In Memory

Judy Thomas - Class Of 1964

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07/13/10 01:34 PM #1    

Tom Thomas (1962)

My sister Judy passed on Dec. 5, 2003 after a 4 month battle with gall bladder cancer.  She beat breast cancer a number of years before that.  After teaching 3rd grade in Union for 30 years, she retired to travel, play golf, and do her sweatshirts and craft shows.  While teaching, she started and funded the swimming program for Union 3rd graders which continues today in her memory as well as providing scholarship money for her graduating students.

07/17/10 03:12 AM #2    

Donna Chadwick (Tsiatsos) (1964)

Judy was such a caring person, loving life and always wanting to share herself with everyone.  We wre friends in High School but it wasn't until many years later, (like when I was about 40) that Judy had the greatest impact on my life.  She arranged for me to do my student teaching in her third grade classroom.  What an amazing teacher and friend.  She taught me so much during that time and on throughout the rest of her life.  My heart was broken when her life was cut short.  She had so many grand plans and she deserved to live them out.  We don't always understand what God is doing, but I know that He must have had a greater need for Judy in heaven than He had for her on this earth.  She has been dearly missed by so many of us.  Her memory will be with us until we meet again. 

Donna Tsiatsos

01/03/11 03:12 AM #3    

Jean Pipes (Conklin) (1965)

 Judy was my "mentor" in Junior High.  I somehow landed in advanced math classes, and of course I knew no one as a 7th grader in 8th grade math classes.  Judy befriended me, and she shared her friends with me, which was especially nice. By telephone, we compared answers every night on the phone to be certain we got 100% on all math assignments. . . She was such an interesting person, with such vitality and self-assuredness. I always looked up to her.  

Our fathers both worked for the railroad in the same Yardmaster office, so we spoke the same railroader-family language. We both had family passes for the streamliner, and I remember that Judy and I took a trip to Portland once, on the Streamliner, alone, to buy school clothes. Fun.  

Judy was a quality person. I am richer for having known her.  


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