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02/26/15 11:15 AM #3209    


Roy Stamey

Yucca Flats. I still recall the recipe. Of course the recipe was fluid, both figuratively and literally, but almost always included orange juice. And a few other things.

02/28/15 06:24 AM #3210    


Jimmy Tiller

Never would have remembered that name if you hadn't mentioned it Roy! I wonder how that originated? Maybe the word flat is indicative of the "after" position.

03/01/15 01:55 AM #3211    


Charles McGarity

Yes, Roy, Yes....Yucca Flats.....coasted in to the Ponderosa on a Sunday afternoon running on fumes

in my 61. No one else anywhere around.  No gas in any of the cans.  I found "the tub" under an old tarp.

Had about a quart left in the bottom. I made a funnell out of an old floor mat, and was able to pour it into the

gas tank.  I crossed my fingers and fired her up. Best she had run in a while. Got home and the engine

wouldn't cut off. Sucker ran til 5 o'clock the next afternoon. Yes, Roy, Yucca Flats!

03/01/15 11:12 AM #3212    


Roy Stamey

That's  great story, Charles! Yeah, I remember that stuff being that volitile. Jimmy, I've been pondering the name for the past couple of days, and wonder if the Yucca isn't a play off from just plain 'Yuk!' But then I don't recall the taste being too bad once all that pineapple and orange juice was added. I'm going to chuckle on Charles's story for the rest of the day, for sure! I actually drove by the Ponderosa last spring. I believe the tent has been replaced by a hard shed, but the atmosphere is still there. I've always thought a good YA novel could be pulled out of that place.

03/01/15 11:59 AM #3213    


Jimmy Tiller

After digging through some old tribal records, I found that yucca roughy ( very!) translates into knockya,  which, when paired with flat, seems adequately descriptive to me. Pete solved an old mystery, for I often wondered why the '61 would turn on it's signal light of it's own accord when approaching Ponderosa drive from 78!

03/03/15 09:40 AM #3214    


Jimmy Tiller


What was your hardest or least liked subject? I had two, probably tied for last. One was English composition, which I could make no sense of. If a participle wanted to dangle, it was O.K. With me, and to properly diagram a sentence made no sense when the diagram was not content to form an upper and lower Limbsbut kept growing branches with future perfect, past perfect, and other seemingly useless terms, until a simple harmless sentence resembled a giant fallen tree. I took this  up with Mrs. Fleming, and told her that if all words in these complex sentences were each written on separate pieces of paper, put in a bag and shaken well, I could still put them back where they belonged. She laughed, but told that is not the way they did it in college. Later, I was exonerated by winning first pace in state composition in boy's essay, and she was well pleased. The second subject was Spanish, which involved for me, strictly memorization. I could see little use in that much work, since I reasoned that I was never going to Mexico. Little did I realize that Mexico was coming to me! Let's hear it from you girls and guys now!

03/04/15 02:30 PM #3215    


Roy Stamey

I don't recall any particular incident of struggle; it was ALL a struggle for me. (Except the partying.) If I narrow it down, I'd say English and math. Like Jimmy, diagramming made no sense whatsoever at the time. In math, I STILL don't fully get the sense out of replacing numbers with letters! Oh, I get that it's important for the world order (they tell me!), but for me personally, 1 is 1 and x is x. If you tell me x=1, my eyes glaze over.

Not to shift subjects - I'm anxious to know of other folk's academic struggles, those of you that had them (they reaffirm that I wasn't alone!) - But, in your reflections, I'm wondering if any of you recall Dr. Ronald Bernard, who was along-term math substitute in the 67/68 school year. I've tried unsuccessfully to locate him. He, as a teacher, influenced me the most by helping me put my 'struggles' into a much broader, understandable perspective. I have reflected on his 'guidance' most of my adult life, and as a teacher, I've tried to match is ability to reach the unreachable. I'm currently working on a 'story' about him. If any of you do remember him and are willing to share anecdotes, please do. If you would rather not do so here - please email them to me.

03/09/15 11:49 AM #3216    


Jimmy Tiller

Roy, I remember mr. Bernard. He was interested in the local fauna & flora. I told him about a place I knew where light green and purple moss grew, alongside an abandoned shallow rock quarry. He asked me to take him there, and I did, and also showed him goldfish populating said quarry. He took photos for about 30 minutes. Later he gave me a book entitled " leaves of grass" which contained both prose and poetry, and inscribed it for me. I don't know where he went, but I'll inquire around here.

03/09/15 02:44 PM #3217    


Kathy Carter (Campbell)

The only thing I recall about Mr. Bernard is the name. As for hard classes, for me it was Algebra. I loved plain ole Math, but found it IMPOSSIBLE to "get" Algebra, even with the help of Mrs. Moore and my study buddies. I liked Spanish very much & enjoyed Mrs. Armour, did well in it. Took 2 years of it, but as Jimmy said, it was mostly memorization. If we had only known then what we are seeing now, I am certain everyone would have made a serious attempt to use the language in our lives as much as possible.

Someone mentioned Mr. Wayne Josey a while back. I had him for a class, but can't remember what it was. It is a small world that we live in. Mr. Josey's son, Dwayne, lives here in Saluda & is a good friend of ours. He is a mortician and runs our local funeral home. I discovered that Mr. Josey grew up in South Carolina & was brought back to where he grew up, for his burial.

03/10/15 10:42 AM #3218    


Jimmy Tiller

Rev. Wayne Josey was one of my favorite people, both in the classroom and later years. He performed both of my marriage ceremonies about 14 years apart. I never once saw him depart from his quiet, father-like demeanor, and I will never forget him.

03/10/15 01:08 PM #3219    


Roy Stamey

The Reverend Josey is coming back to mind. Was he the Methodist preacher there in Crawford, and what subject did he teach? (You may have mentioned the subject somewhere above.)

03/10/15 10:35 PM #3220    


Jimmy Tiller

Roy, the rev from Crawford was Bill Gafford, who was much more stern. In today's terms, Rev. Josey was " real laid back" and was a Baptist preacher  who lived very near Stephens community. You might remember his car, a 1959 4 door 6 cylinder Chevy which he never washed, hauled hay bales in, and eventually put 400,000 miles on! ( did I say laid back)!! The best way I know of to describe the color of the car is bluish-green.Btw,  the class of 1967 dedicated their yearbook to him.

03/11/15 05:32 AM #3221    


David Landers

Rev. Josey to me was a great man. IN my early years of high school, when I was going down the wrong road of life, he saved me from becoming a nobody. I will always respect that man for that.

03/11/15 09:27 AM #3222    


Jimmy Willis

Roy I believe The Rev. Josey was in the Social Studies dept. He was a

very good man. It seemed it was his task in life to come and get us

back on track. Jimmy he did my first marriage also.

He took all of us young guys under his wing and tried to

protect us and guide us. I am very thankful for having known him. May

he forever rest.

03/11/15 04:27 PM #3223    


Kathy Carter (Campbell)

How interesting to know that he performed some of your marriage ceremonies.Yes, Jimmy, he was a laid back type of minister. I am glad that he gave some of you, in our class of '68, some good guidance, even after our years of school. I do believe he did teach Social Studies. His son is a nice man, a few years younger than we are.

03/12/15 01:33 PM #3224    


Roy Stamey

My memory is like a screen door in a wind storm. Some of the bigger stuff gets caught in the wire and never makes it through; some of the little stuff comes through crystal clear. I don't specifically recall Reverend Josey, but Jimmy's description of his car puts it clearly in front of me. I can see it parked there at the school, clear as day. I'm sure he was a great man; some of the evidence is in the notes above. Maybe I'll recall him in some burst of memory to come. I do recall Reverend Gafford. I think he was the one that let a bunch of us take over his church down there one evening to put on a 'youth' service.

03/18/15 12:06 PM #3225    


Connie Morgan (White)

***  SAVE. THE. DATE. ***

Diane and Dick are coming to Georgia for a short visit in April.   We'd love for all who can,  please come to the house here in Crawford on Sunday afternoon,  APRIL. 26,  2 p.m.  NO NEED TO BRING ANYTHING.   I'll just have something simple like ice cream and toppings  for a snack.    (Anyone that wants to, can donate a dollar or 2 to help cover expense).  We can just spend the afternoon talking,  laughing,  sharing memories and catching up!     As always when you come here-- very casual.   PLEASE make plans now to come. 

I have so enjoyed reading (and laughing at) the stories posted on here.   Jimmy Tiller,  I've thought about the school subjects. ..  I liked math and typing.   English and history were harder for me (but I did like diagramming sentences).  I think I would really enjoy History now--especially Georgia history.   Jimmy,  I remember you being a really good writer.        Roy,  I don't remember Mr.  Bernard :(... but my memory isn't that great)

I sure hope to see y'all in April!       

03/22/15 07:23 PM #3226    


Connie Morgan (White)

Glenn Nix posted on Facebook that Melvin Young has died.  I will see about sending flowers from our class when I find out arrangements.     I know we will all want to remember his family in prayers.


03/23/15 09:42 AM #3227    


Jimmy Willis

Good Morning Mates,

It's so sad we lose another Mate. These past 46 years have flown

by. Seems it was just yesterday we were all togather. Now we

have lost another Brother. Glenn I am so sorry. I know how close

you two have been since the first day. We will all miss him.

Have Peace Brother and Rest.

03/23/15 09:59 AM #3228    


Roy Stamey

We do find ourselves at an interesting distance from '68, yet some of the memories are so close, probably even more so for those who grew up and have spent a lifetime in the county. It's hard to realize these losses. I remember Melvin very clearly, and fondly, and though we have not been in touch over the years, it sure saddens me to hear of his passing. I sympathize with his family, and with Glenn. I know the feeling of losing close friends.  Connie, thank you for seeing to flowers for Melvin's family. Is there a 'fund' that we can contribute to for this purchase, and for flowers in future circumstances like this? It's sad to think that there are certain to be more circumstances like this.

03/23/15 01:32 PM #3229    


Connie Morgan (White)

Arrangements for our classmate, Melvin Young:

visitation at Lord and Stephens, East Athens tomorrow night (Tuesday) from 6-8 p.m.

funeral will be on Wednesday at 11 a.m. in the funeral home chapel.   Burial in Collier Cemetary

I will send flowers from our OCHS Class of 1968.   I figured I would send something red and white, as our school colors were red and white back in our day.

Roy, thanks for asking.   After Inez Nation's death not too long after our 40th. reunion, we did start a fund by classmates making contributions.   Nancy Tucker Griffiths has the money, and I will get reimbursed from her later.   I know that presently we have money in this fund that will certainly cover this.  It is sad to know another of our classmates has died. 

03/27/15 10:44 AM #3230    


Connie Morgan (White)

OK...   the "class callers" are being notified about making calls about the April 26 get-together.   (Please see the 3/18/15 post on here for details).   Really hope you will make plans and come.

Jimmy Tiller, PLEASE bring your journal from high school.   You don't have to pass it around, but please share some more of those memories with us  (and jog some of our old memories)laugh


04/04/15 12:59 PM #3231    


Connie Morgan (White)

I hope my friends from class of '68 have a blessed Easter.  So thankful for His Amazing Grace.

04/15/15 10:55 AM #3232    


Connie Morgan (White)


I sure hope you are planning to come for our get-together on Sunday,  April 26 at 2!

05/15/15 06:15 AM #3233    


David Landers

Happy Birthday Jane Griffith.

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