Missing Classmates

If you know where these Classmates are please share our web address with them:
If you know the email address for any Classmate below you can click on the Classmate's name to quickly send an email invitation to our site.

Copie Abram
Kenith Alexander
Jose Miguel Amengual
Edward Amos
Jean Anthony
Harold Ash
Karen Ayers
Trevor Baggette
Alonzo Banks
Beth Barlow
Kathy Barnes
Paula Barrett
Jason Baumgardner
Michael Bell
Lisa Belofi
Steven Bishop
Christian Black
Andrew Bly
Rodney Booker
David Bower
Jody Brabant
Shawn Brady
Marlo Breit
Heidi Bronikowski
Tammy Brooks
Kesia Brown
Jennifer Bryant
Stanley Byers
Angela Caldwell
Dennis Caldwell
Brian Carnahan
Gloria Carter
Ardith Chamblee
Livingston Chapman
Wayne Childress
Felecita Childs
Il Chong
Debra Cooper
Linda Cooper
Michael Crafton
Susan Crawford
Michelle Cron
Susan Crosby (Hancock)
Christopher Davis
Janice Disarro
Kelvin Dixon
Sean Doria
Keith Dossey
Mia Ferguson (Brackin)
Terri Flower
Joseph Frasier
William Frasier
Douglas Fritz
Russell Futch
Michelle Gaudette
Loriel Gerth
Eddie Godfrey
Jonathan Good
James Graham
Deanna Grice
Rita Grimsley
Don Hand
Jeff Hannifan
Eva Harris
David Heacox
Donald Heacox
David Healey
Michael Herndon
Henry Higgins
Lisa Higgins
Donna Holmes
Jeremi Horne
Ed Huckery
Rich Hummel
Lori Hunt
Gerald Ivey
Tammy Jankowski
Gregory Jenkins
Amelia Johnson
Brett Jones
Chip Jones
Yvonne Joost
Dan Kemp
Rose King
Wade Kirkland
Tammy Kohlmeier
Harold Lamont
Cyrus Leavens
Daniel Leavens
James Leslie
Frances Lewis
Wayne Lockwood
Gregory Long
Melissa Malone
Angela Mann
John McCall
Gwendolyn McCloud
Michael Menezes
Alvin Moore
Carmen Morris
Tamarra Morse
David Moyer
Cynthia Murff
Phyllis Musterpher
Kimberly Newman
Darrel Nielson
Victoria O'Brien
Amy Odom
Nancy Lee Pearson
Tammy Pease
Michael Poorbaugh
Troy Ray
Barrett Reid
Terry Reynolds
Jerry Rich
Henry Ross
Diane Rowland
Lex Rowland
Terry Rubenstein
Judy Rutledge
Christine Schmidt
Andrew Scott
Charles Sedgwick
William Senior
Debora Shiver
Janelle Simpson
Joseph Sims
Teri Smith
Debra D Snyder
Michael Speed
Wilana Speed
Sharolyn Spence
Malissa Stanridge
Eric Street
Kevin Strickland
Carla Strong
Keith Sutton
Lenora Thomas
Terri Thomas
Teresa Thompson
Timothy Thompson
Matt Toops
Donald Trader
Theresa Udell
Brian Wade
Sara Waggoner
Lori Walker
Elizabeth Wander
Dana Ward
Leona Washburn
Tracy Weeks
Rycke Weldy
Angela Whitley
Ricky Whitman
Larry Wiker
Daniel Willis
Gary Wooten
Dean Zarlenga
David Zell

Guest Members

Christy (Henderson)
Stacey (Buchanon)
Jim King
