Jim Shelton (Shelton)
Hello Jerry, I have put up with severe back pain for the past 10 yrs and have heard numerous stories of back surgeries gone bad, but I finally succombed to having surgery after researching many doctors. You may already feel comfortable with you current doctor, but if not, I would highly recommend Dr. Stephanie de Vere out of Lee's Summit, also office in out of Leawood. I was diagnosed with spinal stenosis involving C-1, C-2, C-3 & C-4. After x-rays and consultation, she throughly steps you through the process of what needed to be done. She has credentials in Canada, U.S. and Europe and has written a couple of books. She also has a great demeanor with her patients.
After the operation, which lasted a couple hours, plus 1 1/2 hrs in recovery, I was walking to the restroom on my own shortly thereafter. The only medication prescribed was 1,000mg of Tylenol every 6 hrs for 3 days, then 500mg every 6 hrs. She could have prescribed Hydrocodone, but I decided to choose the lighter medication. Jerry, in a week, I felt great. I did some stretching exercises and 10 days later, I was playing golf. If you would care to receive more infomation on Dr. de Vere, I could send a copy of a more definitive synopsis of her qualifications by phone or text. I have since recommended to many others and all are greatful with the results. Take care, Jerry Jim Shelton