Welcome to the Camp Wingfoot Alumni website!
The October 20-22, 2017 reunion was a success!
Thanks especially to Jo Schneider for being a fabulous host ❤️
"Truly great friends are hard to find,
difficult to leave, and impossible to forget."
~ G. Randolf

We are still attracting our missing cabinmates and counselors. If you know where these Wingfooters are, please share our web address with them: http://www.campwingfoot.org.
If you know the e-mail address for any Wingfooter, you can click on her name to quickly send an e-mail invitation to our site.
We know there were many sisters at camp, many of whom are missing from the list. So please contact your siblings and urge them to join!
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I can still fit into my Wingfoot 5-year bracelet that I was awarded 52 years ago! The jacket, too, except a tad tight in the bosom. I look forward to the October 2017 Reunion, West Coast version. I've attended all, helped plan Version 2012, and created this website. All with love.
-- Ellen Ehrenreich Barker, Wingfooter 1961-70; posted 7/5/17
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I can still fit into my Wingfoot jacket after all these years! My parents saved all the letters I wrote home and all the letters the counselors had to write!! Sure is funny to sit back and look at all of that stuff including the year books!
-- Jill Whitman, 5/29/13
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Just found my WINGFOOT camp bracelet! Amazing !
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Photo galleries have been revised to accommodate the 3 reunions. The section called "Post-Reunion Stuff" contains miscellaneous items, such as the Wingfoot Reunion slide show and Gail Shister's 5/22/12 Philly Post article about the reunion.
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Wingfoot songbooks are available online! Download them from the Music section.
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Check out the "1967 History/Videos" section! You can see what was going on in the world during your Wingfoot years or anything between 1958 and 1985. Just select a different year under "Show history for:"