New! Reunion Pics

Invitations to graduation

Invitation cards for Graduation

Karen, Janice, Buddy

Buddy, Wanda, and Linda

Tenderloin, chicken, shrimp...HMMMMMM.

Food was out of this world!!

Karen, Beth, and Janice

Roy Gardner with his lovely wife.

Dan Deaver, Janis Campbell with the Myers

James Beaver, Carol Smith, and Anita Graham

Beth and Lynette

Only one princess missing!


This young couple were key players in making the reunion a success!!

Great to see Tom and Nancy Myers again.

Tom Myers and Donna

Ann and Tim Lewis

Donna Stambaugh

Streve Harrison

Roy Hardeman Deaver.

Brother Ramey! Looking Good.

Carol Stovall McCauley with  her favorite teacher ever.
