Liberty Theater Renovation

The Class of 1962 got a rare chance to view the "remains" of the old Liberty theater in La Grande during their 50th Class Reunion.  A foundation has been set up to restore the old theater for all sorts of artistic presentations.  If you would like to get more information regarding their efforts, please contact them at: - or - write to them at:  Liberty Theatre Foundation, P.O. Box 3057, La Grande, OR 97850.  In the meantime, enjoy the following glimpse into the old theater as it is today.



Liberty Theater Lecture Room with original theater seats


Mock up of Liberty Theater


Theater balcony presentation with false ceiling in background



Original projection room


Our first group of theater tourists


How do we get out of here?





The original theater chandelier!


Is this cool or what?


Yes, the original film projectors are still there


I wonder if they still work?


Where is the film?  Let's watch a movie!


This renovation is going to be quite a project!  Would you like to contribute to the cost?


I have no clue what this is!  It looks like a switchboard of some kind to me.


Sure hope this old chandelier can be returned to its former glory
