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•   Nila Sanders  7/26
•   Don Summers  7/24
•   Jay Davis  7/9
•   Linda Switzer  4/22
•   Ralph Taylor  3/31
•   Claudia Moad (Baggerly)  3/4
•   Ron Carpenter  2/3
•   Joyce Kindred (Rule)  10/4
•   Bill Dalley  5/18
•   Mario Ceschia  2/27
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11 live in Arizona
1 lives in Arkansas
13 live in California
10 live in Colorado
6 live in Florida
2 live in Georgia
1 lives in Hawaii
1 lives in Idaho
4 live in Illinois
15 live in Kansas
1 lives in Kentucky
1 lives in Maine
1 lives in Massachusetts
132 live in Missouri
1 lives in Nevada
2 live in New Mexico
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3 live in North Carolina
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3 live in Oklahoma
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2 live in Tennessee
9 live in Texas
3 live in Virginia
6 live in Washington
1 lives in West Virginia
1 lives in Wisconsin
1 lives in Wyoming
1 lives in Belgium
2 live in Mexico
1 lives in Sweden
211 location unknown
142 are deceased


•   Robert Fulton  7/28
•   Larry Towle  7/30
•   Sandy Powers (Skaggs)  8/1
•   Cheryl Galloway (Jacks)  8/2
•   Donna Macey (Roberts)  8/3
•   Eileen McCall (Frank)  8/3
•   Linda Boustead (Aylward)  8/4
•   Don Enloe  8/5
•   Sharon Jincks (Fowler)  8/5
•   Bill Steel  8/7
•   Alice Allen (Shepard)  8/9
•   Susan Carr (Scott)  8/9
•   Jim Mann  8/10
•   Trish Merritt (Lear)  8/10
•   Don Summers  8/10
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Percentage of Joined Classmates: 55.6%

A:   264   Joined
B:   211   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

North Kansas City High School
Class Of 1962

News from the School


Gus Leimkuhler Way

On Friday, April 19,2024 a ceremony was held to dedicate a street sign to honor longtime teacher and friend, Gus Leimkuhler.  The sign, “Gus Leimkuhler Way” was installed on the corner of 23rd and Howell Street in North Kansas City.  Around 100 people were in attendance including Gus’ son, Jim, and some of Jim’s family.







On April 19, 2024 at 2pm, an honorary sign, “Gus Leimkuhler Way,” will be dedicated and installed at the corner of 23rd Street and Howell Street, next to North Kansas City High School. 

Gus, a former graduate of North Kansas City High School, became a mainstay at the high school, joining the faculty in 1952 and serving as an English teacher and head Librarian.  He was the faculty sponsor of several student organizations including the Senior Class and the Purgold yearbook, was the director of numerous student plays and musicals, and the sponsor of Northtown’s American Field Service (AFS) program.  Gus and his family even hosted an AFS student during the 1972-1973 school year.  Gus was loved by the students and staff with whom he interacted, many of them becoming lifelong friends.

Besides his many commitments to the high school, Gus was also an author, having written and published several books including one about North Kansas City High School (“Life Among the Hornets”) and another about the city of NKC itself (“Bridging the Century, the Story of North Kansas City, 1912 – 2012.”)

Gus truly deserves having a sign honoring his contributions to the High School and the students he loved.  Thanks to the Hornet alumni and city officials that have made this happen.

Gus’s son, Jim, and his family are coming in from California to attend the dedication and we would like for as many of Gus’s former students and friends to also attend the ceremony.  There is no school on that Friday so the student lot across from the school will be available for parking.  We hope to see you there!






Class of 1962's 60th Anniversary Reunion

Our 60th class reunion was held on Saturday, September 10th at Cascone’s Restaurant.    We had 70+ people, including 42 classmates, in attendance. Good food, good venue and a chance to renew old friendships.    A big thanks to all those in attendance that made it a great celebration.

The slide show that was played during the reunion has been added to our website’s home page under the heading “60th class reunion.”  Find it on the left side of the home page (yellow menu area).

As we collect photos taken during the reunion, we will add them to the “60th class reunion” tab.



NEW:  A documentary on the history of the North Kansas City High school:

"A Northtown Construction Documentary: Remembering the Old and Embracing the New"
Click on the link below to view the documentary:


See the pictures of our September "2019 tour" (left margin of the home page).
Also: KCTV5 covered a 98th Birthday celebration for Coach Leland O'Dell that was held at Paul & Jacks.  A link to the story follows:


To all the friends of Jim Shanks he and Barb could use your prayers. Jim is now under Hospice care at home.