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Mary Ann Abell (LOHS)
Mr Adams (Loms)
Peggy Adams (LOHS Secretary)
William Wallace Adams, Jr.
Sharon Adler (LOHS)
Agnes Alderson (LOHS/Faculty)
Mrs Alderson (Loms)
Mrs. Allcock (Loes)
Clara Austin (LOHS)
Shirley Bailey (Loes)
Don Baker (LOHS)
Linda Jane Baker (LOHS)
Mrs. Barker (Loes)
Mary Belle Beckman (LOHS)
Sherry Dianne Farmer Bec…
Bernard F. 'Bernie' Behr…
Bernard Francis "B. F. " …
Jack Blackburn (LOHS)
Mrs Blount (Loes)
Carolyn Sue Lovins Bobo (K…)
Veadous Desmer 'Vade' Bo…
Catherine Lucille Garret…
Ruby Bressie (LOHS)
Bill Brown (LOHS)
Mrs. Charles Brown (LOHS)
Don Bruce (LOHS)
Donna Brugger (LOHS)
Ruth Ellen 'Cotton' Buch…
William F. 'Bill' Bu…
June Buckingham Buchanan
Dennis Buckner (LOHS)
Mrs Burnett (Loms)
Don Butler (LOHS)
Hazel Cook Cannon (Loes)
Margaret Louise Carr (Loms)
Michael Ceglenski (LOHS/Faculty)
Cornelia "Connie" Johnso…
Mary Ann Champion (Loes/Faculty)
Mrs. Choate (Loes)
Michael T. Clark (LOHS/Coach)
Mrs. Clayton (Loes)
Norma Cloyd (LOHS)
Allena Jo Rister Cole (Loms)
James T. Cooper (Loms)
Joy Faye Cooper (LOHS)
Jo Ann Corbett (LOHS/Cafet…)
Clara Crawford (LOHS)
Gary Crisp (LOHS)
Mr Cruse (Loms)
Mrs Davis (Loms)
J. Delton Dodds (LOHS)
Reba Ford Dodds (LOHS)
Edgar Thomas Doores (LOHS)
Nila Lee Starr Downey (LOH…)
Easter Downing (Loes)
Norma Jean Harris Doyle (L…)
Mrs. Holmes Ellis (LOHS)
Joe Estes (LOHS)
Wayne Ezell (LOHS)
Barbara Felts (LOHS/Cafeteria)
Carolyn Fitch (Loes)
Marolyn Janice "Jan" Floyd
Janice D. Foster (LOHS)
Mayo Foster (LOHS)
Sammye Joyce Wilkerson F…
J. S. Freeland (LOHS)
Tom Fusco (LOHS)
Lucille Futrell (LOHS)
Mrs. Futrell (Loes)
Mr. Gillock (LOHS)
Fred Gipson (LOHS)
Dennis Burford Griffith (LOHS)
Mrs Griffith (Loms)
Virginia Merle Hailey (Loms)
Gerald Dennis "Jerry" Haley
George Rudy Hanrahan
Dorothy "Dot" Beyer Harper
Letha Harper (LOHS)
Aleta Harris (LOHS)
John R. Harris (LOHS/Faculty)
Paul Chester Hawes (LOHS/C…)
Bobbye Kaye Heath (Loes)
Larry Heflin (LOHS)
Gwendolyn J. Helfer (Loes/…)
Mrs Hendon (Loms)
Virginia Wilbourn Hendricks
Rodney David Herrold, Sr.
Euna Mae Hicks (LOHS/Faculty)
Jane Outland Hoffman Fla…
Mary Katherine Perdew Ho…
Larry Hopper (LOHS)
Matt Houser (LOHS)
Ruth Ingalls Housman (Loes)
Palmer Hughes (LOHS)
Mrs Hurley (Loes)
Woodfine Hutson (LOHS)
Lucy Jackson (LOHS)
Joyce Jones (Loes)
Phyllis Jones (LOHS)
Robert Nelson 'Bob' Jones
June Robinson Keiler (LOHS)
W. D. Kelley (LOHS)
Dorothy Kelly (LOHS/Faculty)
David Loren King (Loms/Coach)
Raymond King (LOHS)
Judith Knott (Loes)
Mr Lain (Loms)
Addlene H. Lightfoot (Loes)
Beverly Boyd Graves Litz…
Nancy Logan (Loms)
Tommy Logan (Loms/LOHS)
James Lyles (Loms)
J. C. Maddox (LOHS)
Mrs Matheson (Loms)
Mary Elizabeth Potter Mc…
Dorothy McClellon (Loes)
Gayle McDermott (Loms)
Anthony Thomas 'Tony' Mc…
Mrs McGroarty (Loes)
Jack C. McKinney (LOHS)
Kean Randolph McKinney
Ethel Meunier (Loes & LOHS)
Thelma Meyers (LOHS)
Elvina Miller (Loes)
Lettie Miller (Loms)
Susan Miller (Loms)
Lucille Mitchell (Loes)
Sammie Mitchell (Loes)
Mrs Mittendorf (Loms)
Jim Mizell (LOHS)
Mrs Moynahan (Loms)
George Ray Murphy (LOHS)
Betsy Myers (Loes)
Ann Elizabeth Nagel (LOHS)
Michael Ray 'Mike' Nall (L…)
Albert Norris (LOHS)
Mary North (LOHS/Faculty)
Zoe Nunn (LOHS)
Greg Oliver (Loms)
Donna June Overstreet (Loes)
Cliff Owens (Loms & LOHS)
Anna Mae Page (LOHS/Faculty)
Mr Palmer (Loms)
Mr Parrish (Loes & Loms)
Tommy Parsons (LOHS)
Catherine Peeples (Loes)
Lucille Peeples (Loes)
Marguerite Louise Shelto…
Richard Petty (Loes)
Flossie Peyton (Loes)
Barbara Polk (LOHS/Faculty)
Mrs. Merle Porter (LOHS)
Janice Potts (LOHS)
Ruth Hobgood Powell (LOHS/…)
Mrs Quinn (Loms)
Kent Ransdell (LOHS)
Mrs. Ray (Loes)
Marvin Forest Reber (LOHS)
Virginia Record (Loes)
Helen Redford (LOHS)
Dolores Reed (LOHS)
Linda Swift Reeder (LOHS)
Patsy 'Pat' Rice (Bus Driver)
Karol Richards (LOHS)
John Robinson (LOHS/Faculty/Principal)
Otille Robinson (Loes)
Henry Harold Ross (Loms)
William E. Routen (LOHS/Faculty)
Wilma Rucker (LOHS)
Minnie Rue (Loes)
Buddy Rushing (LOHS)
Mrs Rushing (Loms)
Elizabeth Sanderson (LOHS/Faculty)
Mr Sanderson (Loms)
Deborah Jeanne Schaal Wa…
Deborah 'Debbie' Magee Sc…
Jimmy Sellars (LOHS)
Louis Sensing (LOHS)
Brenda Senter (LOHS)
Janet Shelton (Loes)
Robert "Bob" Singleton
Lawrence Smithmier (LOHS/C…)
Tom Smithmier (LOHS)
Mrs. Sowell (Loes)
Jane Spahr (Loes)
Bob Steele (LOHS)
Delbert Steele (Loms)
Charles Don Stephenson
Rosemary Stephenson (Loes)
Thomas Haywood Stephenson
Thomas Stigall (LOHS)
Bettie Smith Stoll (Loes)
Doris 'Carol' Stubblefield
Helen Summers (LOHS/Cafeteria)
Patricia E. Counts Sydbo…
Miss Taylor (Loes)
Margaret Hamilton Thomas
Brenda Thompson (LOHS)
Richard 'Mr. T' Throgmorton
R. L. Thurston (LOHS/Faculty)
Janice Tolar (Loes)
Gary Lynn Trentham (LOHS/Art)
Gladys Trevathan (Loes)
Tilford L. Underwood (LOHS)
Judy Waggoner (Loes)
Mrs. Phillip Waggoner (LOHS)
Phillip Waggoner (LOHS)
Alma Guffy Wallace (LOHS/C…)
Mrs Wallace (Loes)
Mrs. Guy Warren (LOHS)
H. J. Watson (LOHS)
Pat Wear (LOHS)
Norris D. Wells (LOHS)
Don Werner (LOHS)
Mrs Werner (Loms)
Brenda West (Loes)
Nancy White (LOHS)
Mrs Williams (Loms)
Paulette Wilson (Loes)
Margaret Winchester (Loes)
Mrs. B. R. Winchester (LOHS/Faculty)
Hilda B. Wyman Womble (Bus…)
William Harold Wood (LOHS)
Nell Marie Kaler Wyman (LO…)
Judy Yates (Loes)
Sue Yeary (Loes)