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12/19/12 10:47 AM #58    

Jim Shanks

The Shanks' from Arizona would like to say thanks to all of you that were envolved with the ceremoney.  A Special thanks to Ed for the bell and I'm sure there were a lot of intermurals that took place to get it done.  Our special thank you to the greatest class mates in the world.  We love you all! 

I see all the coats and it must have been cold at the ceremony.  Just 70 degrees here today.  Thanks again,  Jim and Barb Shanks

12/23/12 01:15 PM #59    


David Zieg

The bell is fantastic (thank you Ed Rule, what a great gesture) and the  brick is also great.  These will hopeully be there for all time.  I am so proud to be a member of NKC class of '62.  I pray that we all meet again in the near future.

God Bless you all


12/24/12 10:42 AM #60    


Frank Lambert

I just reviewed the large "brick" that our class will be donating to NKCHS for installation in the commemorative brick area.  It looks terrific!  Many thanks to all of you who collaborated on the design.  You did good!

01/30/13 10:41 PM #61    


Jerry Livingston

Primary reason for post: I would be interested in hearing from any classmate who has had surgery for a torn retina.

My wife and I also had a great time at the reunion and and are very proud of the bell and the brick. These are a wonderful testimony to the Class of 62. A special thanks to those classmates responsible forthe above.

Most of you are aware I play in a couple bands. Over thanksgiving, I discovered I had a torn retina which required immediate surgery. I recovered very well and got permission to play in our "Just a Whoop Up HEE Haw Christmas" shows. A couple weeks later, I had another tear in the same eye and scar tissue. A second surgery led to the insertion of a bubble to act as an internal bandaid but I had to keep my face down for two weeks 23 ot of 24 hours each day and the third week half and half. With my wife as the head down police, I was able to do as the surgeon advised. I expect to return to substitute teaching the week of Feb. 4th. My vision is slowly improving but would like to know if any of you had to cope with this and how you got along. 


Jerry Livingston

02/01/13 11:14 AM #62    


Bill Fry

Jerry, you know Rusty Stout might be a source of input. 

09/10/13 12:27 PM #63    


Claudia Moad (Baggerly)

To all attending, do have a great time at Paul and Jacks and think of me. I'm wishing I could be there, but also loving being in beautiful Seattle for our extended summer. Claudia

10/04/14 09:56 PM #64    


Wayne Hauschild

I could live on the moon and still luv  'em.  Way to go ROYALS, you too CHIEFS!!!!  

10/05/14 10:10 AM #65    


Jan Mall (Berry)

Thanks to the committee for planning another great mini-reunion at Paul & Jack's.  Best Birthday party I've ever had - great time with wonderful friends.

10/05/14 01:08 PM #66    


Paul Young

Had a great time, saw some old friends, looking forward to the next one

10/05/14 01:33 PM #67    

Jim Shelton (Shelton)

 I had great time at the Paul & Jacks Annual Reunion.  As Usual, it was well organized with food and fun filled people.  The Birthday Cake was a nice touch to celebrate their own B-days as well as others in the last year.  If you missed it .....try to make next year and we'll keep the tradition going.  Hugs to all, Jim

10/05/14 01:41 PM #68    


Bill Fry

Thanks to all who came last nite.  The committee feels good when you're there and having fun.

10/05/14 06:23 PM #69    


Jim Hibbard

My wife and I enjoyed the mini-reunion very much.  Hats off to the entire committee.  Keep up the good work.  By the way Bill, do you still find yourself running from one place to another like you sometimes did in our high school days?   Look forward to the next one.  Keep up the good work.  Jim Hibbard

10/05/14 09:32 PM #70    

Suzi Beagle (Schulz)

Thanks to the Committee for a lovely evening last night.  I had a wonderful time.  See you next year. Happy Birthday to all!

Suzi Beagle Schulz

10/06/14 01:35 PM #71    

Grace Gleason (Hobbs)

Fun being together Sat. night!  Thank you to all who made it happen!


10/06/14 04:01 PM #72    


Bill Fry

Check out the pictures from the Mini Social Saturday.  I think we probably need to get signed releases from Laura and Artie as their pictures were shown so often..

10/06/14 05:49 PM #73    


Jan Mall (Berry)

Thanks to the committee and others for posting the pictures of our mini-reunion on Oct. 4, 2014 - great friends, wonderful memories and times we will all treasure.

10/06/14 09:17 PM #74    


Chuck Bishop

Mini Reunion Committee did a great job with the food and b-day cake.  Cudos to those who traveled from afar. Next time I'm talking first to everyone I don't recognize. . .and having lunch before that gathering with everyone  I can corral.  Until then.  Best 

10/07/14 06:31 AM #75    


David Zieg

To all those that made the mini reunion 2014 possible,  A big THANK YOU!  I missed the 2013 mini, but you can bet I wont miss any more God willing,  So good to see and talk to everyone.  Thanks again. 



10/07/14 11:55 AM #76    


Paul Young

Sure enjoyed seeing old friends, would love to do it again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10/30/14 07:40 PM #77    


Jerry Livingston

I sure enjoyed reviewing the pictures of the mini-reunion.  Since I live in Columbia, MO, I really thought I would be able to attend but had the opportunity to go to the Kansas Speedway on that Sunday to cheer our local driver, Carl Edwards, on so went that direction.  He came in 5th which was great.  I was very uncomfortable at the race and would have suffered too at the reunion had we tried to attend.  The weekend before, I fell out if a tree trying to cut off a limb.  The ladder kicked out and on the way down the thought flashed through my mind," If this doesn't kill me, Sharon will."  X-rarys revealed no broken arms, ribs, or neck, but I was sure sore, bruised (my pride too), and swollen up.  Anyway, pictures were great.  You all are really getting old!

10/31/14 06:42 AM #78    

Laura Brown (Mehmert)

You are so funny Jerry! Would have loved to see you! So sorry about your bruised body. Time to stay off the ladder and hire the neighbor boy to do the job. Remember how old we thought "70" was when we were 40? Old is a state of mind and our wonderful group of friends may be aging but they still have the heart and the courage of the young men and women they were in highschool. Really great to be able to get together like this and catch up with one another. Maybe next year you'll be there if you stay off ladders!! Take care Jerry, stay well! Best, laura


11/01/14 11:53 AM #79    


Jan Mall (Berry)

Jerry, Laura is correct, we all know how old we are and the important thing is to stay in touch and do this growing old together the best it can be.   My friends from high school are very "special" friends with only memories we can share.  It was a great mini-reunion and extra special that we could share our 70th birthday together.  Look forward to next year and many more to come.

12/17/14 11:04 AM #80    

Bill Pigman

I wanted to wish everybody from the class of 1962 a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

12/31/14 08:18 PM #81    


David Zieg

There is no doubt in my mind (What I have left ).  That the NKC Class of 62 is the best in school History.  A big hand to the Reunion Committee for this web site and a HAPPY NEW YEAR MAY IT BE HAPPY AND ESPECIALLY HEALTHY FOR ALL IN OUR CLASS AND THEIR FAMILIES. 

01/01/15 09:43 AM #82    


Bill Fry

Memories are great to have at this time of life.  Thanks to ALL my classmates (good or bad) that have helped create those!!!!!!!

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