Missing Classmates

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To date, we have compiled a list of over 2,000 PAHS classmates! Of these, over 600
have joined our site. This is fantastic, and I thank you for your support. For many years we have endeavored to have one site where we all could gather and reminisce. The names on this page are those for whom we have no, or very outdated information. Among them may be your brother, sister, neighbor, old girlfriend, old boyfriend, someone you remember from the back of the class, or the back of the bus. Anyone with time on their hands, try some of these search engines, make a few calls, send a postcard. Remember when we promised we would never lose touch?
Merci, Mademoiselle

For the purposes of our Alumni website,
those classmates who have not joined the site will appear on the Missing Classmates list.


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Select Year of Graduation. Guest Members are listed below.
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Wayne Aaron (1956)
Jean Phillip Abbott (1967)
Evelyn Ackerman (1955)
Dave Ackner (1961)
Joyce Adams (1954)
Nathan Adams (1963)
Holly Elaine Adler (1964)
Kenneth Agonchas (1965)
Val Albert (1968)
Julie Alderson (Durkin) (1962)
William Alexander (1965)
Tom Allin (1967)
George Alvey (1969)
John Ambrose III (1963)
Diana Anderson (1965)
Judith Anderson (1962)
Linda Anderson (1962)
Pat Anderson (Martin) (1960)
Donald Andre (1965)
Bob Andreoli (1968)
John Antonelli (1967)
Rick Arnold (1963)
Margaret Arthur (Hogue) (1956)
Robert Arthur (1956)
Barbara Jo Ashley (Ericcson) (1961)
Stephen W. Ashworth (1966)
Lorrie Askins (Studdard) (1965)
Robert Astarita (1968)
Barbara Atkins (1967)
Faye Averett (Gilbert) (1969)
Janet Averett (Holmes) (1965)
Albert Avery (1966)
Elizabeth Avery (Mounger) (1965)
Warren Awtrey (1967)
Steve Baber (1967)
Bonnie Baker (1963)
Lonnie Baker (1963)
Minda Baker (Hannenberg) (1969)
Alan Baldwin (1955)
Marion Bales (1968)
Katherine Lynne Ball (1958)
Camille Baller (1955)
Christopher Barde (1968)
Bill Barnard (1970)
Jimmy Barnard (1964)
Wendy Barnes (1957)
Twilamy Barnett (1968)
Tommy Barr (1952)
Mike Barton (1967)
Gerald Bartsch (1965)
Susan Bary (Alexander) (1959)
Beverly Bayles (1956)
Keith Beachler (1965)
Mike Beaird (1967)
Judy Beal (1969)
Melissa Beasley (1962)
Elizabeth "Betty" Beavers (1965)
Carol Becker (Sanzo) (1963)
Jerry Becker (1958)
Carter Beckett (1965)
Michael Beckett (1965)
Mary Ann Behnsch (1958)
Sue Beidel (Ford) (1966)
Donald Bell (1958)
Mary Jo Beneke (1964)
Jerry Bennett (1969)
Judy Bennett (Presnell) (1965)
Laura Bennett (1968)
Bill Beno (1966)
Benny Benson (1964)
Robert George Bent (1967)
David Bergren (1962)
Howard Bernet (1955)
Roscoe Berringer (1961)
Robert Bertin (1969)
Dave Bessom (1967)
Tana Bethune (1956)
W Mark Beumeler (Jr. ) (1962)
Joanne Biely (1968)
Stephen Biles (1963)
Ann Billingsly (1955)
Bill Black (1968)
Billi Black (1968)
Bill Blaha (1959)
Donna Jean Blair (1958)
Paul Blakely (1962)
Joanne Blandford (1967)
Dianne Blank (Lee) (1965)
John Blank (1967)
Lewis Blazy (1970)
John Blewett (1963)
Jay Bliss (1966)
Lewis Bliss (1962)
Bill Blitch (1961)
Robert Blocker (1963)
Bert Blood (1971)
Susan Bluhm (1964)
Steven Bockleman (1968)
Raymond Bogaert (1956)
Linda Boggiano (1962)
Robert Bolasny (1953)
Elaine Bolduc (1958)
Christopher Wynn Boley (1967)
Robert M. "Bob" Bonds (1967)
Jack Bordelon (1966)
Sara Borden (1962)
Beverly Boress (Kokoris) (1964)
Larry Boress (Miller) (1961)
Judith Bottoms (1955)
Doug Boucher (1967)
Rose Bowers (1965)
Joan Bowser (1955)
Martha Ann Box (1959)
Mike Boytin (1965)
Anne Bradford (1954)
Mike Brady (1967)
James Brand (1963)
Cathy Breen (1961)
Betty Sue Brewer (1958)
Thomas Bridenstine (1969)
Joanne Britton (1955)
Karl Bronk (1965)
Julie Brooks (Stevens) (1964)
Nancie Brooks (1963)
Richard Brooks (1954)
Robert Brooks (1962)
Pete Brothers (1967)
Christine Brown (1955)
Marc Brown (1968)
Susan Brown (1965)
William Michael Brown (1960)
Sandra Brownfield (1962)
Carol Lynn Bruce (1964)
Cynthia Buchanan (1954)
Dalene Buchwald (Colbath) (1966)
John Buckett (1965)
Blake Bunnell (1968)
Lucinda Bunnell (Ade) (1966)
David Burchinal (1970)
Phyllis Gail Burdick (1960)
Joyce Burke (1956)
Etta Burkey (Herrin) (1963)
Ilene Burkey (Forche) (1965)
William Burry, III (1960)
Bill Butler (1962)
Greg Byrne (1964)
Lee Cage (Jr. ) (1962)
Carol Camera (1956)
Catherine Cameron (1964)
Bobbi Campbell (1961)
Janice C. Campbell (1967)
Norbert Jack Campbell (1958)
Barbara Carraher (1967)
Janice Carter (1955)
Jeff Carter (1963)
Karen Jean Carusone (1958)
Linda Kay Cash (1965)
James Cassada (1965)
Stephen Catlin (1961)
Fanchon Chaffee (1955)
Karen Chapman (Bernard) (1965)
Patricia Chapman (1958)
Maryellen Chavarie (1960)
Richard Checotah (1961)
James Cheever (1965)
Wendy Cheever (1961)
Patti Chesley (1959)
Robert Chidlaw (1967)
Craig Childress (1964)
Jo Church (1958)
Kathleen Clark (Sullivan) (1965)
Leslie Clark (1964)
Timothy Vincent Clark (1967)
Samuel James "Jim" Clark (1960)
Philip Bruce Claycomb (1967)
Suzanne Cleland (1967)
Tim Cleland (1968)
Joseph Clement (1957)
Lyle Joe Clevenger (1964)
Edward Clifford (1968)
Michelle M. Cloutier (1966)
Charlene Clowes (1963)
Judy Clowes (Chaffee) (1965)
Nathan Ben Coats (1967)
Dick Coburn. Jr. (1962)
Bob Coleman (1964)
Ron Coleman (1961)
Linda Coley (1960)
Kitty Collette (Miele) (1966)
Thomas Jack Colley (1955)
Judy Collins (Jones) (1965)
Patricia Colwell (1965)
Sharon Comley (Gilbert) (1967)
Anthony Cooch (1965)
Stephen Cooch (1967)
Donald Cook (1960)
Kathy Cook (1967)
Patty Cooley (Lewis) (1961)
Athene Cooper (1967)
Bill Cooper (No Contact Desired) (1965)
Edward "Corky" Corcoran (1962)
Tim Corcoran (1964)
Ralph J. Cordell (1964)
Dianne Coverdale (1965)
Diane Cox (1962)
Jean Crabtree (1965)
Connie Cramer (Bergold) (1962)
Mike Craycroft (1964)
Carol Creasman (1962)
David Cromartie (1963)
Michelle Danielle Crosby (1967)
Joan Cross (1960)
Susan Crossett (1963)
Tom Crowley (1966)
Walter Cuenin (1963)
Nancy Cutler (Bender) (1966)
Marilyn Dakin (Burton) (1962)
Susan Dakin (1964)
Joyce Dalrymple (Reid) (1966)
Joyce Eileen Dalyrmple (1967)
Robert Dame (1955)
Pat Daniels (1961)
Sarah Daniels (Cucinotta) (1961)
Linda Darnell (1966)
Dennis Dart (1968)
Alice Dauphin (1958)
Carole Davidson (Wagner) (1958)
Christine Davis (1958)
Donald R. Davis (1957)
Dr. Ronald Davis (1958)
Dwight Davis (1967)
Nancy Davis (Thompson) (1967)
Patricia Davis (Kuehn) (1954)
Raymond "Gil" Davis (1961)
Karee Dawalt (1962)
Karen Dawalt (1961)
Grace DeJesus (Magee) (1970)
Carol Delinks (1957)
Geoffrey Denight (1967)
Dale Deniston (1966)
Pam DeNormandie (Duke) (1967)
Vera Denti (1963)
Gerard Dery (1956)
Donna Deyhle (1967)
David Dickey (1962)
Gerta Amalie Dickl (1957)
Joan Dickson (1958)
Jody Diehl (Morales) (1960)
Mary Corinne Dines (1967)
Ernest Dodd (1958)
Lawrence Ray Dokter (1959)
Frank Dolan (1967)
Arthur Dolle (1958)
Jim Donahue (1963)
Roberta Marie Donelan (1964)
Lisa Donohue (Leary) (1963)
Deidre Doolan (1956)
Diane Doren (1968)
Colleen Dougherty (1968)
Mark Dougherty (1969)
Wilson Douglas (1965)
Robert George Dow (1956)
Diana Dowell (1963)
Karen Dowell (1964)
Nancy Dresser (1955)
David Dressler (1967)
Fred Ducat (1967)
John Dudney (1965)
Joyce Duemling (1954)
Alexander Duffy (1964)
Gayle Dugan (1957)
Joyce Dull (1968)
Paulette Dunham (1958)
David J. P. Dunn (1955)
Paul Dupre (1965)
Gale Mac Dupree (1957)
David Durgin (1964)
Donna Durgin (Foster) (1964)
Kathryn Dusenberry (1964)
Robin Dustin (Rumazza) (1965)
Gay Dwiggins (1958)
Roberta Dyches (1958)
Kathy Earnest (1963)
Joanne Edwards (1962)
Mary Edwards (Ingram) (1970)
Margaret Ellis (1964)
Marsha Ellis (1964)
Kim Lindsay Elton (1966)
Julie Elwell (Allnut) (1962)
David Emery (1968)
John Emery (1963)
Eleanor "Cissie" Erdman (Cabbage) (1967)
Douglas L. Erwin (1967)
Paula Eschenberg (1964)
John Esterl (1962)
Carol Evans (Treu) (1957)
Edward Evans (1956)
Paul Fackler (1961)
John Fahy (1965)
Candy Fairbanks (1961)
Michael L. Faragher (1967)
Victor M. Fazio (1965)
Victoria Felcyn (Brickner) (1956)
Frank Ferrari (1961)
Phil Ferrari (1964)
Penny Rae Finch (1964)
H. G. Fischer Jr (1961)
David Flash (1965)
Leon Fletcher (1965)
Marie Florentine (1964)
Jay Floyd (1968)
Irene Fluckiger (McGovern) (1967)
Jerry Folder (1958)
James Forcier (1957)
William "Bill" Ford (1966)
Robert Foreman (1966)
C. Page Fortney (Iii) (1960)
Charles Foster (1968)
James Foster (1955)
Jean Foster (1966)
Maxine Foster (1956)
J. Michael Foxworth (1960)
Robert Francis (1968)
Christina Frank (Ponder) (1955)
Dolores Frank (1956)
Marc Frank (1962)
Ruth Franz (1964)
Ann Fraser (1962)
Carol Fraser (Plesser) (1967)
Delores Fredericks (1968)
Noel Free (1964)
Charles Freeman (1962)
Robert Gallerane (1968)
Susan Iris Garcia (1967)
Toni Garcia (Regnier) (1967)
Cathie Gard (1966)
Robert Gaudsmith (1968)
Suzanne Gautreaux (Pedigo) (1966)
Jim Gaynor (1964)
Vicki Geraci (1966)
John Germeraad (1962)
Kathy Gibbons (1964)
Judy Gibson (Scott) (1965)
Deidie Gierhart (1963)
Gayle Gilbert (1967)
Gene Gillette (1960)
DeeDee Girdy (Finton) (1969)
Deborah Glasser (1960)
Terril Regina Glomb (1957)
Shelley Glover (1967)
Wilma Gonzales (1967)
Richard Gooding (1954)
Bob Goodman (1967)
Jane Gore (Ramos) (1963)
Joe Fuller Grable, Jr. (1958)
Charles Graham (1968)
Michael F. Graham (1963)
Yvonne Graham (1968)
Lester Grasselli (1961)
Carol Gray (Tyson) (1966)
Darlene Gray (Stinson) (1964)
Diana Gray (1960)
Kathryn Green (1968)
Vic Green (1963)
Karla Greer (Needham) (1957)
Allan Gregor (1957)
Steve Griffin (1955)
Cynthia Grill (Bonner) (1961)
Frank Grimsley (1961)
Patrick Grindle (1962)
Marilyn Grundemann (Oseth) (1962)
Shirley Grundemann (Griner) (1961)
Andree Guenard (Ford) (1957)
Allen Gushea (1966)
Robert Edward Gwynn (1955)
John Haggerty (1957)
Barry Hale (1957)
Walker R. Hale (1955)
Carol Hall (1958)
Judy Ann Hall (1960)
Paul Hall (1968)
Russell Hall (1955)
Theotis "Ted" Hall (1958)
David Hallock (1956)
Mary Jim Ham (Muchler) (1965)
June Hamil (1955)
Sandra Kay Hammack (1959)
Steve Hammer (1961)
Bob Hampton (1967)
Rex H. Hampton (1964)
Donald Hancock (1958)
William Hanratty (1956)
David Hansard (1971)
Pamela Hansard (Lidyard) (1967)
Patricia Hansard (1967)
Mary Hanson (1965)
Jean Ann Harb (1963)
Christine Hardin (1964)
Patrick Harn (1957)
Richard B. Harn, Jr. (1956)
Sally Lou Harper (Blake) (1954)
Charles Harrell (1954)
Joanne Harrington (1966)
Julie Ann Harris (1960)
Richard Harry (1968)
Brian Hart (1968)
Henry Hart (1967)
Judy Hart (Byers) (1967)
Luan Hart (Hedley) (1965)
Margo Hartsfield (1961)
Patricia Haskell (Friend) (1966)
Robert Hatch (1964)
Terrence Hatch (1967)
Ed Hayes (1961)
Thomas Head (1956)
John Healy (1962)
Charles "Rich" Heffner (1963)
Elizabeth Helms (Mashburn) (1962)
Joseph Helsinki (1966)
Mary Helton (1968)
Irvin Henderson (1956)
Robert John Henderson (1955)
Jenny Hendren (Hassler) (1967)
Julie Ann Hendrix (1966)
Nancy Hendrix (1968)
Richard Herbert (1958)
Richard Herman (1956)
Brigitte Hermann (1957)
Mary Herndon (1968)
Kitty Herrmann (1958)
Allen Hess (1969)
Diane Hewitt (1956)
Dan Hickey (1964)
Gail Hickey (Matthews) (1965)
Dave Hicks (1962)
Steven Hicks (1966)
Barbara Higdon (1962)
Linda Higdon (1963)
George Higgins (1968)
Charles "Bill" Hill (1962)
Pam Himelick (Amshey) (1971)
Thomas Hines (1968)
Diane Hipley (1967)
William Thomas Hodson (1955)
John Hoffman (1965)
Martha Hoffmeyer (1955)
Mary Hoffmeyer (1955)
Marilyn Holimon (1964)
Cheryl Hollowell (Morris) (1965)
John Holmes (1954)
Daniel Holstrom (1967)
Paul Holt (1962)
Steve Holt (1965)
Grace Holton (1956)
Martha Hoopman (1954)
Sue Hoover (1957)
Cosette Hopkins (1964)
John Horner (1968)
Brigid Horrocks (1956)
Erin Horrocks (1956)
Gloria Howard (Baroni) (1968)
Hugh Howard (1964)
Karen Howarth (1962)
Kristine Howarth (1966)
Patty Huff (Cornet) (1967)
Sharron Huff (1964)
Elizabeth Huffer (1957)
William Huffer (1955)
Harriett Hufford (1964)
Jon Hufford (1963)
Sherianne Hughes (1969)
Robert Huguley (1963)
Kathy Humiston (1967)
Barbara Hunsberger (Koval) (1966)
Karen Hunsley (1965)
Bill Hunter (1969)
Harald Herman Hunter (1966)
Robert Hunter (1961)
Suzanne Hunter (1956)
Gertrude Huske (1956)
Florence Hutt (1961)
George Ingersoll (1966)
Walter Irwin (1966)
Arthur Dee Ives (1966)
Richard Izac (1967)
Sue Izac (1968)
Karen Lea Jack (1960)
Patrick Jean (1968)
Gary Jefferson (1967)
Michael Jeffrey (1964)
Park Jenkins (1965)
Harry "Terry" Jennings (1962)
Chesley Johnson (1967)
Georgia Marie Johnson (1960)
Geraldine Johnson (1965)
Marguerite Johnson (1962)
Mary Johnson (1963)
Maxine Johnson (1957)
Nancy Jane Johnson (1964)
Priscilla Johnson (1955)
Sheryl Johnson (1964)
Terry Johnson (1964)
Dennis Johnston (1962)
Ann Jones (Parker) (1960)
Beverly Jones (Smith) (1962)
Diedre Jones (1964)
Patricia Jones (Noske) (1964)
Valerie Jongbloet (1961)
Diana Jorjorian (1964)
Francis Edward Kalakauskis (1959)
Joe Kama (1966)
Lewis Kasper (1962)
William M. Kasper (1959)
David Kean (1963)
Jamie Kearney (1968)
Brian Keebaugh (1963)
Cindy Keebaugh (Abel) (1965)
Kathleen Keers (1962)
Pamela Kegeles (1971)
Brad Kelley (1971)
Kevin Kelley (1968)
Ann Kellog (Robinson) (1958)
Su Kenderdine (Brackman) (1962)
Carol Kenny (1957)
Ann "Lawrie" Kern (1960)
Robert Kerns (1969)
Sharlene Sue Kerns (1967)
Margareta "Margie" Kilpatrick (1965)
Bradford King (1968)
Sheri Joan King (1960)
Stuart King (1964)
Marc Kirkland (1968)
Rick Kissam (1961)
Naomi Klause (1967)
Pam Klein (1961)
James Knight (1960)
Diane Knowles (1961)
James Knox (1963)
Dianne Knutsen (1960)
Rita Kovara (1966)
Patrick H. Krank (1967)
Barbara Krause (Jocheim) (1966)
Lester L. Krause (1965)
Ron Krause (1965)
Wolfgang Krause (1968)
Cynthia Krogh (1963)
Kathleen Krotsky (1964)
Vickie Kruzel (Farrell) (1964)
Inge Eiko Kumetat (1967)
Patrick Laabs (1967)
Perry Laabs (1966)
Ernest LaFlamme (1956)
Weldon "Don" Laiche (1963)
Susan Lairmore (1965)
Louis H. LaMonica (1965)
Sarah Lampley (1965)
Carole Lampru (Campbell) (1966)
Howard "Doug" Land (1961)
Donald Dale Landon (1956)
John Ernest Lane (1966)
Joan Langworthy (1962)
Joyce Lanham (Winkler) (1968)
Judy Lanman (1965)
Linda Lantz (Rak) (1966)
Susan Lantz (1967)
Richard Lare (1968)
Ron Larrick (1962)
Mary Helen Larson (1956)
Jo Ann LaSalle (1964)
Roberta Jean LaSalle (1963)
Lydia Laurent (1955)
Rodney Laursen (1967)
Ronald Laverdure (1968)
Sue Laverdure (Frazier) (1969)
Roger Lawless (1963)
Judy Lawson (1953)
Deborah Lee (Moore) (1967)
Steven Lee (1966)
Candy Leland (Porter) (1964)
Ed LeMay (1958)
Viviane Lesley (1967)
Susan Lett (1965)
Dick Levant (1967)
Ross Levant (1965)
Linda Levin (Saeks) (1954)
Mona Lee Lewis (1958)
Nancy Lewis (Haggerty) (1958)
George Liedel (1957)
Jane Lillard (Miller) (1956)
Peggy Limberg (Newton) (1966)
Linda Linebaugh (1967)
Jonathan Lines (1968)
Michael Litle (1963)
Christine Livingston (1968)
Sara Belle Llewellyn (1956)
Casey Loeffel (1967)
George Logan (1955)
Richard J. Long (1958)
Dorothy Lorimer (1968)
Doug Lovass (1963)
Maryellen Lowe (1961)
Mary Lumpkin (1965)
Rosa Lumpkin (Kaspar) (1961)
Elizabeth Lutz (1968)
Joan MacLaughlin (1955)
Shelley Magathan (Hedtke) (1965)
Dolores Magee (1967)
Anne Magruder (1958)
Brad Maier (1964)
Jim Major (1963)
James Malone (1968)
Lynn Manasco (Lampkin) (1961)
Jeanne Lena Mandeville (1966)
Paul Marcel Mandeville (1966)
Jeffrey Maney (1962)
Daniel Mani (1964)
Diane Markham (Valachovic) (1963)
Aubrey Marsh (1965)
Darla Martin (1964)
James Martin (1956)
Michele Marvin (1968)
Allen Mason (1965)
Martha Mason (LaBranche) (1964)
William Cook Mason (1966)
Kathy Masters (1963)
Dennis Matzke (1965)
Beverly May (1968)
Jeff McAdams (1966)
Stephen H. McCaffery (1964)
Patty McCaffrey (Higgins) (1958)
Patricia McCartney (Holmes) (1961)
Tim McCauley (1964)
Kathy McClellan (1967)
Joan McConchie (1955)
Catherine McConnell (1960)
John "Jack" McCooey (1954)
Patrick McCooey (1956)
Sheila McCooey (George) (1955)
Patricia McCormick (1965)
Jean McCoy (1956)
Rex McCrary (1964)
Patricia Ann McCrone (1958)
Richard McCusky (1968)
Preston McDaniel (1963)
Berry McDonald (1965)
Joe McDonnell (1964)
Toni McGowan (1965)
Patricia McIntosh (1961)
Susan McKenty (Tetterton) (1969)
Susan McKim (1955)
Cathe McNeese (Cordova) (1969)
Gary McPherson (1967)
Thomas McQuade (1964)
Jay McQueen (1967)
Marianna McRaven (Jacobs) (1965)
Gary Wayne McVay (1956)
Michael Mead (1958)
Nancy Mead (1956)
Patricia Mearns (McAfee) (1962)
Gerald Meckler (1957)
Bonnie Mellott (1964)
Richard Meredith (1965)
Katja Merjanoff (1962)
Hyde Merrill (1961)
William Messner (1957)
Steven Metcalfe (1963)
Leslie Michael (Chigges) (1966)
Mark Michael (1965)
Jill Diana Michels (1967)
Joyce Midkiff (1956)
Kathleen Mikoloski (Cataldo) (1962)
Stan Mikoloski (1963)
Gary Miller (1965)
Joseph "Mike" Miller (1964)
Linda Suzanne Miller (1964)
Margaret Mills (1961)
Margaret "Mickey" Mills (Hegstad) (1956)
Jim Minor (1964)
Jim Minor (1970)
Gay Mitchel (Schuler) (1959)
Dona Mitchell (Kamer) (1962)
Judy Mitchell (Stockenberg) (1961)
Kae Mitchell (1967)
Ronald Mitchell (1962)
Betty Mittelstaedt (1960)
Dennis Mittelstaedt (1963)
Robert Mizell (1967)
John Moffat (1965)
Nancy Moir (1962)
Anita Molano (1969)
Steve Monk (1965)
Dave Montgomery (1963)
Ann Monyham (1965)
Boyce Douglas Moore (1967)
Brenda Moore (Drake) (1967)
Clarence Moore (1956)
Debbie Moore (1966)
Marcia Ann Moore (1967)
Pamela Moore (1962)
Patricia Moore (1964)
Robert S. Moore (1965)
Dennis Morales (1965)
Dennis Morris (1956)
Donnie Morris (1956)
Harold C. Morrison, III (1958)
Robert Morrow (1958)
Kendall Morton (1960)
Gayle Mortonsen (1961)
Amber Mothena (1963)
Mary Motzko (Cooper) (1962)
Paul Muellar (1957)
Kathy Mulderig (1966)
Thomas Mullen (1964)
David J. Muller (1964)
John W. Muller (1964)
Margaret Theresa Muller (1957)
Gary Munce (1968)
JoDelle Myers (Schmidt) (1961)
Pamela Myers (1968)
Barbara Nansen (1963)
Earl G. Nash (1964)
Mary Neal (Quist) (1961)
Mary Neary (1968)
April Needham (Grastorf) (1965)
Bill Needham (1968)
Gordon Nelson (1955)
Robert Nesbitt (1954)
Cheryl Neuendorf (1968)
Marian Neufeld (1953)
James Newton (1964)
Patricia Ann Newton (1959)
James Nicholas (1955)
Barbara Nickerson (Shannon) (1960)
Raymond Michael Nolan (1963)
Vicki Nunencamp (Morgan) (1964)
Robert Nunimaker (1962)
Daniel R. F. Nyberg (1955)
Cynthia O'Bert (Haas) (1965)
Joseph C. O'Brien (1965)
Sandy O'Connor (1966)
Mary Odom (Spano) (1960)
William Odom (1958)
James Ogle (1968)
William O'Kier (1967)
Christiana Oliphant (1954)
Eleanor Oliver (1964)
Lynn Oliver (1963)
Nancy Eliz. Oliver (1955)
Linda Olson (1963)
Deanne Orsag (1964)
John Oseth (1961)
Leila E. Oshana (1967)
Mary Alice Owen (1955)
Harry Oxford (1955)
Larry Palla (1962)
Veronica Pallouras (Uss) (1957)
Chuck "Fred" Parker (1964)
Frank Parker (1966)
Christie Parks (McKay-Blank) (1966)
David Parks (1965)
Susan Parks (Alex) (1964)
Bonnie Lee Parrish (1963)
Julia Elizabeth Parry (1965)
Joseph Anthony Patalive (1956)
Sarah Patton (1964)
Charles Payne (Jr. ) (1962)
Pam Pearce (1966)
Ron Pearce (1966)
Billie Penuel (Fuqua) (1965)
William Perry (1959)
Marinell Peters (1956)
Philip L. Peterson (1954)
Phillip Peterson (1955)
Susan Pfeiffer (Vega) (1971)
Carl Phillips (1961)
Wayne Phillips (1968)
Michel Picheloup (1966)
Kevin Pierce (1967)
Dick Pirruccello (1963)
Dan Ploger (1964)
Diane Polander (1963)
John Justin Policastro (1966)
Alma Porter (1967)
Frederick Charles Porter (1955)
Sue Posey (Fugelsang) (1957)
Martha Potter (Tappa) (1961)
Christopher Powers (1963)
Donna Pozanac (1965)
Cheryl Preston (Kay) (1965)
Biji Price (Nesossi) (1966)
Camille Prim (1968)
Debra Proudlove (Forman) (1967)
Ray Carl Pulliam (1959)
James Purdum (1963)
John "Lennie" Quilles (1962)
Margie Rachal (1966)
Kay Raddatz (1964)
Jerry Ralla (1958)
Jack Ralston (1959)
Bruce Rambo (1966)
Debbie Ramsey (1967)
Beverly Jean Ranch (1967)
Richard P. Randall (1965)
Fran Ranft (1966)
Steve Ransom (1966)
Jean Rattan (Gautsch) (1965)
John Redpath (1965)
Clifford Rees (1954)
Sharon Reese (Crocker) (1967)
David Regal (1962)
Jeannie Regal (Westgate) (1965)
Linda Reid (1968)
Barbara Resch (1968)
Joan Reynolds (1955)
Rick Rhodehamel (1965)
Richard Rhodes (1968)
Anne Rice (1968)
Nikki Rice (1966)
Josette Richardson (1954)
Judy Richardson (Spuler) (1964)
Marc Richardson (1968)
Sandra Richardson (1960)
Jackie Ridlehuber (1954)
James Rigoulot (1963)
King Riley (1967)
Denise Rinck (McGee) (1966)
Robert Leroy Robb (1956)
Jackie Robert (Barkley) (1965)
Lee Robert (1965)
Jackie Roberts (1965)
Edgar Allen Robie (1963)
Lyn Rockey (Scribner) (1965)
Mary Ellen Rodenhouser (1956)
Kara Rogers (1962)
Michael P. Rogers (1958)
William Rogers (1967)
Jack Rolland (1962)
Linda Romine (1965)
Joan Alice Romlein (1958)
Sharon Rose (McAlhany) (1965)
Pam Ross (1966)
Damaris Rowland (1966)
Elizabeth Rowland (1968)
Gloria Rubinacci (1956)
Joan Rubinacci (1954)
Frederick "Rick" Rudell (1962)
Raymond Rudell (1960)
Viviane Rungo (1964)
Anne Russell (1965)
Candace Russell (1968)
Edward Russell (1958)
Sharon Elaine Russell (1967)
David Ruth (1968)
Jeffrey Ryan (1960)
Kerri Ryan (1968)
Dave Sain (1967)
Brett Sampson (1957)
Emily Saslow (1956)
Robert Satterfield (1962)
Linda Sauer (1968)
Elizabeth Sawyer (Johnson) (1964)
Ilona Rose Schamboeck (1960)
Mary Patricia Schilling (1956)
William D. Schilling (1955)
Anna Schladweiler (1963)
Bonnie Schlamersdorf (1968)
Judith Schmal (1962)
Michael Schmidt (1968)
Penny Schnabel (Hague) (1962)
Caroline Schoch (1955)
Steven Schoch (1954)
Cynthia Schoen (Keck) (1969)
Frances Schofer (1959)
Joanna Schroeder (Fox) (1962)
Frank Schweizer (1956)
Bill Scopel (1961)
Bob Scopel (1964)
James Scott (1962)
Jonny Marco Scott (1967)
Robert Scott (1965)
Peter John Seamans (1955)
Marta Sears (Carson) (1965)
Rick Sedlacek (1968)
Maty Seegren (1968)
Don Seese (1966)
Ronald Stephen Self (1967)
Carol Selman (1962)
Barbara Selmon (Jones) (1967)
Frank Serpico (1955)
Gail Shamer (1963)
Kathleen Shea (1959)
Kerry Sheehan (1965)
Malverna Sherard (1968)
Liz Sheridan (1964)
Pam Sheridan (1962)
Melody Sherr (Sheridan) (1962)
Robert Sherwin, Jr. (1963)
Patricia Shirley (Flick) (1965)
Barbara Shoemaker (Fonte) (1964)
Bob Shoemaker (1968)
Frances Sidman (1965)
Janora Sigley (Apple) (1965)
Steven Sigley (1962)
John S. Silva (1964)
Ann Frances Simandl (1958)
Dona Simmons (Gillespie) (1969)
Sharon Simmons (Brooks) (1966)
Mark Singer (1968)
Betsy Skillen (O'Connell) (1958)
Glenn Skipper (1964)
Edith Irma Smales (1956)
Eunice Smalley (Cook) (1965)
George Blair Smallfield (1967)
Greg Smith (1968)
Johnnie Leon Smith (1967)
Larry Smith (1968)
Linda Smith (1968)
Linda G. Smith (1966)
Richard Smith (1965)
Sue Ellen Smith (1968)
Thomas Charles Smith (1966)
Yoshio Smith (1967)
John Soloman (1956)
Frances Sommer (1957)
Peter Sommer (1955)
Michelle Sonstelie (Guy) (1967)
Patricia Spann (Sers) (1962)
Margo Sperduti (Trollinger) (1967)
Janet Spillane (1965)
Jason Spindler (1968)
Pete Spivey (1965)
Jane Spritzen (Bosman) (1961)
Beverly Stabler (1965)
Judy Standard (Carr) (1966)
Karen Stant (1968)
Judy Starke (1960)
Terrell Ann Starke (1960)
Deborah Stebbins (1960)
James Gilbert Stefen (1960)
Pamela Stephanidis (1963)
Carl Stevens (1955)
Rose Stevenson (1966)
Bonnie Stewart (1961)
Gregory Stewart (1963)
Monica Stewart (1967)
Sandra Stewart (1961)
Kevin Stiefel (1967)
Richard Stillman III (1961)
Ann Stilwell (Strong) (1957)
Judy Stiverson (Kracht) (1961)
Linda Stout (1968)
Jacqueline Strang (Rymill) (1962)
Barbara Strebel (King) (1965)
Michael Strohl (1963)
Linda Sturm (1966)
Annell Suddeth (1963)
Duncan Sullivan (1968)
Judy Sullivan (1962)
Donalta Super (Darby) (1966)
Marilyn Sussina (Sheller) (1962)
Carol Swanagan (1962)
Joanne Swanson (1956)
Bill Sweeney (1966)
William E. Sweeney (1964)
Dani Sweet (1965)
Louise Kathryn Sweet (1965)
Mary Symroski (Koop) (1965)
Carolyn Tanner (1962)
Marian Tarasko (Vetter) (1968)
Carolyn Tatton (1956)
Betsy Taylor (1968)
Constance Taylor (1956)
Edward Taylor (1965)
George Taylor (1963)
Leslie Taylor (1962)
Richard Joseph Taylor (1966)
Winston Taylor (1969)
Emily Teasely (1963)
Cecilie Telles (1962)
Lee Telquist (1960)
Jane Ellen Terry (1953)
Hal Thayer (1971)
Dian Thomas (1965)
Ina Eloise Thomas (1958)
James Thomas (1965)
Jim Thomas (1964)
Kaven Thomas (1964)
Larry Thomas (1965)
Myra Thomas (1968)
Nedda Thomas (Davis) (1963)
Sharon Thomas (1963)
Sheilah Thomas (1966)
Steven A. Thomas (1958)
Alan Thomlinson (1962)
Barbara Ann Thompson (1959)
Nancy Ellen Thompson (1960)
Sharon Thompson (1962)
Steven Thompson (1962)
Perdita "Dee" Thurston (VonOhlen) (1960)
Judith Timmermans (1963)
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Guest Members

Robert Fox Curran (Attended 1962-64) (1969)
Mike Packard (1960)
P Trois (Atteberry)
Robert Webster (American Overseas Sch…)
