In Memory

Mary Phillips VIEW PROFILE

Mary Phillips

Mary Phillips Sooter passed away in 2000.  She was married to our classmate Tom Sooter, a 1962 graduate.

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01/02/12 07:03 PM #1    

Jeannie Fischel (Judson)

Mary and I first met at Gashland Grade School and were friends also through The Barry Christian Church.

We spent  fun times at church camp in the summers.   I also knew her husband Tommy Sooter.

Mary was a very sweet , friendly person with a lovely smile.

Jeannie Fischel Judson

01/19/12 04:53 PM #2    

Jim Smith

Mary Lee was one of the sweetest girls I have ever known.

We first met in the 5th grade,I still see that great smile!

She will always be in my best memories.

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