35 Reasons to Attend!

35 Reasons to Attend Your 35th High School Reunion


  1. Because we really want to see you. Yeah, YOU.
  2. No one can relive that big game like the friends who were there with you when it happened.
  3. Few events offer the opportunity to go back in time and laugh like a teenager.
  4. This party doesn't involve fluffy prom dresses, dyed to match shoes or big hair-though you are sure to see a few photos of just that. 
  5. At a reunion, everyone shows up older, and then grows young again.
  6. You are never too cool for your high school friends.
  7. Because you want to go where everybody knows your name!
  8. You know high school didn't define you.
  9. You might find out Mr. Most-Likely-To-Succeed is now a stay-at-home dad and Miss Biggest Flirt is now a tenured professor.
  10. Network. Network. Network. It’s a small world and you will be surprised at how many wonderful “coincidences” life really holds.
  11. Even though your life didn't follow the road map you had planned, you know deep down your path has been uniquely yours. 
  12. Even with the best of intentions, you really don't get together with those high school Facebook friends.
  13. Who else is going to fill in the blanks to your slipping memory? Thank goodness for name tags!
  14. You feel better than you've ever felt before.
  15. You look better than you've ever looked before.
  16. You are so not who you were back then.
  17. You want to remember who you were back then.
  18. You don’t have to lie about your age.
  19. You can't hear the infectious laugh of the classmate who sat behind you in geometry, see an ex's smiling green eyes or hug your former locker partner on Facebook.
  20. To introduce your husband to the girlfriends who got you through your first heartbreak. 
  21. It is sure to be chock full of status worthy Facebook postings or fodder for your blog.
  22. Even if you're recently divorced, have a bit less hair, lost your job or wear a few extra pounds, you are still who you are, only better. 
  23. It is a great way to show your partner where you came from.
  24. And an even better way to see how far you've come.
  25. There are very few opportunities in life to reinvent yourself.
  26. You can watch a movie about a reunion-Grosse Pointe Blank, Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion-or you can live it.
  27. Group memories are best shared as a group.
  28. Your classmates know just what it is like and just how it feels to be 48.
  29. To talk about your high school glory days, not just to relive them, but to tell your classmates "I'm glad we went through it together" makes for a great evening. 
  30. The "I didn't like anyone then", "I still talk to everyone I want to talk to", and "everything there is to know about anyone is on Facebook" excuses are predictable and ordinary. You are neither.
  31. Rarely in life do you get to look back through a new lens.
  32. Because you have nothing to prove.
  33. Because you can. Life is short, each day and milestone should be celebrated!
  34. Studies have shown that those who were initially hesitant about attending their reunions discover it was THE EVENT that they wouldn’t have missed.
  35. Life Happens. Get Up, get dressed, and show up.  You’ll be glad you did… and so will everyone else.