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•   Suzanne Fouts (Perzy)  9/6
•   Carol Spitz (Driggars)  8/8
•   Linda Gale Wainwright (Kitchings)  6/29
•   Donna Dondes (Krug)  6/18
•   Judy Marshall (Levine)  6/16
•   Gena Ware (Wilson)  6/15
•   Monty Cheshire  4/22
•   Patsy Graham (Leonard)  4/14
•   Lee Anna Sturkie (Sturkie)  4/3
•   Meldrim F Middlebrooks  3/26
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

13 live in Alabama
1 lives in Alaska
1 lives in Arizona
9 live in California
2 live in Colorado
1 lives in Connecticut
43 live in Florida
367 live in Georgia
1 lives in Illinois
1 lives in Indiana
4 live in Kentucky
1 lives in Maryland
4 live in Mississippi
1 lives in Missouri
3 live in Nevada
1 lives in New Jersey
1 lives in New Mexico
3 live in New York
16 live in North Carolina
4 live in Oregon
3 live in Pennsylvania
21 live in South Carolina
6 live in Tennessee
9 live in Texas
7 live in Virginia
1 lives in Washington
1 lives in Wisconsin
1 lives in Australia
1 lives in Netherlands
115 location unknown


•   Ellene Stutts (Graves)  9/20
•   Howard G Miller  9/22
•   Neel Stallings  9/23
•   Joan Schneider (Smith)  9/24
•   Dianne Brannen  9/26
•   Dawn Bailey (Doster)  9/30
•   Lois Wilder (Torrez)  10/1
•   Sandy Belote (Davis)  10/2
•   Margaret Chafin (Johnson)  10/2
•   Bobbie Jo Hardwick (Carver)  10/2
•   Guilford Smith  10/2
•   Bobby Stroud (Stroud Jr)  10/2
•   Anne Howard (Slocumb)  10/3
•   Patricia Lumpkin (Murphy)  10/3
•   Gail Hopson (McLain)  10/4
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Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 53.9%

A:   351   Joined
B:   300   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

Welcome to the Miller/Lanier Class of 1965

Class Web Site


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If you are a registered classmate, welcome back!  Just sign in with your e-mail address and the password you created when you originally registered.  Enjoy looking at the profiles of old friends BUT don't forget to add/update your own photos and information.


Several Classmates Have Inquired About Our Next Reunion. The Reunion Committee Has Been Surveyed And The Prevailing Opinion Was To Wait Until The 60th Reunion Year Of 2025. A Survey Will Be Sent To You In 2024 Asking Your Preference About The Reunion Format.