" button to join the site.  You use that button on later visits after you have joined the site and updated your contact information.

Remember to record your password someplace you can find it again, add or update your contact and profile information, and set your privacy settings.
We apologize for any errors.  Please fix the error or let us know.
If a your or another classmates name is missing, or you would like to be added as a guest, please hit the CONTACT US button on the menu and send us a message.

David Lesperance, Tim Wheeler, and sometimes Everett Peacock
