** Make A Donation **

We need your donation to help underwrite the costs of maintaining this website.

Your donation will provide funds to pay for communications to class members and maintaining this website and mailings.  We'll also use donations to help underwrite the costs of the reunion events to keep the ticket price for each event within the reach of each class member while providing an enjoyable experience for all.  Our current hosting agreement will expire the end of 2020 so your donation of any amount will keep us going in the future.  We just renewed our domain name, http://www.rochesterhs61.com, for another two years.  At the end of 2020 we will have to pay to renew the domain name and renew our hosting service, to keep it available to you, at the same time. 

To make a donation, send a personal check or money order payable to: "RHS Class of 1961" and mail to either:

Donna Harned
731 Boblink
Rochester, MI 48309
Billie Yaste Byers
161 E. Tienken Rd
Rochester, MI 48306


If you include your email address on your check you will receive an email acknowledgement.
