Charles Acuff (Business) 
Clarice Alexander (Spanish) 
Virginia Andrews (Biology) 
Hilda Atkinson (Business) 
Robert Bates (Board President) 
Emily Beigel (Family Life Education) 
Kenneth Bell (Photography, Us History) 
Ollie Bloomer (Special Education) 
Tom Bogosian (Instrumental Music) 
Walter Borgman (Vice Principal) 
Paul Calvert (Assistant To The Principal) 
Woodrow Campbell (Us History) 
Loman Cansler (Counselor) 
Norman Clouse (Vocal Music) 
David Cochran (Industrial Arts) 
Elizabeth Collings (Home Economics) 
Elizabeth Collings (Sutton) 
Clyde Cooper (Physical Education) 
Charles Cottingham (English, Physical…) 
Joe Crouthers (Coaching, Driver Educa…) 
Lester Daniels (Mathmatics, Science) 
William Davidson (Board Member) 
Gladys Deardorff (Secretary) 
Don Duey (Government, World History) 
Richard Dunlap (Us History) 
Donald Ewing (Board Member) 
Lois Fann (Bookkeeping) 
James Frisby (Mathmatics) 
Velma Frost (Art) 
Mildred Fulton (Drama, Journalism) 
Nancy Gabriel (English) 
Paul Galatas (Mathmatics, Radio) 
Francis Galbraith (Coaching, Physical…) 
Maxine Gaskill (Nurse) 
Kathryn Gill (Mathmatics) 
Alice Glynos (French) 
Mabel Hale (Debate, English, Speech) 
Rose Hall (Spanish) 
Iralee Hardy (Psychology) 
Gene Harris (Board Member) 
Ann Hayes (Secretary) 
Maxine Heisey (Physical Education) 
Shirley Hern (World History) 
Bob Hiatt 
Merton Hoch (Mathmatics) 
Bernita Isley (Spanish) 
Nelson Kerr (Principal) 
Mattie Jo King (Business) 
Hester Kretz (Counselor) 
Mary Lou Leimkuhler (Secretary) 
Lawrence Leming (Industrial Arts) 
Roy Lemons (Industrial Arts) 
E. L. Lewis (Board Vice President) 
Joan Linder (English) 
Michael McCall (Economics, Sociology,…) 
Charlotte McClintock (English) 
Ramond McCollum (Board Member) 
Barbara Melchert (Biology) 
Woodson Moore (Business) 
Marjorie Neer (Assistant To The Libra…) 
Leland O'Dell (Coaching, Driver Educa…) 
Evelyn Pickrell (Business) 
R. F. Poynter (Board Treasurer) 
Gail Renner (World History) 
Gerald Renner (English) 
Dorothy Shatto (Business) 
Robert Shearer (Counselor) 
Marilyn Small (World History) 
Rene Smith (English) 
Anita Stark (English, French) 
Wilma Sullivan (Business) 
Louise Thomas (Business) 
Leonard Thompson (Psychology) 
Marvin Thompson (Special Education) 
Carolyn Turnbull (Business, Physical …) 
Hazel Uhlig (Special Education) 
Virginia Webster (Attendance) 
Joyce Wright (Home Economics) 