Golf Outing 2015


We Had Tons Of Fun!



The Golf Gang!

August 21, 2015


Linda Knapman Brozovic, Scott Kemsley, Linda Szymanek Bennett, Jack Keller



Karl Stier, Marilyn Van Bael, Frank Van Bael, George Marsack 



George Marsack



Carl Lapplander, John Ross, John Pascaretti, and Ed DeRose



Frank Van Bael, Marilyn Van Bael, John McCormick



Scott Kemsley



Debi Pitcock and Vern Simmers



Karl Stier and George Marsack




Joy Lewis, Dan Dupuis, and Roxanne Dupuis



Debi Snyder Pitcock, Ed DeRose, Jack Keller



 Linda Knapman Brozovic, Scott Kemsley, Linda Szymanek Bennett, Jack Keller




John McCormick




Vern Simmers and Debi Boccaccio Destroyer 




Linda Szmanek Bennett, Jack Keller, Linda Knapman Brozovic and Scott Kemsley




Maureen DeWitte Sopoliga and John McCormick



Dan Dupuis, Roxanne Holton Dupuis, Debi Snyder Pitcock, and

Vern Simmers 



Maureen DeWitte Sopoliga and Linda Knapman Brozovic



Carl Lapplander, John Ross, John Pascaretti, and Ed DeRose


George Marsack


Ed DeRose, Linda Szymanek Bennett, Scott Kemsley and Jack Keller



Karl Stier and George Marsack


Debi Pitcock and Vernon Simmers


John Ross and Scott Kemsley


Ed DeRose


Linda Szymanek and Jack Keller


Ed DeRose, Debi Boccaccio Destroyer and John Pascaretti


Carl Lapplander and John McCormick


Johnn Pascaretti



Frank and Marilyn Van Bael 



Debi Boccaccio Destroyer and Ed DeRose



Roxanne Holton Dupuis and husband Dan



Linda Szymanek Bennett, Jack Keller, Scott Kemsley and Linda Knapman Brozovic


Joy Lewis and Ed DeRose



Lunch At Jimmy Dee's!

Dan Dupuis and Karl Stier


The Gang!


George Marsack, Roxanne Holton Dupuis, and Linda Knapman


Joy Phillips Stuart



Cory Berish, Diane Dopkee Vigneron, Debi Boccaccio Destroyer, and Ed DeRose



John Ross, Frank Van Bael, and Marilyn Van Bael



Vicki Buckman and Debi Snyder Pitcock

Golf 2005!
Debi Snyder Pitcock and Mark Albright
Golf Group 2010!
Jake Hewitt, Steve Humphreys, Donna Travers Wilhelm, Vernon Simmers
Linda Knapman Brozovic, Dan Soenen, Joy Lewis, Joe Martin,
Maureen DeWitt Sopoliga, Raquel Gonzales Wills 
Bill Wogh, Jane Lawrence Routledge, Scott Kemsley, Mark Albright

Jack Keller and Jane Lawrence

Bill Wogh, Jane Lawrence, Scott Kemsley, Joy Lewis, Joe Martin
Russ Snow, Joy Lewis, Linda Knapman, Joe Martin
Debi Pitcock and Ed DeRose