In Memory

Dianne Wynne

From Debby Mierly Wright, 12/6/17

Every morning Dianne went for a 1-1/2 hour walk at sunrise.  On Monday, 12/4, she did her walk, slipped on some ice and fell and hit her head badly.  Apparently she went unconscious but revived herself and actually walked back to her condo.  Ten minutes later she passed out and was airlifted to Idaho Falls to the trauma center and never regained consciousness. She died the following day (yesterday, 12/5).  Dianne was so full of energy and never sick a day in her life.  Our hearts go out to Jeff (her husband) who is obviously totally devastated.

I am heartbroken. So glad I went with her for the reunion weekend so at least I have that memory. Toby sent this photo from the reunion party. 

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12/07/17 10:42 PM #10    

Carrol Moran

An absolutely beautiful person both in presence and in spirit! That was Dianne. I remember her at the pool party at McKinley when she came with her younger brothers and sisters in tow and so chic in her blue madras bikini. She had a lot of responsibility at a young age, yet she was adventurous and fun loving. She always seemed so comfortable with who she was in the world. She grew into a dynamic woman with a high powered career, a force of nature. It was her positivity about life that always so impressed me! When we were contacting people about the reunion Diane was the first to volunteer to come early and help out in any way she could. Her excitement and positive spirit were contagious! When she showed up to decorate, she just took charge and handled her tasks so efficiently always with her beautiful smile! I will always think of her in her royal blue outfits reunion week end—she called it her “blue phase”, and she was stunning! I am so grateful we all got to enjoy her at the reunion. She was one of the last people I saw leaving the reunion and I remember thinking, "We may never see each other again and i'm so glad we got to reconnect." My heart goes out to her husband and family as well as her close circle of friends from Sequoia.  Another beautiful spirit lives on eternally in our hearts!

12/08/17 11:14 AM #11    

Mark Meltzer

How shocking and incredibly sad. So glad Dianne was able to come to our 50th and reconnect. She was such a lovely person inside and out.  Hard to believe that in just an instant she is gone forever. 

12/09/17 12:17 PM #12    

Linda Bullock (Hutaff)

This news is both incredibly stunning and heartbreaking sad. I am so sorry for Dianne's family. We are, none of us, promised tomorrow. The entire Memory page fills me with many from our class gone much too soon.

Rest in peace, Dianne.

12/09/17 02:40 PM #13    

Pamela Joan Webber (Hamilton)

What shocking, sad news!   Dianne was such a fun loving, beautiful person.  I'm so sorry I missed the reuinion and was unable to visit with you all.   My heart goes out to Dianne's family.  

12/10/17 02:45 PM #14    

Thomas Schoen

I did not get to know Dianne, but from the comments I've read she was a special persom and I believe she must now be in a better place. It is good to know she was spared a lengthy period of pain or suffering. I do feel bad for her friends and loved ones who must now be feeling the pain of losing her. May their memories sustain them in the coming months and the spirit of Christmas aid in their healing.

12/11/17 07:33 AM #15    

Janis Darlene Paige (Bruha)

Good Morning, I wasn’t able to attend the reunion because of family commitments, but I have read all the comments and enjoyed the many pictures. I didn’t know Diane , but she  seemed like a great person who had many friends. The words Thomas just wrote were words that came from the heart and I agree with each one. Diane is in a beautiful place . Those that are left behind  will always have a special place  in their hearts and will someday feel her joy once again. Thank you Diane for the beautiful memories you gave to those who knew you. 

12/12/17 11:51 AM #16    

Rita Lane Broyles (Matthews)

So saddened by the news of Dianne's accident and passing. She had so much life left to live and reminds us all to live each day to its if it was our last. I did not know her well, but her beautiful smile and presence stands out among her peers. I'm happy to see her again in the reunion pictures. Sending hugs and condolences to her friends and family, with prayers that the emptiness and grief will be filled with happy memories and the knowledge that she lives anew in our hearts. God keep you, Dianne.

[i carry your heart with me(i carry it in]

i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear;and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
                                                      i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)


06/07/18 07:56 AM #17    

Thomas Soto

Hello Classmates: On Memorial Day 5/28/2018 Debbie Mierly Wright and myself along Diane's family, extended family and friends said our final GOOD BYE to our dear friend and class mate by spreading Diane Wynne ashes at the Downieville Cementry. It was a sweet and loving GOOD BYE to Diane she will be missed by all and may God Bless her!   If you should wonder, it was Dianne's wishes that her final resting place was with her father and other members of her family there in Downieville, CA.    Tom Soto 



06/08/18 08:32 AM #18    

Alene McCarthy (Karthas)

How lovely, Tom. Thanks so much for posting. Dianne was a light in this world and I know that light is shining still. 

06/08/18 10:02 AM #19    

Jim Grosset

Sad to hear. I love to walk and last winter I fell down 3 times, one of these days may be my last too.

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