In Memory

John Onorato

John Onoroato was caught in a rip tide while on vacation in Ocean City, Md on September 17, 2014.


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09/21/14 03:38 PM #1    

June Sommers (Peyer)

My Husband Rob and I sat with John at the 30th Reunion ( along with Judy Muffuletto, and James McDonald and his wife..). How sister Peg and I have known John since elementary school.

God rest his soul,

June Peyer (née Sommers)

06/26/18 04:19 PM #2    

Ellen Johnson (Onorato-Stump)

A true giant of a man, there will never be one bigger... My Love; My Jofo Johnny O. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

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