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Donald Abbott
Robert Adcox
Terry Agee
Greg Akers
Lisa Allison (Jones)
Neal Amos
Gary Anderson
Keely Anderson (Richardson)
Tim Angle
Nancy Askew (Winslow)
Terri Austin (Roth)
Ted Ayers
Patty Bales (Huffman)
Tommy Balzer
Michael Barbery
Lisa Barrow
Dorothy Beard (Powell)
Deborah Behl (Barney)
Judy Bennett (Howell)
Robyn Bentley
Cynthia Berglund (McDearmon)
Hollie Blankemeyer (Beveille)
Troy Board
Allen Bober
Bob Boehling
Susanne Boehringer (Patrick)
Arlene Bosco (Usery)
Kathy Bowers (Laing)
Peggy Bowling
Tim Bradley
Warren Britt
Karen Brock (Scott)
Debra Brooks (Hite)
Cindy Brown (St Clair)
Dale Brown
Cindy Bull (McDow)
Kristi Burks (Clark)
Catherine Carroll
Robi Carroll (Sallee)
Scott Carroll
Julie Carter (Berry)
Julie Carter (Berry)
Paul Clark
Steve Claytor
Bill Cleveland
David Clingempeel
Martha Clingenpeel (Young)
Becky Coiner (Miller)
Tony Coleman
Michael Conner
Robbie Cooper
Ruth Craighead (Fisher)
Brenda Daley (Giles)
Julie Dalton (Maness)
Diane Dehaven (Carter)
Richard Dillon
Kirk Divers
Douglas Dobyns
Art Dodd
Steve Downie
Patricia Echols (Morrison)
Margaret Edwards (Edwards)
Rebecca English
Susan Farmer
Michael Finfgeld
Belinda Fisher (Thomas)
Todd Flanary
Buddy Folden
Eli Francis
Laura Francis
Danny Frohock
Mary Rosser Furr
Ralph Furrow
Bobby Garrett
John Gaunsauer
Glenn Gibson
Mark Gliniecki
Todd Gliniecki
Monty Goff
Dana Goodfellow
Julie Goodwin (Wilburn)
Rodney Graham
Liz Gray
Wes Gray
Tabitha Grisso (Nester)
Vicki Gum (Turner)
Marie Hall (Bishop)
Patti Halliburton (Rosa)
Keith Hannabass
Keith Hannabass
David Hardin
Susan Harris (Lipes)
Alan Hartman
Donna Hartman
Patty Hartman (Frazier)
Ann Harwood
Marsha Hatfield (Elwell)
Thomas Hawes
Gene Hawley
Gloria Hill (Lewis)
Kendall Himes (Preas)
Langley Hinchee (Lester)
Kathy Honaker (Turner)
Chris Hudson
David Hutchins
Richard Isner
Kay James (Martin)
Steve Janosko
Page Kalbaugh (Booth)
Michael Kavanaugh, Jr.
Kathleen Keffer (DiCarlo)
Linda Kelley (Marshall)
Rosemary Kemp (Wimberley)
Amy Killinger (Wilhelm)
Catherine King (Swain)
Jim King
Karen King (Synder)
Greg Kinton
Steve Kohne
William Koloda
Gregory Kristoff
Fred Kunc
Teresa Lancaster (Ferguson)
Debra Lankford
Barry Lee
Paige Leech (Comer)
Dale Leidich
Peggy Lester (Morris)
John Lichtenstein
Bonnie Liebal
Lois Light (Peery)
Mark Light
Thomas Lintz
Lindsey Livesay
Paige Lockett (Anderton)
Nancy Logan (Jarvis)
Martin Louthian
Deena Luckado (Griffith)
Gil Lynch
Melanie Mallen
Sherry Manning (Ancarrow)
Tim Manning
John Markhoff
Tim Marshall
Carol Martin (Moles)
Darryl Martin
Keith Martin
Tammy Martin (Sitze)
Virginia Martin
Tony Mason
Sabrina Mater (McHugh)
Robin Mathews (Roth)
Beth Mattocks (Callahan)
Melissa Mayes (Gillespie)
Farah Maynor (Marks)
Paul Mayo
Sallie McClanahan (Godwin)
Carla McCurdy (Bream)
Kevin McCurdy
Kelly McKeever (Greene)
Tina McNeil (Angle)
Leigh Meland (Szukelewicz)
Stuart Meredith
Jan Millehan
Elaine Montgomery (Chocklett)
Karen Moore (Hartman)
Patricia Moore
Teresa Morgan (Tipton)
Stephen Munro
Keith Myers
Tony Nichols
Nancy Norcross
Linda Nunnery (Puckett)
Charles Ogden
Margaret O'Hare (Pfohl)
Mary Orange (Gould)
Mark Overacker
Christopher Overstreet
Gary Oyler
Pam Payne (Simpkins)
Mark Petri
Dan Pilcher
Jim Porterfield
Kelly Powell
J. C. Preas
Bob Price (Price)
Jim Prillaman
Penny Richardson (DeWeese)
Debbie Robbins
Karen Robertson (Serway)
Carrie Roessel
John Sales
Eric Sallee
Neil Schlossberg
Robert Scogin
Scott Shaver
William Shaw
Susan Skeen (Dillon)
Dewey Smith
Tay Sours (Boch)
David Stanley (Stanley)
Jean Swiercinski (Watson)
Sandra Swiney (Moran)
Keenan Taylor
Susan Taylor (Walker)
Cynthia Thompson (Loving)
Mark Thompson
Renee Tunnell (Froelke)
Renee Turner (Martin)
Greg Underwood
Randy Via
Leslie Viar
Carol Weld (King)
James White
Brian Wilkie
Craig Williams
Carl Wilson
Charles Wilson
Delores Wimmer
Greg Wingate
Ellen Wirt (Sheehan)
Karleta Wood (Wood)
Mitzi Wood (Faron)
Michael Woody
Gloria Worrell (Murray)
Kimberly Wright (Saunders)
Ed Zeller