In Memory

John Craig (Attendance, Physics)

John Craig (Attendance, Physics)

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01/15/12 06:08 PM #1    

Chuck Bishop

Professor Craig was a very nice man; it wasn't his fault I didn't know much physics when I left his class.  But I do remember one day when he was absent and a substitute teacher filled in.  I think it was Steve Rhodes and I decided to pull a joke on the substitute and invent a missing student, a Bill Toosch.  After the teacher called roll that morning, he said, " Did I skip anybody's name?"  I promptly said yes, " you missed Bill Toosch."  The sub looked down his attendance roster and said he could find no Bill Toosch.  Steve said, "well, he's definitely in this class. . ."  The sub wasn't sure what to do but eventually said:  "How do you spell that last name."  I slowly gave him the spelling with a straight face--one of my finest accomplishments in high school.  Steve almost wet his pants.  I think my dad did when I told him the story that evening.  Chuck Bishop

01/19/12 10:31 AM #2    

Calvin Willis

John Craig was one of the best and most influential treachers I ever had. Shouldn't be surprised that he's gone, I guess, but it saddens me anyway.

I ran into him a few times at MSM (UMR) when he was taking a class or two. He sometimes tried to tell people that I had tought him some things -- but I always knew the truth.

Cal Willis

03/20/12 01:04 PM #3    

Jim Andrews


After John Craig's physics class, college physics was easy! I believe that in my long career as a student that he was one of the best and brightest teachers I have ever had.

09/07/12 12:54 PM #4    

Frank Lambert


I agree with you.  It was a hard class for me but definitely prepared me for college physics.

09/24/12 01:54 PM #5    

Welby Cox (Cox)

Mr. Craig was a great influence on me and my career.  I agree with Jim Andrews that after his class, college physics was easy.  I still love math and physics and now that I have more time and am not working full time, I have continued my studies in both as a hobby.  I think of John Craig often and am grateful for his excellence.

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