In Memory

Gary Hoffman

Gary Hoffman

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01/30/17 01:19 PM #1    

Alene McCarthy (Karthas)

I had known Gary since we lived down the street from each other as kids. He used to mow our lawn. He was always a nice guy and I was sorry to hear he had passed. I still think of him every time I go by his old house on Grand. 

03/20/17 12:34 PM #2    

Andrea Louise Sodman (Dugan)

I met Gary when I moved to RC in 7th grade.  He and Dave Dombroski and Nancy Lambert and I spent a lot of time together in those Jr. High summers making skateboards (you know, the ones that really were made from a board and an old skate) and cruising through the neighborhood.  Some time – and this must have been later in high school since we had our driver’s licenses – the four of us drove out to the beach where Gary and Dave tried to teach Nan and me how to surf…my one and only lesson.  I’m so sorry not to be able to say, “I’m looking forward to seeing you this summer, Gary.”

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