Perry Hall Senior High School
Class Of 1983
Treasury Report
Treasury Report
Website- Class Creater Jan 30, 2008- $19.99 -$19.00
Postcards, invitations and stamps - $180.00 -$199.00
Sterling Caterers- Deposit April 7, 2008- $500.00 -$699.00
Oregon Ridge-July 16-$802.50 -$1501.50
Ticket Sales +$507.00 -$994.50
Ticket Sales +$624.00 -$370.50
Sterling Caterers-$2144.70(minimum-Due 8/27) -$2515.20
Ticket Sales +$548.00 -$1967.20
Ticket Sales +$571.00 -$1396.20
Ticket Sales ( ONLINE PAYMENTS) + 799.00 -$597.20
Ticket and misc sales + 159 -$438.20
on line payments +118.00 -$320.20
Sterling Caterers- -$277.51 -597.71
5 years for the website - $95.00 -692.71
Ticket sales at the door + 883.00 + 190.29
2 payments from Web site sponsors +$38.00 + 228.29
Raffle ticket and 50/50 drawing + $467.00 + 695.29
Website- Class Creater Jan 2012- $19.99 +675.30
Richland Ballroom deposit - $500.00 +175.30
DJ Deposit $75.00 +100.30
Website- Class Creater Jan 2013- $37.90 (2 years) +62.13
Postcards, invitations and stamps - $130.00 - 67.87
Chinese Auction ticket, 50/50 , T-shirts $930 +862.13
Ticket sales and donations $6599.87 +7462.00
DJ Noah Parker -$220.00 +7242.00
Richland Ballroom -4674.55 +2567.45
Prizes, decorations, t-shirts, awards (have all receipts) -$1196.00 +1371.45
Sponsor Perry Hall 50th year anniversary - $150.00 = $1221.45
T-shirt sales +15-$ 3 postage = $1233.45
Gunpowder pavillion rental and alcohol permit - $235.36 = $998.09
Sympathy flowers for classmate Joe Hammen- $56.98= $941.11
Sympathy flowers for classmate James DeLoach- $65.00= $876.11
Picnic expenses (-$308.77) Picnic income (+279.47) =$846.81
Website- Class Creater Jan 3, 2015- $19.95= $826.86
Blue Leaf book scanning (+.07 interest) (.- $64.75) =$762.18
Website- Class Creater Jan 3, 2016- $19.95=$742.23
Donations to post yearbook on website+$512.82 =$1255.05
-$200.00 deposit on American Legion Perry Hall =$1055.05
Website- Class Creater Jan 3, 2017- $19.95=$1035.10
Donation in lieu of Sympathy flowers for classmate Diane Schramm Carter- $50.00 = $985.10
- Class Creater Jan 3, 2018- $19.95 =$965.15
DJ deposit / photobooth supplies 6/29/2018 - 258.37= $706.78
Tickets +$206.79/ Donation +$300-T Shirt+ $45.03 -SUPPLIES -$103.98=$1154.62
Aug10- Ticket and t-shirt sales +$2185.03= $3339.65
Aug 24- Ticket sales+$358.74-supplies $314.26- american legion-$2206.05 =1178.08
Sept 10- Ticket sales and chinese Auction+ 1518.48: DJ, Food, flowers and American Legion -960.22 =$1736.34